Explore 4,392 companies in Denmark
SignUp Software is a long term Microsoft ISV who currently operates out of Stockholm, Sweden (HQ), Denmark, North America and Australia.
FC Midtjylland is a Danish professional football club based in Herning and Ikast in the midwestern part of Jutland.
Scantox is a contract research organization that specializing in pharmacology and regulatory toxicology services. Their preclinical contract research services enable clients to progress their drug or device development. They offer various contract research services such as safety pharmacology, explo
Break through the noise with the SOUNDBOKS, the world's first Bluetooth Performance speaker, and join a community of people living life at 11.
Artelia is one of Denmark’s largest multidisciplinary consulting engineering companies with more than 1,100 employees spread across offices in Denmark. Artelia is part of Artelia Group, an international multidisciplinary consultancy, engineering and project management group specialising in the sect
Oticon Medical is a global company in implantable hearing solutions. We offer bone anchored hearing systems and cochlear implant hearing solutions to help people overcome different types of hearing loss. As part of the Demant Group, a global leader in hearing healthcare, with 14,500 people in over
UNI-FLY is a Helicopter Operator specializing in Offshore Windfarm Hoist Operations with a proven track record since 2002. We believe in being an active partner for our customers doing our utmost to assist in developing new lines of business or fulfill any given need. Based on our experience we con
Since 1963 Caljan has specialised in helping parcel carriers, retailers and manufacturers around the world handle loose cargo efficiently. Using highly engineered Logistics Automation technology, we optimise the supply chain. Throughput is increased, cost is reduced and the work environment is safer
SC Nordic's vision is that we will be a vital partner for our customers in their efforts to keep a competitive edge, by minimizing their usage of the world resources – simple because it make commercial sense. To emphasize this we have decided to rebrand for a SmartGrid inspired technical world of Gr
Aleris PP er en landsdækkende psykologisk og psykiatrisk privatklinik med afdelinger i Aarhus, Esbjerg, København og Vejle. Vi er førende inden for stressforebyggelse og behandling af psykiske helbredsproblematikker hos både børn, unge og voksne. Aleris PP samarbejder vi med både virksomheder, for
Selskabets formål er at drive handel med møbler i ind- og udland, samt dermed beslægtet virksomhed
Grant Thornton is a Danish-owned business which is one of the oldest and most reputable accountancy firms in Denmark. It was founded in 1938 and has offices in Copenhagen, Hillerød, Viby Sjælland, Aarhus, Hadsten, Grenaa, Randers, Hadsund and Aalborg. We are a strong Danish auditing, accounting an
The Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link will consist of a motorway and rail connection including a 18 km long tunnel that will allow travelling faster and safer between Scandinavia and continental Europe. It will be the world’s longest immersed tunnel and the longest tunnel for both road and rail traffic. Conso
Leading global renewable energy inspection, repair and maintenance service provider for wind turbine manufacturers and wind farm owners, providing services and expertise to all clients in the renewable energy supply chain
NORDEX FOOD A/S is a privately owned dairy company with its base in the idyllic rural setting of Dronninglund, just 20 minutes' drive from Aalborg. We produce and sell dairy products focusing on white cheese and have our own manufacturing plants in Denmark, Austria and Romania as well as several in
PBU - Pædagogernes Pension er pædagogernes pensionsselskab. Det er alene medlemmerne, der ejer Pædagogernes Pension. Vi administrerer pensioner for mere end 125.000 pædagoger og tilpasser løbende pensionsordningen, så den stemmer overens med pædagogernes behov. Vi arbejder målrettet på at fremtidssi
Selskabets formål er ledelse og drift af hospitaler samt health care servicevirksomhed med medicinsk personale, samt, direkte eller indirekte, at drive anden virksomhed, der efter bestyrelsens skøn er forbunden dermed.
En gammel problemstilling I årevis er ERP-systemer blevet konfigureret fra bunden, så de matcher den enkelte virksomheds behov. Det lyder jo umiddelbart meget fornuftigt, men er det nu også klogt..? Bliver systemerne ikke blot svære at holde up-to-date, og virksomhederne afhængige af eksterne kons
Beskæftigelsesministeriets departement består af et Minister- og Ledelsessekretariat og fire centre. Derudover er der fire tværgående afdelingschefer.
Nitor Energy is an energy trading company, founded in 2017, with the focus on 24/7/365 physical natural gas and power trading in all European markets. We operate from our headquarters, located in the heart of Aarhus, by using our trading spirit, proprietary software, models and capital. We have com
At Bonzer, we specialize in creating valuable organic traffic for our clients.
Business Danmark er moderne, individualistisk fagforening og a-kasse for alle der arbejder med salg, marketing og rådgivning. Business Danmark tager udgangspunkt i medlemmernes virkelighed. Vi arbejder for at opbygge et velfungerende fællesskab af en masse individualister, der skal få både arbej
ORANA is dedicated to delivering the best tasting high quality fruit based raw materials for the food stuff industry internationally in more than 40 countries around the world in the the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe. Our products are made to inspire and to meet the high and always changing
They work together daily to be an attractive business and settlement municipality that creates the framework and opportunities for well-being, quality, and growth.
