
Explore 128 companies in Albania



Encouraging and supporting the socio-economic development of the territory and the reference community in a prosperous and sustainable well-being perspective, with a proactive and summarizing role, due to the ability to provide institutions and businesses with resources, knowledge and innovative pro

Junior Achievement (JA) is the world’s largest organization dedicated to educating students about workforce readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy through experiential, hands-on programs. JA programs help prepare young people for the real world by showing them how to generate wealth and

Bashkia Vlore


Bashkia Vlore is a company based out of Vlore, Albania (Bashkia Vlore), 00000 Vlorë, Vlora, Vlorë, Albania.

Albanian Post is a public service company client oriented, with its wide network spread out the whole territory up to the further rural areas, offers a wide range of postal and financial services having quality and competitive prices for the individuals, institutions, businesses, even for those



Call e contact center Sviluppa soluzioni di servizi integrati per il Front Office (Call e contact center) in outsourcing. L’obiettivo principale è quello di consolidare e mantenere la Customer Satisfaction. Nell’ambito della propria struttura organizzativa è presente a tale scopo un’area di Proje

EDUCATIONAL CENTRE provides the largest collection of Foreign Language Teaching Books in English, German, Italian, Spanish, French and Greek language.We also provide a huge variety of Academic books for special purposes. Exclusive distributor of Cambridge University Press, Richmond Publishing, Garne

ABC Health Foundation: Serving Albania since 1994! As expressed in the statutes of the ABC Health Foundation our aims are to: - Promote and model quality primary healthcare in Albania. - Promote health education of the population of Albania. - Facilitate quality medical education and trai

Qendra Spitalore Universitare “Nënë Tereza” në Tiranë është institucioni shëndetësor më i madh në Shqipëri dhe si institucion shëndetësor akademik është i vetmi i këtij lloji, duke u klasifikuar si e vetmja qendër shëndetësore terciare shqiptare. Aktualisht QSU “Nënë Tereza” ofron shërbim shëndetës

Fiber Shpk


Fiber, Call Center italiano in Albania: tra i servizi principali telemarketing inbound, telemarketing outbound, teleselling, help desk e gestione numeri verdi

Sinjali i transmetimit të Televizionit Albanian Screen shtrihet në të gjithë Europën, pa pagesë, dhe ka një mbulim të të gjithë zonës Europe-Afrikë Veriore dhe Azinë Përendimore me sinjal satelitor 24 orë që prej vitit 2003 në kordinatat e mëposhtme: Kordinatat e transmetimit Satelitor për zonën

Te Stela Resort


Te Stela Resort është vendi i duhur per te gjitha moshat. Themelimi i Resortit në vitin 2009 përkoi me 15 vjetorin e Birrës Stela, dhe tashmë është Resorti me më shumë shërbime në Ballkan. Te Stela Hotel – Një oaz i vogël qetësie, larg zhurmës së kryeqytetit, por fare pranë, përmban 100 dhoma, të g

“Ne punojmë për ofrimin e shërbimeve me cilësi dhe në kohë për taksapaguesit, nëpërmjet manaxhimit të sistemeve të rregjistrimit të dhënies së informacionit, shpjegimit, llogaritjes së detyrimit, përshpejtimit dhe lehtësimit të proçedurave për pagesat e taksave vendore për të gjitha subjektet taksap



Established In July of 2003. ALBA-TRANS L.t.d. is today one of the largest firms in the country, providing superior quality transportation service & tour – travel services. The growth we have achieved over the past years is certainly attributable to our top management team who have managed the busin

"Grand Casino Tirana offers for it's guests the full range of world-class casino entertainment in an environment dedicated to hospitality and service. Our staff, all take ownership of their roles to create a memorable gaming experience. We maintain integrity of the games at all times. Find us at -1

What unites us all is the passion for food. Snapfood affects a wide audience in the field of gastronomy. Snapfood is the fastest and most convenient way to order food wherever you are. Following just a few simple steps, you can choose to order from a variety of restaurants and kitchens, the number g

Alpet Albania


“ALPET” është shoqëri e themeluar në vitin 2005, me zyra qëndrore në kryeqytet, në rrugën “Pjetër Bogdani” në zonën e ish – bllokut.



