
Explore 1,558 companies in Austria

Bank Gutmann AG


Bank Gutmann provides asset management, investment advice & lombard financing services.



Arsenalia is a corporate group made up of dreamers living the present. We encourage people ambitions and stimulate their knowledge and creativity, we welcome and grow new initiatives that helps the world we’re living in. Arsenalia is the place of those who look ahead helping other dreaming minds t

AICHELIN Ges.m.b.H., with its headquarters in Mödling near Vienna, is one of the leading European companies for atmosphere-based industrial furnaces and systems for the heat treatment of metal components. The Austrian company has 100 employees and focuses not only on the production of industrial fur

Oberösterreichische Versicherung is an insurance company based out of Gruberstrasse 32, Linz, Oberösterreich, Austria. Keine Sorgen, Österreich und Deutschland! Von der ländlichen Brandassekuranz zur modernen Nummer eins im Land: Als älteste und damit erste Versicherung Österreichs blickt die frühe

Avcon Jet AG


Avcon Jet. Unimpossible. We are one of Europe's major business aviation companies with offices on four continents. Our experts look after your aircraft with utmost diligence.



Since April 2012 hotelkit is the new industry solution for an interactive employees' network in hotel business. Much time and passion is invested in the development of hotelkit. Behind this product lies a young and motivated team, which is constantly striving to optimize the intranet solution. Learn

Qualität durch Erfahrung Als Softwarehaus der Raiffeisen Bankengruppe Österreich gestalten wir das Bankgeschäft der Zukunft aktiv mit. Unsere innovativen IT-Lösungen setzen Standards im Finanzbereich. Durch die langjährige Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden im Raiffeisen-Sektor kennen wir die Anforde



HYDROGRID offers an intelligent IoT-solution for the optimal control of hydro power plants.



drunomics is an expert in developing high-performance web applications, based in Vienna, Austria. We deliver digital experiences by leveraging the innovative open-source technologies Drupal and Vue.js. Our ready-to-go solutions allow clients to kick-start their projects while we tailor them to their



Cirtuo’s mission is to empower your strategic breakthrough in procurement. Cirtuo is transforming the procurement function into a strategic champion that captures opportunities and faces risks head on. A strategic champion that is conscious of all the potential at its fingertips. We were compelled t



It's a fact: you use delfort products every day. When you unpack a hamburger at a fast food restaurant, read the leaflet of your medicine or light a cigarette, there is a chance that you are holding a product made by us. The numerous applications of our functional, lightweight specialty papers are a



Das Puradies mit seinen 14 Chalets und 76 Zimmern & Suiten zeugt von einem einzigartigen alpin-modernen Stil im Herzen Leogangs. In absoluter Alleinlage liegt unser 300.000m² Naturresort mit exklusiven Premium-Chalets, stylischen Suiten und Zimmern. Der neue Heaven Spa mit Infinity Outdoor Pool und



Wir bieten die modernsten radiologischen und nuklearmedizinischen Diagnoseverfahren in Wien an. Unsere Kasseninstitute am Standort Urania und Praterstern haben Verträge mit allen Krankenkassen, unsere Privat- und Wahlarztordninationen an den Standorten Bellaria und Petscan bieten Top Service und Ter



The proven all-in-one event management software to organize impactful business events with effective b2b matchmaking. Benefit from many years of experience

Wüstenrot: ein starker Partner. Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen machen Wüstenrot zum verlässlichen Partner, wenn’s ums Sparen, Finanzieren, um sichere Vorsorge und die Absicherung geschaffener Werte geht. Wüstenrot zählt mit rund 1,7 Millionen Kunden zu den größten und führenden Finanzdienstleistern in Ö

Schiedel is Europe’s leading manufacturer of energy-efficient chimney systems and provides also innovative stove systems and integrated ventilation systems. Schiedel creates technically advanced, design driven products to improve the living environment. With its 70 years of market experience Schied

Sportalm is one of the most successful internationally oriented fashion companies from Austria offering fashion, traditional costumes, and ski collections. All reflect the special feeling of the Kitzbühel way of life. Innovative functional fabrics are manufactured using proven traditional handwork t



Insort intelligent selection chemical imaging technology.

