Linus Birgerstam

CTO at Weavy

Linus Birgerstam is currently the CTO at Weavy. Prior to that, they were a System Architect at Mindroute Incentive from September 2012 to August 2019. Linus was also a System Architect at Labs² from April 2006 to April 2008. From January 2001 to April 2006, they were a System Developer at Lorensbergs Communication AB.

Linus Birgerstam has a Master of Science in Computer Engineering from Chalmers University of Technology.

Linus Birgerstam reports to Rickard Hansson, CEO & Founder. They are on a team with Prem Sundaram - Sales Manager, Lydia Nicoll - CMO, and Robert Hess - COO.