Steve Estes

Senior Staff Engineer at YottaDB

Steve Estes enjoys designing and coding low level software dealing with register allocation, stack frames, cache coherency, and compiler code generation.

Starting at Greystone in 1996, he was responsible for many of the scripting language and run-time system enhancements to GT.M. Steve was behind the phased migration of GT.M from a 32-bit architecture to a 64-bit architecture, transforming code generation from custom code to a table-and-template driven structure that allows it to be ported more easily to new CPU architectures. In addition, he gave GT.M the ability to place generated object code in shared libraries and then in shared memory so that tens of thousands of concurrent processes can execute the same code with a minimal memory footprint (the latter while allowing the code to be compiled on demand and dynamically updated so that all processes can run code as it is updated during their lifetimes), and much more.

In 2017, Steve joined Bhaskar at YottaDB, to continue enhancing the YottaDB/GT.M code base to make it accessible to new classes of users.

Prior to his tenure with GT.M, Steve worked at IBM for several years, initially supporting CP/CMS for IBM Research, including helping to migrate it from 24-bit addressing to 31-bit addressing, and later working on the port of the iSeries from a 32-bit CISC architecture CPU to the 64/65-bit RISC architecture CPU it now shares with the pSeries. Subsequently, he also worked on the Model 204 database at the then Computer Corporation of America.

In addition to undergraduate courses at the University of Connecticut, Steve’s training includes internal technical classes at IBM as well as training at Red Hat.

Org chart


  • Senior Staff Engineer

    Current role