EOX IT Services GmbH offers solutions and services in the geodata domain in general and in the Earth Observation domain in particular. EOX is strongly committed towards utilizing and contributing to Open Source Software for example via the EOX-A GitHub organization. EOX is further committed to compl

Aumayr GmbH


Unser Unternehmen wurde 1965 als Ein-Mann-Betrieb gegründet und hat sich in 60 Jahren zu einem der branchenführenden Unternehmen mit rund 260 Mitarbeitern an zwei Standorten in Österreich und Tschechien entwickelt. Wir sind seit der Gründung auf die Bereiche Lüftungs- und Metalltechnik spezialisier

Nimbusec addresses three major risks for websites owners:1) Reputation incidents- Defacements- Blacklisting2) Malware infections- External malware monitoring- Internal webshell detection through Server Agent (optional)3) Maintenance Emergencies- Outdated/vulnerable online technology- SSL/TLS encrypt



Reppublika is a leading SaaS company providing data-driven, automated tools and dashboard solutions for advertisers, publishers, media and market research agencies for data management, campaign measurement, reach and audience measurement. Reppublika is also the implementing institute for the digital

Stacked Marketer


Stacked Marketer was built to filter through the daily noise that exists in the digital marketing world. It’s a digital marketer’s 7-minute daily read, jam-packed with the latest news, trends, tech and actionable advice. You’ve no doubt found yourself browsing websites and social media over and ove

Rare Earth creates online multiplayer games that take players on exciting adventures.



Mit einem Fahrsicherheitstraining der ÖAMTC Fahrtechnik sind Sie auf bestem Weg zum Profi auf 2 oder 4 Rädern. Jetzt Training buchen!

techbold technology group AG is a PLC that comprises two doughter companies: techbold network solutions GmbH, a full service IT system house specializing in custom-made state of the art cyber security. techbold hardware services GmbH, a leading provider of VR (Virtual Reality) solutions for pr

MAKING FUTURE REALITY Being the inventor of Eye Hyper-Tracking® and pioneering the Digital Iris® technology, we constantly strive to create a new depth of connection between people and between people and the digital world. It is our mission to be at the forefront of developing technology that trul

BDO Austria


Wir sorgen für sichere Wege in die Zukunft. Für dieses Vorhaben ist Vielseitigkeit notwendig: dass wir zusammen Großartiges kreieren, zeigt unser vielfältiges Kundenspektrum. BDO Austria ist ein österreichisches Unternehmen, das sich in den Bereichen Wirtschaftsprüfung, Steuerberatung, Consulting &

Als österreichischer Rechenzentrumsbetreiber mit über 45 Jahren Erfahrung bieten wir sichere Services für den zuverlässigen IT-Betrieb.

Founded in 1969 as a subsidiary of Getzner, Mutter & Cie, Getzner Werkstoffe is the leading specialists in vibration protection. Solutions from Getzner are used in the rail, construction and industry sectors to reduce vibrations and noise, improve the service life of bedded components and minimise t

Soy Austria


Soy Austria produces 100 % natural, sustainable and GMO-free soy-based ingredients for the global food industry. We only use soybeans from Austria and other EU countries. Our production applies quality criteria that meet the highest standards in the industry. Soy Austria is proud of having perfecte



Lithoz is the world market and technology leader for 3D printers, materials and solutions for the industrial production of high-performance ceramics. Lithoz was founded in 2011 and since then strives to break the boundaries of ceramic production and to support customers in expanding the manufactur



IoT-startup working on anti-theft, live-tracking and sensor-data-analytics for hand-operated powertools.

