
Explore 4,392 companies in Denmark

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Clean is Denmark's Water and Environment Cluster and our vision is for Danish companies to be world leaders in the environmental field. We are the innovation space for those who develop environmental solutions and those who need to solve environmental challenges. Together with strong partners, we



Energinet is an independent public enterprise owned by the Danish Ministry of Climate and Energy. We own, operate and develop the transmission systems for electricity and natural gas in Denmark.



Worldwide manufacturer and supplier of equipment for rendering and processing by-products from meat, food, fish, oil, and biofuel industries. The principle is simple: Instead of throwing out, break by-products down and reuse the components. We work in close cooperation with our customers. Plant du

The Novo Nordisk Foundation is an international foundation focusing on medical treatment and research.


Scratcher is the leading gamification platform designed for marketeers, e-commerce, and businesses. With a user-friendly drag and drop editor, merchants can design, set up, and manage their interactive customer experiences. The Scratcher platform is engineered for reliability, strength, and user fr



Birn+Partners is an international recruitment and consulting firm. We help organisations to succeed by finding the right talent and developing the right organisational leadership structure and culture. Our clients need exceptional leaders who can navigate and utilise the opportunities and challenges



Advisoa is the world’s first digital payment expert, bringing payments closer to ecom stores, enabling growth, automations and control.

Aabenraa Kommune


Velkommen til Aabenraa Kommunes hjemmeside, hvor du kan få hjælp og svar på langt de fleste af dine spørgsmål, samt information om en række af de tilbud, som Aabenraa Kommune kan tilbyde.



Vi er Zento fremtidens finansielle løsninger til virksomheder, Vi er her for at skabe en platform med vores brugere i tankerne. Vi giver dem friheden til at leve livet på deres egne betingelser. Vi arbejder døgnet rundt på at skabe fintech-innovationer, der simpelthen gør bank- og pengeforvaltnin



Selskabets formål er salg en gros af boligtextiler samt agenturvirksomhed her indenfor samt hermed beslægtet virksomhed

BASE life science is a leading business and technology consultancy that provides tailored solutions for the life sciences industry. - 100% focus on life science: BASE life science has the best industry experts within commercial, medical, digital marketing, clinical, regulatory and quality. - BASE

Maersk Training


Maersk Training is a global training provider. We believe in improving safety, behaviour and operational performance in the real working environment. And in evaluating and assessing improvements. Simulators may not be relevant in all our training but we aim to involve real life scenarios wherever p



Følger du Sampension, får du kendskab til, hvad der rører sig i selskabet og pensionsbranchen generelt. Vi arbejder hver dag på at gøre vores kunders pensionsopsparing mere værd. Det sker gennem en målrettet strategi, der sikrer vores kunder høje afkast, lave omkostninger og en effektiv kundeservi

Global Evolution


Global Evolution is a dedicated emerging and frontier markets boutique investment manager with an established track record based on a long history of investment in emerging and frontier markets. Legal | Disclaimers | Terms and Conditions:

Blue Power Partners is a global consultancy company that supports worldwide leading developers, asset owners and technology companies within origination, development, construction and performance optimization of onshore/offshore wind, solar, PtX and storage projects. We are determined to drive chan



Founded in 1834 DESMI is one of Denmark’s oldest companies and we are proud of having a long history supplying good, reliable solutions, maintaining an innovative approach and utilising the opportunities on the global market. In 2011 DESMI was awarded the prize Entrepreneur Of The Year in Denmark


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Visiopharm® is a world leader in Augmented Pathology™ solutions; quantitative image analysis software and digital pathology.



Since 1997 we have helped companies and public institutions manage risk, adapt to change, and grow more flexibly. With deep industry and technical expertise, a comprehensive product portfolio and a proven track record, Dubex is the ideal partner for IT teams who want to contribute to their company's

KMC Amba


KMC is a food ingredients company with humble origins and a proud history in Denmark - and big ambitions for a global future. Our broad portfolio of innovative and cost-effective ingredients embraces potato granules & flakes, native potato starch, a wide range of standard modified starches and appl

Welcome to our LinkedIn page – here we post new jobs and publish company news. Fibertex Nonwovens is the leading global partner for technical and innovative performance-based materials and nonwovens solutions. In addition to offering value-added products to customers in more than 70 countries, Fib



Dymak is a global supply chain partner with more than 20 years of experience creating customized products for customers in the home & garden segment. With a local presence and a global reach, we help growers and garden centers in every step, from design to logistics.



Partisia is a pioneer and a world-leader in commercial applications of Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC). The company is co-founded by world leading cryptographers and Partisia has provided state-of-the-art security solutions based on MPC across industrial and financial solutions since 2008. Rec



At TARGIT, we are trusted by 8,000+ customers on 6 continents. We tailor our software to customers’ goals, requirements, and unique business environments by pairing our business intelligence (BI) expertise with a distinct focus on specific industries and operating platforms. This approach ensure

Erhvervshus Midtjylland offers specialized guidance to entrepreneurs and companies in Region Midtjylland. Our business consultants are ready to help you create an overview of your business development opportunities. We work in close cooperation with the local business service offices in Region Midtj

DS Gruppen

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Synergy and coherence Common values and experience in planning, production and assembly of steel and concrete components is what binds the companies of DS Gruppen. Your word is your word, and quality plays a critical role in all DS companies actions. This creates synergy and coherence across the gr



