
1 follower

WorkStride builds highly configurable channel incentive, employee recognition, and rewards programs that address and adapt to dynamic business needs, helping clients increase engagement, optimize performance, and enhance impact on the bottom line.





Org chart

Sergio Gomez's profile picture
Sergio Gomez
Senior Vice President, Client Success
Alvin Jacob
Sr.java full stack developer
Dante Omar Olmedo's profile picture
Dante Omar Olmedo
Back-End Developer
Eric R.'s profile picture
Eric R.
Lead FE Software Engineer
Iván Guillermo Aldana's profile picture
Iván Guillermo Aldana
Database Enginner, Architect and Developer
Leonardo C.'s profile picture
Leonardo C.
Senior Software Engineer
Nathan Loiselle's profile picture
Nathan Loiselle
DevOps Engineer
Vasu Sista's profile picture
Vasu Sista
Software Engineer
Cesar Afuang
Senior Accountant
Fiona Soon, CPA
Brian Dodds
VP, Sales
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