Narayanan Iyer

Chief Architect at YottaDB

Although his first job after graduation was writing network software, Narayanan Iyer had long wanted to work in databases and jumped at the chance to join Bhaskar at Greystone in 1997 as an entry level developer. Over the next several years, his passion for databases led him to his role as the GT.M Chief Architect. His deep knowledge of the internal architecture of database engines in general, and GT.M in particular, provided the leadership that brought GT.M (with FIS Profile as the application) many firsts. Among these firsts is the first transaction processing system with unlimited geographic separation between data centers for business continuity with eventual consistency that ensured not just database state but also the path through state-space, the first real-time core-banking system to break the 1,000 online transaction per second barrier (with every transaction having full ACID properties), the first core banking system to go live on Linux, and much more.

In 2017, Narayanan joined Bhaskar at YottaDB to continue enhancing his favorite code base and to allow it to benefit the broadest possible range of applications.

Naryanan earned his Bachelor’s degree from Anna University in Chennai and a Master’s degree from the Indian Institute of Science in Bengaluru, both in Computer Science.


  • Chief Architect

    Current role