Die Allianz Gruppe in Österreich ist Teil der weltweit operierenden Allianz SE, die rund 150.000 Mitarbeiter:innen in mehr als 70 Ländern beschäftigt. In Österreich zählt die Allianz mit rund 2.200 Mitarbeiter:innen, Agenturpartner:innen und etwa 1,15 Millionen Kund:innen zu den bedeutendsten Versic

WE SPEAK AUTOMOTIVE. EFS was established based on the idea of creating modular platform strategies that work. Today, we have expanded to include all aspects of the automotive product cycle from product positioning to product development and production. Having gained experience over many prod

Cardbox Packaging is folding carton and paper cup producer primary for sweets, food, and cosmetics.



Usersnap is a user feedback platform, but it helps you with more than collecting and managing feedback: we pave the road for customer-led growth. Usersnap helps digital products increase feedback interactions and gather insights on customer problems. “Finally, users tell us exactly what they feel a

Venture Capital for Ideas and Innovations aws Founders Fund invests venture capital during the start-up and early growth phase of Austrian start-ups. We offer support for your future (financial) plans as a long-term investor and partner and believe in the additional value of co-investments.

Synergy International Systems, Inc. (“Synergy”) is a global software company that empowers organizations to become more data-driven in achieving their impact.Since their founding over 21 years ago, organizations in more than 70 countries have used their products and services to improve information m

Wir sind das Medienhaus der Republik Österreich und ein zentraler Provider von Informationsdienstleistungen an der Schnittstelle zwischen öffentlicher Verwaltung, Wirtschaft und Bürger. Unser Unternehmen steht für Transparenz, exzellenten Qualitätsanspruch sowie für innovative, digitale Produkte.



ready2order is a mobile and platform-independent POS system.

MIC is a worldwide leading provider of global customs and trade compliance solutions and is dedicated to the development, implementation and support of global customs and trade compliance software solutions. MIC specializes in integrated solutions while leveraging regional and national legal require

Tradition & Innovation, Fashion & Fakten, Retail Stores & Onlineshops – bei P&C bringen wir Dinge zusammen, die gegensätzlich erscheinen. Da ist es nur konsequent, dass wir auch Menschen vereinen, die so vielfältig sind, wie die Styles, die wir verkaufen. Was uns verbindet: Hands-on-Mentalität und G


1 follower

SEA AI are designed to detect hazards that cannot be detected by radars, AIS, or sonar. As a result SEA.AI prevents collisions with any potential threat a vessel can encounter at sea. Be it other vessels, unidentified floating objects such as logs, buoys or containers, as well as sleeping sea mammal

RAG Austria AG


RAG Austria AG is Austria’s largest gas storage company and one of Europe’s leading gas storage facility operators. The company develops pioneering energy technologies that act as partners to renewables. Its portfolio of business activities also includes gas production, supply and trading, as well a



Gronda is the #1 Community for Chefs & Culinary Lovers. Over a million professional chefs from more than 100 countries share their actual recipes, so you learn to cook like a Michelin-starred chef at home. Gronda has +1 million downloads and is available in multiple languages.

Erne Fittings is passionate about metal and perfectionist in its approach to make safe pipe fittings for permanent welds. This has made the long-established, Vorarlberg-based company the world's leading supplier of butt-weld fittings in the approved market, with its top-notch solutions, high-perform

Die Herba bringt's - Im Dienste der Apotheken 1916 gegründet, ist die Herba Chemosan Apotheker-AG heute mit sieben Logistikzentren der führende Pharmagroßhändler und ein zentraler Gesundheitsdienstleister Österreichs. Gemeinsam mit den Tochterunternehmen Sanova und Aewige bildet die Herba Chemosan

Our business: We develop, build, lease and operate shopping centers. We are active in six countries and manage approximately 30 shopping locations in Central, Southern, and Eastern Europe. The leasable area is 801,000 square meters. We are the market leader in the shopping center business segment in

Russmedia GmbH


Willkommen bei Russmedia, dem progressivsten Multi-Nischen-Medienunternehmen Europas. An 28 Standorten in Europa arbeiten 1.450 Mitarbeiter.