Daniela Cavallo

Supervisory Board Member at Volkswagen Group

Daniela Cavallo has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Volkswagen AG since 11 May 2021. Daniela Cavallo was born in Wolfsburg on 03 April 1975. She is an Italian citizen. In 1994 she passed her A Levels in Wolfsburg and began a commercial apprenticeship at Volkswagen AG. After her apprenticeship, Daniela Cavallo worked as a trainer at the former VW Coaching (now Group Academy) and qualified extra-occupational as a business economist. After holding positions in the youth and trainee representation and in the shop stewards' executive committee, she became an elected member of the works council in 2002, initially with responsibility for the Auto 5000 labour market policy project.

From 2010 onwards, Cavallo was a divisional works council member in Wolfsburg, responsible, among other things, for human resources, organisational development, VW Coaching (today‘s Group Academy) and VW‘s Consulting. From 2013 onwards, as a member of the managing works committee at the Wolfsburg plant, she headed a coordination area with around 7000 employees. Also since 2013, Cavallo has been a member of the general works council and, at this level, chair of the committee for basic personnel regulations, which deals with personnel management and personnel policy issues. Daniela Cavallo negotiated the field of personnel transformation at the "Zukunftspakt" (pact for the future) in 2016. At the beginning of 2019, Daniela Cavallo moved up to the position of Deputy Chairperson of the General and Group Works Council. Since the end of April 2021, she has been Chairwoman of the Works Council at the Wolfsburg site and Chairwoman of the General and Group Works Council. Daniela Cavallo has been Deputy Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Volkswagen Financial Services AG since the beginning of 2019.

Due to her diverse, decade-long activities in various bodies of company and trade union co-determination as well as in supervisory boards, Daniela Cavallo has in-depth knowledge of the automotive industry and collective bargaining policy. In addition, she has special knowledge and experience of labour issues and government relations. Furthermore, Daniela Cavallo has special experience in working with associations, NGOs and especially trade unions.