Virginia Stage Company


The premier professional theatre in southeastern Virginia, Virginia Stage Company was founded in 1978 by members of the Hampton Roads community who had a deep desire to make live theatre a part of the area’s cultural life.




Org chart

Jeff Ryder
Managing Director

Jeff Ryder

Tom Quaintance
Producing Artistic Director
Jordan Setzer
Director of Enrichment & Tours
Emel Ertugrul
Operations Director & Local Casting Director
Jeni Schaefer
Director of Design
George Righter
Assistant Technical Director
Emma D. Emde
Properties Manager
Tara Moscopulos
Finance Manager
Kandis Hyde
Director of Development
Erin Pretlow
Managing Director
Tiara Dimond
Managing Director
Maya Bowers
Technical Director
Crystal Tuxhorn
Graphic Designer, Marketing
Connor Norton
Marketing & Education Associate
Sara Schaefer
Box Office Supervisor
Reicse Owen
Box Office Associate
Cristina Shafarman
Box Office Associate
Russell Teagle
Box Office Associate