Explore 4,390 companies in Denmark
Founded in 2008, we are a biotech company with two primary areas of business: Preclinical contract research organization (CRO) services and proprietary early target and drug discovery programs. Our focus is the metabolic space (e.g. obesity, diabetes, NASH and gastrointestinal diseases), where we s
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Reshape Biotech is developing accessible automation solutions to allow researchers and engineers to spend their time more efficiently.
Digitalisering skal være god forretning. Smartere processer, gladere medarbejdere, færre omkostninger, enklere processer og større omsætning. #forandigitalt
Eurowind Energy develops, constructs, and operates renewable energy parks. We are dedicated to local long-term solutions, and we believe that the future of energy supply is renewable, clean, and sustainable. Eurowind Energy's HQ is located in Hobro, Denmark. With more than 500 employees across 16
Få en værdifuld indsigt i jeres kundesamtaler vha. AI og talegenkendelse – og kopier best practice på tværs af teamet!
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MY GARAGE er skabt ud fra filosofien om at tilbyde de bedste kompetencer i den automotive verden i et og samme hus, med internationalt netværk.
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Smooth Robotics is a Danish company that develops welding software for robotic welding.
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Synergy and coherence Common values and experience in planning, production and assembly of steel and concrete components is what binds the companies of DS Gruppen. Your word is your word, and quality plays a critical role in all DS companies actions. This creates synergy and coherence across the gr
FDM varetager bilisternes interesse og arbejder for, at det er en positiv oplevelse at være bilist. Vores arbejde tager udgangspunkt i værdierne viden, troværdighed, aktiv holdning og dynamik. Vi er 300 medarbejdere fordelt på 30 adresser i hele landet. Hovedkontoret er placeret i Lyngby. FDM er med
Portchain is a unique coordination solution that streamlines the port call process and reduces time and cost for all parties involved: Terminals, Shipping Lines, Agents, Port Authorities and Port Service Providers.
BLOXHUB is the Nordic hub for sustainable urbanization. Founded on the belief, that the challenges of global urbanisation and climate change require new ways of collaboration.
PKA Ltd. (in Danish: Pensionskassernes Administration A/S) is one of the largest pension service providers for labour market pension funds in Denmark. We have 4 pension funds with a total of 320,000 members.
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Operating in the aerospace, defense, and security sector, Terma supports customers and partners all over the world.
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Weply develops, delivers, and services Scandinavia's largest live chat platform. Their professional chat consultants are the best at generating leads through dialogue.
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As the investment arm of the A. P. Møller Foundation, in the spirit of A. P. Møller, our purpose is to exercise the Foundation’s role as an engaged owner, and to ensure that the Foundation can continue to contribute to society in the form of donations for generations to come.
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Human rights organisation fighting for a world without torture since 1982. Working with partners in 20+ countries 🌍
We are Boon. We are a technology company that brings together artificial intelligence and human intelligence to create what we call Beneficial Intelligence. As every business and societal challenge is fundamentally a human challenge, our mission is to approach business and societal challenges thro
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cBrain helps government organisations to solve process problems.
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Traede is probably the best B2B and B2C eCommerce sales platform for fashion and lifestyle brands with our all-in-one business software.
Bang & Olufsen is world renowned for its distinctive range of quality televisions, music systems and high-performance loudspeakers; products that combine technological excellence with emotional appeal in a sensational design language.
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Mxney offers financial services for eCommerce businesses. They provide capital for future growth and retain full ownership of the company while minimizing risk and repaying flexibly as sales increase. They integrate with a variety of platforms, eliminating the need to piece together disparate soluti
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Selskabets formål er at drive arkitektvirksomhed.
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Selskabets formål er at drive rådgivnings- og konsulentvirksomhed og at eje aktier eller andele i selskaber, der har samme formål. Selskabet må ikke drive entreprenør- eller handelsvirksomhed. Selskabet kan til fremme af formålet optage enhver form for virksomhed, herunder erhverve fast ejendom med
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SwipBox revolutionizes package freight in Denmark.
EPICO-IT er et IT-konsulenthus som favner bredt på tværs af brancher og IT-ressourcer. EPICO er et af Danmarks største IT-konsulenthuse og med mere end 10 års erfaring, som konsulenthus, har EPICO opbygget et bredt netværk og kompetent viden. Virksomheden blev grundlagt i 2009 og beskæftiger i dag m
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Selskabets formål er at drive produktionsvirksomhed, handel og anden i forbindelse dermed stående virksomhed, enten direkte eller som deltager i andre foretagender i ind- og udland.
