Wilbert Funeral Services, Inc.


Wilbert Funeral Services Inc is the industry leader in burial vaults and related products with a heritage of product innovation dating back to 1880 when company forerunner LG Haase Manufacturing offered the first concrete burial vaults in the United States.

Org chart

Mark Bates
President and CEO

Mark Bates

Amy Anderson
Chief People Officer
Cullen Rosine, CSP
Chief Safety Officer
Darice Schirber
Chief Financial Officer
David Faoro
Vice President Information Technology
Jason Younggren
Chief Operations Officer
Justin Iske
Chief Financial Officer
Lisa A. Epps
Senior Vice President, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Matt Stewart
Senior Vice President
Royden Wood
Vice President of Licensee Development
Sara Mabin
Executive Assistant to Chief Executive Officer
Johnny Moller
Sales and Marketing