BUY AT BRUNES SHOP A message from us In Brunes Group, we believe in reliability, integrity, professionalism, total quality management, teamwork and showing respect to our clients and associates. Throughout our history, we have been a source

Devoll Hydropower Sh.A. (DHP) është një kompani e regjistruar në Shqipëri, nën pronësi dhe e operuar prej kompanisë norvegjeze Statkraft AS. Në përputhje me një Marrëveshje Koncesioni të nënshkruar dhe miratuar nga Parlamenti Shqiptar në 2009, Devoll Hydropower ka ndërtuar dhe operon hidrocentralet

PROGEEN houses most if its services in-house and is able to offer complete turnkey solutions which include design, production, construction and other legal or documentation handling like permits, applications etc through various contract types like FIDIC etc. Progeen shpk is a construction company

Operatori i Shpërndarjes së Energjisë Elektrike Sh.A. (OSHEE Group Sh.A) është person juridik që funksionon si shoqëri aksionare, organizimi i së cilës bëhet në përputhje me parashikimet e Ligjit Nr. 9901, date 14.4.2008 “Për tregtarët dhe shoqëritë tregtare” ( i ndryshuar). OSHEE Sh.A është regjis

UNITED BANK OF ALBANIA A shareholding company registered as a juridical person with the Decision No. 4315 date 13.05.1993 of Tirana District Court. Licensed by the Bank of Albania with the License No. 03 date 11.01.1999 “To operate as a bank in the Republic of Albania” It exercises its activity i

Autoriteti Kombëtar për Sigurinë Kibernetike (AKSK) ka përgjegjësinë e mbikëqyrjes së zbatimit të Ligjit Nr.9880/2008 "Për Nënshkrimin Elektronik" , Ligjit Nr.107/2015 "Për Identifikimin Elektronik dhe Shërbimet e Besuara" si dhe Ligji Nr. 25/2024 "Për Sigurinë Kibernetike" dhe të akteve nënligjor



INOVA creates tailor-made digital solutions by developing and producing them based on our clients' unique business demands and challenges.

3 followers is the leading online, self-service survey data analysis and delivery platform. Market researchers and insights professionals collaborate using an intuitive, drag-and-drop interface to analyze, visualize and deliver insights quickly and easily in a secure, cloud-based environment.

OTP Bank Albania


Ne jemi këtu për t’u kujdesur për ju, për t’u rritur dhe për të ndarë suksesin së bashku, falë eskpertizës tonë gjatë rrugëtimit drejt së ardhmes. Misioni ynë është të zbulojmë, mirëpresim, zhvillojmë dhe mbështesim anën më të mirë të gjithësecilit. Vizioni ynë është të renditemi ndër bankat e para


1 follower

Over 21 years, NOA has been a dynamic player in the local market supporting Albanian families and small entrepreneurs to develop their businesses and their way of living.

Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) is an independently functioning institutional mechanism, founded by the Western Balkans 6 participants (WB 6): Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, aiming to promote the spirit of reconciliation and cooperation bet

We are Landmark Communications, a “360-degree service provider” communication agency operating and leading the market since 2011 by exploiting the right communication channels to reach the aimed target audience. Our services include Marketing, Advertising, Digital, Creative and Public Relations. W

Banka Amerikane e Investimeve është pjesë e grupit NCH Capital. NCH Capital është një nga investitorët më të mëdhenj dhe të mirënjohur amerikanë me mbi 3 miliardë dollarë nën administrim. Duke filluar nga viti 1992, NCH Capital ka krijuar një eksperiencë të gjatë në Europën Lindore me projekte d