As of January 1st, Wunderman Thompson MAP becomes VML MAP. New chapter. Same MAP Team. We are a diverse, global team representing over 55 nationalities, all bound by our passion for helping brands create personal connections with consumers. As the world leaders in Marketing Automation, Personali

Skiold Group


Selskabets formål er at drive industri og forhandling af maskiner af eget og andres fabrikat og anden i forbindelse hermed stående virksomhed

Vi flytter magt! Vil du være med? Vores mål er de ændringer god kommunikation skaber - ikke bare at beskæftige os med kommunikation. Om du vil arbejde med os eller hos os, om du vil følge os og i dialog, om du vil diskutere og tænke nyt med os - vi er klar. Geelmuyden.Kiese er Skandinaviens størst

ADVANTAGE Investment Partners is a privately owned and independent investment firm that offers institutional investors, family offices and HNWIs a cost effective channel for investing in the most attractive private equity and infrastructure funds. The partner team and owners of ADVANTAGE have worke

Eltwin Group


We are on a mission to push technology forward to create sustainable solutions for climate protection. We do this by offering highly efficient, reliable and innovative solutions that are customized to match your HVAC and industrial application needs. And we are good at it. For more than 40 years, w



Alle vores kunder leverer en integreret og sammenhængende kundeoplevelse, som er bedre end deres kunder forventer, og smartere end deres konkurrenter er i stand til. Og det høster de, de kommercielle effekter af. Det er visionen for os og for partnerskabet med vores kunder.

HM Systems A/S


HM Systems is with more than 50 years of experience one of Europe’s leading and most innovative companies within industrial marking and labelling. The competencies of HM Systems comprise a wide range of industrial labelling and marking solutions such as: Custom-made marking and labelling Complete

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a private, humanitarian organization covering all aspects of the refugee cause.


Woba is a SaaS aiming to support a stress-free work environment and minimise sick leave.



GripGrab strives to make the World’s best cycling essentials that will have you covered on all surfaces and in all conditions. We are passionate and active cyclists and we understand the importance of the right cycling essentials. We strive to deliver high-quality products that you will love to use

Sif Jakobs Jewellery designs and produces affordable luxury jewellery of the highest standard and quality with a modern expression. Sif Jakobs Jewellery has a minimalist luxurious feeling combined with an elegant personal style. The work is shaped by a background in nordic design and craftsmanship.



Logpoint safeguards society in a digital world by helping customers and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) detect cyberattacks. Combining reliable technology with a deep understanding of cybersecurity challenges, Logpoint makes security operations easier, giving organizations the freedom to

Norisol A/S


Norisol er en førende service- og entreprenørvirksomhed, der inden for energi, industri, marine og byggesektoren bidrager til høj værdiskabelse hos vores kunder.

Sostrene Grene


The story of Søstrene Grene starts in 1973 in Aarhus, Denmark’s second-largest city, when the husband and wife team of Knud Cresten Vaupell Olsen and Inger Grene open a store which turns out to be one of a kind. The couple sets out to create a whole new and wonderful shopping experience that caters



FORTEM hjælper virksomheder og offentlige myndigheder med udbud og indkøb i Danmark og internationalt. For offentlige myndigheder og virksomheder gennemfører vi udbud, der sikrer gode samarbejder med leverandører. For virksomheder udarbejder vi tilbudsmateriale, der er målrettet udbuddet og som sc

Sophion was founded in the year 2000 by a group of passionate electrophysiologists, all having the shared purpose of making patch clamping objective and independent of user skills to provide faster, more accurate and objective patch clamping results. “To take the voodoo out of patch clamping”. Over

Brand Movers


Brand Movers is an award-winning Danish content marketing agency working with Danish and international clients. We were one of the first agencies to work with content marketing in Denmark, and we have over the years worked with both B2B and B2C companies elevating their market positions by using co

The Rails Foundation is a non-profit foundation set up to improve the documentation, education, marketing, and events of the Ruby on Rails framework to the benefit of all new and existing Rails developers, and to ensure a prosperous ecosystem that continues to improve for decades to come. In alphab


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Globeteam is a Danish consultancy firm with high professionalism, constant growth and, most importantly, very satisfied clients. As an end-to-end supplier, we can offer the client help along their digitisation journey, including everything from advice and development to implementation and operation.

Welcome to the page of VL - Danish Management Society. The purpose of the Danish Management Society is based on the objects clause articulated for the founding of the Society on 8 April 1965: The purpose of the Society is to promote modern, accountable leadership and management by means of sharing

Founded in 2007, Green Hydrogen Systems provides efficient, standardized and modular electrolyzers that produce green hydrogen using renewable energy – at the lowest levelized cost available. The company’s technology is already in use in Northern Europe, with the rapidly emerging OEM segment as a p


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vestjyskBANK is one of Denmark's 10 largest banks with branches throughout Jutland.

Du kender vores produkter – men kender du os? Vi består af ca. 150 glade, engagerede og motiverede medarbejdere, der med kontor i Søborg bestræber os på at skabe de bedst tænkelige billet- og rejseplanlægningsløsninger til kollektiv transport. Det gør vi for at være med til at understøtte en grøn da