Matías Carnero Sojo

Supervisory Board Member at Volkswagen Group

Matías Carnero has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Volkswagen AG since April 1, 2021. Matías Carnero was born on 4th of April 1968 in Barcelona. In 1987 he joined SEAT as an assembly worker at the Barcelona plant and later became a foreman. In 1988 he was elected as a delegate of the union. In 1999 he became chairman of the SEAT works council in Martorell, and in 2003 general secretary and spokesman for the UGT union at SEAT. Since 2003 Carnero has been a member of the Presidium of the European and Global Group Works Council in the Volkswagen Group. He has been President of the UGT Catalunya since 2016.

Due to his diverse, decade-long activities in various bodies of company and trade union co-determination, Mr. Carnero has in-depth knowledge of the automotive industry and collective bargaining policy. In addition, he has special knowledge and experience in the areas of Government relations and employees' issues. He also has special experience in cooperation with politics, associations and especially trade unions.


  • Supervisory Board Member

    Current role