André Franz

Manager at Xchange Technology GmbH

André Franz is the current Manager at Xchange Technology GmbH, a position they have held for 11 years and 2 months. Prior to their current role, André served as Geschäftsleitung at Xchange Technology GmbH for an unknown duration of time.

André Franz has over 11 years of experience in management and technology. André is an expert in their field and has helped Xchange Technology GmbH grow into the successful company it is today. Under André's leadership, the company has developed groundbreaking new technology that has revolutionized the way businesses operate.

André is a dedicated and passionate manager who cares about their employees and their success. André is always looking for new ways to improve the company and help it grow. André is a true asset to Xchange Technology GmbH and has played a vital role in its success.

The individual named André Franz attended the Hessische Berufsakademie Frankfurt, where they studied business administration and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree.



  • Manager

    Current role