Nigel Turner

Head, Cellular Bioenergetics Laboratory at Victor Chang

Prof Nigel Turner is head of the Cellular Bioenergetics Laboratory at the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute and a conjoint professor in the Faculty of Medicine and Health at UNSW. Nigel received a PhD in comparative physiology and biochemistry from the University of Wollongong in 2004. With the support of consecutive NHMRC fellowships, he subsequently conducted postdoctoral studies in the area of mitochondrial metabolism and insulin action in the Diabetes and Metabolism Division at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney. In 2012 he was awarded an ARC Future Fellowship and established the Mitochondrial Bioenergetics Laboratory in the School of Medical Sciences at UNSW Sydney. In 2022 he established his current research group at the Institute.

Prof Turner’s research focuses on investigating factors that regulate mitochondrial function and cellular bioenergetics in healthy and diseased states. In particular, his research group employs advanced techniques and experimental models to provide insight into how aberrations in cellular energy metabolism may contribute to the pathogenesis of conditions including cardiometabolic disease and cancer.

Prof Turner is a council member of the Australian and New Zealand Obesity Society and chair of the Metabolism and Molecular Medicine interest group of the Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. He is an associate editor for Frontiers in Endocrinology and is on the editorial board for The American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism and The Journal of Applied Physiology and Biology. He has authored more than 140 career publications and has received funding from NHMRC, ARC, Diabetes Australia and Tour de Cure.


Sydney, Australia

