The Administration and Coordination team at Stichting Zorgfederatie Oldenzaal is responsible for managing financial transactions, providing secretarial support, overseeing facility operations, advising on educational initiatives, coordinating eHealth and technological innovations, managing software applications, organizing staffing schedules at various locations, and assisting executive management. This team ensures seamless operations and contributes to the high-quality care provided to clients.
Cynthia Haafkes - de...
Medewerkster Debiteuren-/credi...
Erik Derkink
Coordinator Ehealth En Technol...
Ewald Damhuis
Coördinator Facilitair
Ilse Snijders
Marloes Jonkman-Wigg...
Secretaresse En Or-secretariaa...
Rebecca Martherus
Therodia Render-Vern...
Voorzitter Ondernemingsraad
Wim Jan Mansier
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