Tax Administration of Kosovo is an Executive Agency, which functions with full operational autonomy within the Ministry of Finance and Economy. Tax Administration of Kosovo is responsible for applying the provisions of the present law and any other legislation applicable in Kosovo that requires



Almotech is founded as an entrepreneurship to provide software B2B solution and a number of quality services. Registered since FY 2015/16 at NRC (QKR). The Almotech team is composed of skilled youngsters, passionate and motivated team members who are capable of using advanced technologies to enable

Embark on the journey of a lifetime with Nomad Camper, where adventure meets comfort in the heart of Albania. Specializing in premium camper rentals, we offer the freedom to explore Albania's stunning landscapes at your own pace. Our modern fleet combines convenience and luxury to ensure an unforget

VEGA Energy


VEGA Energy is your reliable partner for developing large-scale renewable energy projects. We specialize in creating photovoltaic parks that utilize the latest technologies to produce clean and sustainable energy. Our professional team is dedicated to ensuring that each project is executed to the hi



Facilization is an IT services and software business firm that offers turnkey solutions for digital banks.

The Raiffeisen Bank is the largest bank in Albania, with more than 60% of all retail deposits and the largest branch network.

McCann Tirana


We are McCann Tirana: A world-renowned name in an eclectic corner of the Balkans. We are a century-long tradition operating in a nascent communications landscape. We carry an ambitious mission: To help our clients in developing strong brands that speak customer truth creatively. We are strategists,


Best platform to buy and sell vehicles or parts. Help to connect users with business that operate in the automobile industry.


1 follower

We are one of the most successful groups in the Western Balkans, constantly moving forward to create new business opportunities and grow together with the communities of the areas we are present. We are committed to apply the highest standards in all the industries, representing a reliable and firm



Publer is a social media management platform that allows you to collaborate, schedule & analyze your posts on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Business Profiles, YouTube, WordPress, Telegram, and Mastodon from the same spot. We're extremely proud to be a 100% bootst

Top Channel TV


Top Channel is an independent national television. Its signal covers the whole of the country’s territory. Top Channel’s signal can also be received all over Europe through the Digitalb platform as well as in the North America through the two IPTV platforms TVALB and Shqip TV. Top Channel was fou

One Albania


Mirë se vini në One Albania, ku njerëzit frymëzojnë teknologjinë! Ne jemi një kompani telekomunikacioni rajonale, pjesë e grupit hungarez 4iG. Ofrojmë shërbime të plota komunikimi si telefoni e lëvizshme, telefoni fikse, internet dhe IPTV. Në One Albania, jeni në një rrjet të sigurt, të shpejtë dhe

Gener 2


Gener is currently developing the Qarrishta Hydropower Plant, located in the Eastern part of Albania.  The project utilizes a run of the river scheme which when completed will have a total installed capacity of 35 MW. Gener 2 holds the concession license to build, own, operate, and transfer the Drag

SPAR Albania


Biznesi i rrjetit të marketeve dhe hiper marketeve SPAR filloi historinë e tij në një market hollandez në 1932 dhe tani përfshin më shumë se 13,300 markete mbi 48 vende të botës. SPAR Albania është pjesë e grupit më të madh dhe inovator të investimeve në Shqipëri, Balkan Finance Investment (Balfin).



At ikubINFO we know how to craft solutions through technology. More than 30 years of experience and a relentless pursuit of improvement have made ikubINFO the leading Software Engineering company in Albania. Our ever-growing team of 250+ professionals and the continuous investment in our people are

Financial Institution

ProCredit Bank is a development-oriented commercial bank. We offer excellent customer service to small and medium enterprises and to private individuals who would like to save. In our operations, we adhere to a number of core principles: we value transparency in our communication with customers, we



Meet IKONS SEE, your trusted nearshore partner. We're a dynamic and versatile team comprised of Software Developers, Business Analysts, Quality Assurance Specialists, IT Recruiters, Digital Transformation experts, Management Consultants, and Marketing Professionals. With an international background