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&Tradition’s vision is to create a more conscious, comfortable and beautiful world. With a passionate approach to masterly design, we preserve icons of the past whilst creating the classics of tomorrow, bringing you a collection infused with enduring qualities that work to connect people and places.
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Prokura is a young consultancy company, specializing in purchasing and supply chain. They employ some of the best consultants and experts in these areas. Their consultants are specialists. They understand precisely how to optimize purchasing and supply chain operations and overcome any related probl
Dinero er et gratis regnskabsprogram til iværksættere og mindre virksomheder. Send fakturaer, tilbud og bogfør dine bilag.
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Keolis develops mobility solutions such as automatic metros, tramways, trains, buses, coaches, ferries, and self-service bicycles adapted to local environments. They offer solutions and services for public transportation.
Since 2005, Momentum Gruppen has provided services within management, development, sale and sourcing of wind turbine and solar plants. This makes Momentum Gruppen one of the most well-established and experienced players in the field. We cover the full value chain from development of projects to te
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Hej. We are SELECTED. We make contemporary clothing for men and women. Since 1997, our design philosophy has been informed by the Nordic lifestyle of our homeland. A story of craftsmanship that celebrates the quality and simplicity of Scandinavian design with every garment. This makes our collection
Shape is a mobile development studio, dedicated to making outstanding apps.
Allgravy (previously Butter) is re-engineering salary for hourly paid & gig workers by helping them make the most out of their salary. We enable them to access their salary as soon as they earn it, but then also give them the tools to reach their financial goals.
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Unify Partners is the new challenger in the Danish market for Management Consulting services and we have high ambitions to grow substantially through the delivery of quality consulting services to and with our clients. We will unify digital and business transformation and we believe that we – as
Danmarks Nationalbank is the central bank of the Kingdom of Denmark.
Connecting cars, car owners and dealerships for safer and smarter driving.
Source2Sea – built on the principle of ‘What you click is what you get’ - is the go-to, online, sourcing market place in the global ship supply industry. We are an open multi-supplier market place facilitating ship procurement and supply between maritime buyers and suppliers through online product c
Palsgaard Spær har samlet langt over 100 års erfaring med træ, og vi er stolte af at give vores viden og kompetencer indenfor spærkonstruktioner videre til dig som kunde - fra projektets start til slut. Hos Palsgaard Spær følger vi markedet tæt, og vi agerer som en moderne og innovativ virksomhe
Quality, comfort, and innovation. LINDBERG eyewear is the epitome of Danish Design with every piece designed and made in Denmark. The brand is known for their level of ingenuity on the verge of the impossible. In 2021, LINDBERG became part of Kering Eyewear, which belongs to the global luxury group
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DanChurchAid is a Danish humanitarian non-profit organization dedicated to supporting poor people.
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Embankment is the next generation asset service business, delivering end-to-end fund management, administration and depositary services to alternative investment funds and investment fund managers, powered by technology and domain expertise. Through Embankment, fund and asset management businesses
Resights offers simple and easy access to real estate data, which saves time and allows for more informed decision-making to grow your business today.
Audika er er en danskejet kæde af Oticon-certificerede hørecentre. Kæden er ejet af Demant, som er førende inden for høresundhed med mere end 100 års erfaring på området. Hos Audika mener vi, at et høretab er et tab i livskvalitet, og det er derfor vores vision at hjælpe flere mennesker til at hør
Blazar Capital is building new companies with the aspiration to become the next global online leaders.
Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten (Danish pronunciation: ; English: The Morning Newspaper "The Jutland Post"), commonly shortened to Jyllands-Posten or JP, is a Danish daily broadsheet newspaper.
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Topas Travel is a danish travel bureau located in Ry, Midtjylland. Read more at https://www.topas.dk/fortaellingen-om-topas/
We are passionate about Real Estate and the technology that fuels the industry. We specialize in Microsoft Dynamics 365, and the solutions that make Dynamics 365 work for Real Estate organizations.
At Bonzer, we specialize in creating valuable organic traffic for our clients.
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State of Green is a not-for-profit, public–private partnership promoting Danish cleantech solutions concerning climate change.