
Explore 1,558 companies in Austria

Casinos Austria


Casinos Austria maintains dominant positions in the licensed Austrian market for casinos, online gaming and gaming machines.

Mosdorfer GmbH

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In the fields of fittings and damping systems for high-voltage overhead transmission lines in this world, the companies belonging to KNILL Energy are strategic partners of international utilities. Besides holistic turnkey systems, which will always be adapted to local conditions, well-aimed develop



Where we are is in front! DIG is an excellent provider of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), stands for leadership in the field of electronic business and the sustainable optimization of processes. Our integrated solution eRelation is Best in Class. It stands for the simplification and accele

Die ORS-Gruppe besteht aus Österreichische Rundfunksender GmbH & Co KG (ORS) und ihrer Tochtergesellschaft ORS comm GmbH & Co KG (ORS comm). Die ORS entstand Anfang 2005 aus der Sendetechnik des ORF und steht zu 60 Prozent im Eigentum des ORF und zu 40 Prozent im Eigentum der zur Raiffeisen-Gruppe

0 followers is a startup company that provides easy access to their financial data.



enspired is a fully digital energy trading-as-a-service company. We drive the energy transition by enabling our clients to bring flexible assets to power spot markets and capture their full value with our AI-based trading services. Our team consists of leading algorithmic traders, data scientists an

StartUs Insights


StartUs Insights is a data-science company on the mission to map the world’s information on innovation, emerging companies, and technologies. We achieve this through the StartUs Insights Discovery Platform, covering over 1.3 million startups & scaleups globally. Our Big Data & AI-powered innovation



fynk lets you automate the entire contract lifecycle. It allows you to create, edit, review, approve, sign, analyse and manage contracts.

The University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien was founded to inspire people to study technical subjects and to respond to the demand for top technical professionals in the industry.

Wolf Theiss


Wolf Theiss is one of the leading law firms in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (CEE/SEE). We have built our reputation on a combination of unrivalled local knowledge and strong international capability. We opened our first office in Vienna over 60 years ago. Our team now brings together ove



Viadonau is an international waterway operator that specializes in infrastructure management, shipping, logistics, and navigation systems.



Fringe Benefits Software, employee discounts, taxfree benefits, SaaS, employee retention

Our Mission A.M.I.’s mission is to improve the quality of patient care by developing innovative products and treatment methods for surgical application. From the concept stage right through to completion of research and development, A.M.I. is assisted by a group of experienced medical professionals

APV offers its users innovative agricultural engineering in the field of seeding - spreading - cultivating. We employ about 150 employees in our company (national and international).

Die „FMA Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich“ ist Österreichs Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehörde. Einerseits ist sie die zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde für die Beaufsichtigung von Kreditinstituten, Versicherungsunternehmen, Pensionskassen, betrieblichen Vorsorgekassen, Wertpapierfirmen und -dienstleistern, Investm

Ventocom GmbH


Ventocom GmbH stands as a leading virtual network operator, renowned for its innovative approach in the telecommunications sector. Ventocom GmbH was founded in 2013 in Vienna, Austria. On January, 2nd 2015, the first brand "HoT" (HOFER-Telecom) launched its services. The company’s flagship brand,


1 follower

We love fleets. Big ones, small ones. Shared ones, professional ones. Especially growing electric ones.

Willkommen bei der OeKB Gruppe. Als zentraler Finanzdienstleister unterstützen wir die österreichische Wirtschaft mit vielfältigen Services.



Wir ermöglichen Markenwachstum in unserer sich ständig verändernden Plattform–Welt, quer über alle Touchpoints. Weil wir eine mit Audiences, Culture, Creativity, Data und Tech verbundene Agentur sind - und mit LOOP und Publicis Groupe Germany die richtigen Partner haben.



Who we are ... accilium is founded on the idea that nothing is built to last unless it is built to evolve. As a management consultancy, we specialize on issues related to the future of mobility and accelerate the necessary digital transformation of our customers within the mobility ecosystem (Automo

BRUNA The Label


We create high quality and responsibly made jewelry to make every look outstanding & conscious – This is BRUNA 🤍 With BRUNA we have a mission - not a simple one, but ambitious and inspiring enough to make you an expert in your craft. We aim to not only make every look special but to contribute to

Nexi Austria


Über Nexi in Österreich: Die Nexi Group ist der führende Zahlungsdienstleister und Paytech-Anbieter in Europa und in mehr als 25 Ländern aktiv. Mit über 2 Millionen Unternehmen im stationären Handel, im E-Commerce und im Omnichannel-Handel in Europa steht die Nexi Group für intuitive, vollständig d


1 follower

Die Mediaprint Zeitungs- und Zeitschriftenverlag Ges.m.b.H. & Co KG ist Österreichs größtes Printmedienhaus. 1988 als Zusammenschluss der Verlage Kronen Zeitung und KURIER gegründet, nimmt MediaPrint deren zeitungswirtschaftliche Belange in den Bereichen Anzeigen, Druck und Vertrieb wahr. Mit den v


1 follower

SILENT-YACHTS is a transportation company that provides boat production and dealership services, brokerage, and tender management.

MAS Austria


MAS is the trendsetter for upcycling plastics with efficient extrusion lines. MAS's unique, internationally renowned twin-screw technology is combined with a modular machine concept. This results in automated production lines from raw material to high-quality pellets. Future-oriented solutions with



Windhager is a wholesaler and supplier company that offers a variety of home and garden, insect protection, and pest control goods.

