


Vestwell is the engine powering modern-day workplace savings and investing programs, such as 401(k) and 403(b) plans). They remove the friction points of confusion, cost, and compliance that come with traditional retirement plans through their easy-to-use digital platform, flexible plan design and i... Read more





Org chart

Aaron Schumm
Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Aaron Schumm

Dave Sheen
Chief Financial Officer
Rob Molchon
Chief Technology Officer
Ryan Anderson
Chief Product Officer
Patty Kim
Chief People Officer
Jonathan Ferrara
COO, Head of Custody Platform Solutions
Allison Brecher
General Counsel & Chief Privacy Officer
Richard Tatum
President, Vestwell Workplace Savings
Douglas Magnolia
Chief Customer Officer & President Vestwell State Savings
John Farmakis
Svp, Enterprise Sales
Kian Rafia
Managing Director | Chief Investment Officer, Head Of Vestwell Advisors
Scott Yin
Director, Corp Dev + Strategy
Allison Wieser
Corporate Development And Strategy Manager
Kelsey Weber Sarihan
Senior Program Manager, Strategic Initiatives
Gina Maria Lemon
VP Partnership Marketing
Nicole Wood
Communications Director
Chloe Leclair
Senior Growth Marketing Associate