Veerle Bens

Lid Algemeen Bestuur (cda) at Waterschap Aa en Maas

Veerle Bens currently serves as Campagnecoördinator jongeren waterschap for CDA since 2019 and holds positions as Kandidaat Algemeen Bestuur Waterschap Aa en Maas, Lid, and HRM secretaris Brabant. Additionally, Veerle occupies roles as Voorzitter at CDJA Brabant and Medewerker invordering at MijnGemeenteDichtbij since February 2022. Prior experience includes Medewerker lokale belastingen at Involon BV, various roles related to kwijtschelding and customer contact at different tax collaboration organizations, and a position as Bestuurslid Ledenwerving & Activiteiten with CDJA. Veerle served as Penningmeester for CDJA Brabant until late 2020. Educational accomplishments include a Bachelor's degree in Openbaar bestuur from Radboud University and completion of studies at Bestuursacademie Nederland in 2022.
