The Teaching Staff at WereldKidz is responsible for providing high-quality education tailored to each student's abilities, nurturing their social and emotional development, and encouraging independence and responsibility in a stimulating learning environment. This team actively promotes respect and cultural awareness among students and fosters a robust partnership with parents to ensure a holistic educational experience.
Anne van der Sluys V...
Anthea Kelder
Leraar Basisonderwijs
Claudine van Vliet
Leraar Basisonderwijs
Marina Voorend
Intern Begeleider En Leerkrach...
Mariska Wright
Mariëlle Aleva-Schil...
Leraar Basisonderwijs
Martine V.
Leerkracht Bovenbouw
Mieke Visser
Leraar Basisonderwijs
Nel Tolenaars
Leerkracht Voltijds HB Onderwi...
Niels van Oudenallen