CRIF Austria

1 follower

CRIF is the leading provider in continental Europe of banking credit information, one of the key players worldwide providing integrated services and solutions for business & commercial information and credit & marketing management, and is included in the prestigious FinTech 100, a ranking of the lea



voestalpine is a globally leading technology and capital goods group with a unique combination of material and processing expertise. voestalpine, which operates globally, has around 500 Group companies and locations in more than 50 countries on all five continents.

VTU Group


The companies of the VTU group are engineers, consultants and suppliers of industrial process plants. Their work focuses on process engineering and project management from the conceptual design to a successful start-up. Furthermore VTU offers GMP services as part of the qualification and validation

Normann Engineering is a leading provider of components and innovative solutions for broadband operators across Europe and beyond. We specialize in FttH, HFC, and other broadband networks. In addition to our product offerings, we provide a comprehensive range of technical services, including system



We drive international growth of high potential European tech companies

Zell am See-Kaprun, right in the heart of Austria, is one of the most multifaceted year-round holiday destinations. There is no other region in the Alps that offers so many spectacular places for excursions and alpine sights located as close together. Mighty mountains, mellow pastures, the glistenin

Österreichische Lotterien Gesellschaft m.b.H (Austrian Lotteries) was founded in September 1986 with the purpose of introducing Lotto "6 out of 45"​ in Austria. At the same time, the operation of Toto – as a premier source of financing for the Austrian sports funding – was transferred from the Austr


1 follower

Onlim specialises in automated customer communication via chatbots and voice assistants. We offer a Conversational AI platform and have established ourselves as a major player for customized chatbots and voice assistants in the DACH region.

Die WKO Oberösterreich vertritt die Interessen von über 100.000 Mitgliedsbetriebe. Als starke Stimme der Unternehmen setzen wir uns für eine zukunftsorientierte und wirtschaftsfreundliche Politik in den Bereichen Fach-/Arbeitskräfte, Innovation/Digitalisierung, Nachhaltigkeit/Ökologisierung, Entlast



At Infoniqa, everything focuses on you - as a customer, as a user, as a partner. For 30 years, we have focused on actively supporting HR departments in all industries and of all sizes. Whether with intuitive software tools, precise consulting or practical services: What matters to us are your goals

EMCO Corporation


Designer and builder of CNC production lathes and milling machines, including vertical turning machines. Integrated, time-saving automated part handling is a hallmark of EMCO cells. Another important part of the company's line are small CNC mills and lathes for education and training purposes. Main



Candera GmbH in Linz, Austria, is a leading HMI tool provider and development partner for worldwide automotive & industrial customers. Candera supports its customers with the CGI Studio tool environment as well as provision of software services mainly in the areas of HMI development and embedded sof


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Die NOVOMATIC-Gruppe ist mit mehr als 3,9 Milliarden Euro Umsatz im Jahr 2015 einer der größten Gaming-Technologiekonzerne der Welt.

Das AGRANA Research & Innovation Center (ARIC) ist das Forschungs– und Entwicklungsunternehmen der AGRANA-Gruppe. Sowohl national als auch international fungiert ARIC als Dienstleister von Forschung und Entwicklung sowie Services in den Bereichen Zucker–, Lebensmittel–, Stärke–, Frucht– und Biotechn

Since its founding about 40 years ago in Vorarlberg/Austria, GANTNER has established itself as a pioneer in the field of contactless Near Field Communication (NFC) electronic hardware. GANTNER supplies solutions based on NFC/RFID technology for leisure facilities such as fitness clubs, attraction a


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Leaders21 is an e-learning platform that offers a diverse portfolio of personal training and services.



Storyclash track and analytics influencer content on instagram.


1 follower

SKIDATA AG is a global leading provider of access, management and ticketing solutions for quick and safe access of people and vehicles.

UNCAC Coalition


The UNCAC Coalition is the only global network uniting civil society actors from all backgrounds committed to promoting the ratification, implementation and monitoring of the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC). The Convention is the only binding universal anti-corruption instrument and has bee

With the MXP software suite, MarineXchange offers the only enterprise software platform for the cruise industry. It provides a complete portfolio of powerful tools to better manage cruise-ship operations in a corporate office as well as onboard ships. It allows cruise lines to manage all guest and c



Compare 12,000+ mountain & beach activities: rafting, paragliding, water sports, skiing, snowboarding & more. Read customer reviews & find the best price.

The Austrian family business Plasser & Theurer supplies track maintenance machines of almost all kinds and sizes. The machines offered cover all works to be performed when maintaining, laying and renewing railway tracks. As a full-range supplier operating worldwide, Plasser & Theurer is a competen

WIR SORGEN FÜR IHR WOHLBEFINDEN. Erde, Wasser, Luft und Sonne: Bei der Nutzung natürlicher Energiequellen zählt das Unternehmen iDM Energiesysteme europaweit zu den Vorreitern. Bereits seit der Unternehmensgründung im Jahr 1977 beschäftigt sich der österreichische Anbieter mit regenerativen Energie

Dietzel Univolt


Dietzel Univolt is an independent family enterprise with a strong international orientation. As full-line distributor we provide our customers with a wide range of state-of-the-art electrical installation material.