The Social Support Team at WIJ Groningen is dedicated to enhancing the self-reliance and participation of residents within the Groningen municipality. Comprising coordinators, youth counselors, social advisors, and behavioral scientists, the team collaborates to address a wide range of social issues, providing personalized support and preventive measures to ensure all community members can actively engage in society.
Hilda de Jong
Praktijkbegeleider Basis Jeugd...
Irene Koster
Casusregisseur, Jeugdconsulent...
Jennifer Castillo
Ervaringsdeskundige Bemoeizorg...
Marjon van der Veen
Coördinator Entree
Marlies Bakker
Sociaal Raadsvrouw
Quinty Koster
Coördinator Entree
Sanne Brands
Generalist Wmo
Simone Pieterse
Gedragswetenschapper (orthoped...
Vincent Galliard
Jeugdconsulent/algemeen Maatsc...
Yvonne Mulders
Preventief Medewerker Jeugd, F...
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