Socialpædagogernes Landsforbund er faglig organisation for socialpædagoger, familieplejere, ledere, forstandere, medhjælpere og håndværkere. I alt 35.000 medlemmer, som hovedsageligt arbejder med: Udsatte børn og unge, børn, voksne med fysisk eller psykisk handicap, psykisk syge, misbrugere og hjeml
Reel empowers all companies to procure renewable electricity that makes a real difference for the climate.
Hos Roesgaard har vi samlet revision og rådgivning under ét tag. Med et stærkt internt samarbejde favner vi hele din virksomhed og skaber udvikling og vækst - sammen med dig. Vi vægter de langvarige og nære relationer til vores kunder. Gennem viden og indsigt i din virksomhed har vi de bedste forud
Maanesten was founded in 2010 by jewelry designer Lotte Callesen and creative director Henrik Callesen. Maanesten is for everyone – and to everyone. From the beginning of Maanesten we have created the jewelry that we are dreaming about ourselves in an enchanting and spirituel universe where the crea
Invert is a developer of a software development platform to manage, analyze, and optimize bioprocessing data. The invert platform eliminates data silos by connecting data from microbial genomics with bioprocess data in production, enabling bioindustrial companies to make progress by analyzing their
BELFOR Denmark hjælper med skadeservice, når uheldet rammer. Vores professionelle teams er parate til at rykke ud og lave skadestop alle døgnets 24 timer, hele året. Vi tilbyder hurtig hjælp til håndtering af vand- og stormskader, brand, indbrud og hærværk, skadedyr. Vores vagtcentral modtager opkal
Kingo er Danmarks førende nedbrydnings- og skrotningsentreprenør. Vi leverer alle former for nedbrydningsydelser - fra totalnedbrydning og indvendig rydning, over miljøsanering, til recycling, genbrug og jordrensning. Alle opgaver håndteres seriøst, og miljø og arbejdsmiljø prioriteres højt. Kvali
Skyfish makes digital asset management easy for everyone. The platform has over 52,000 users worldwide and it is available in three languages: English, Danish and German. It offers free and paid plans for usage which includes many features as public media gallery, online image editor, secure cloud s
We're experts in IT Service Management, Enterprise Service Management, Knowledge-Centered Service, and Service Integration & Management. We guide organizations to reach their business goal(s) and empower employees to work more effectively, streamlined, and collaborative. VisionWillow was founded i
Originally founded in 1975, SGM has more than 40 years of experience within the entertainment lighting business. Focusing on innovation and experimenting with emerging technologies, SGM has gathered one of the most experienced R&D teams in the world. Though SGM has grown to be a large global playe
The Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs seeks to improve the conditions for business in Denmark. The Ministry conducts thorough economic analyses and suggests policy initiatives in areas imperative to economic growth. The Ministry is responsible for a number of policy areas which a
KLINGER Denmark supplies valves, instruments, gaskets and seals to a wide range of applications, such as: Marine Oil & Gas Energy Pharma Chemical Industry Food & Beverages Infrastructure Pulp & Paper We provide our customers with know-how and experience from our technical experts -
Omada is a market-leading provider of solutions and services for identity management and access governance enabling organizations to achieve compliance, reduce risk exposure, and maximize efficiency. Omada’s solution empowers enterprises to manage identities across heterogeneous IT-systems and is ac
Vores løfte er ukompliceret sikkerhed. Vi arbejder hver dag for at gøre sikkerhed så ukompliceret som muligt. Derfor er vi transparente, tilgængelige og tager altid udgangspunkt i vores målgruppers virkelighed. Vi tænker i service før indskærpelse. Alt, hvad vi gør, har til formål at sikre, at
The Unicorn is a creative agency based in Odense and Copenhagen. We come into this world with a strong purpose: To create original work, worth people’s time - our clients’, our clients’ clients’ and our own. Time is, after all, the most precious thing we have. So let’s make the most of it.
Svanehøj designs and manufactures specialised deepwell and submersible pumps for vital applications within fuel, cargo (gas, P&C), and offshore, as well as high-end tank gauging systems for LNG and LPG on vessels and land-based terminals. Svanehøj is also a leading full-scope provider of inspection,
IIH Nordic is an awarded digital agency filled with data-driven strategists, that create measurable results
XCI provides software to transform cybercrime investigations using artificial intelligence. Their passion lies in software automation, cyber security, and artificial intelligence. With automation and machine learning technology at its heart, they develop products that help organizations investigate
Marketsquare. Bureauet bygget på indsigter og drevet af kreativitet. Forbrugerinvolvering, det er ikke noget man kan købe sig til. Men enhver handling et brand gør, kan styrke det. Og finder man balancen mellem det kortsigtede salg og den langsigtede branding, kan man sikre resultater på tværs af sa
CA er en landsdækkende a-kasse for 68.000 medlemmer. Mange af CA’s medlemmer arbejder i erhvervslivet og mange er højtuddannede. Men der er også mange medlemmer, som arbejder andre steder og har andre uddannelser. Men fælles for mange af vores medlemmer er, at de har et mindset, hvor udvikling e
With over a decade of experience and a strong presence in 40+ countries, Tasklet Factory is a globally recognized leader in mobile warehouse management solutions. We specialize in providing innovative barcode scanning solutions that integrate directly with Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP, revolutionizing
At rejse fra Sønderborg Lufthavn er hurtigt, nemt og fleksibelt med 35 minutter til København. Derfor får du også gratis parkering, kaffe, dagens avis og Wi-Fi.
Henlez uses precise enzymes to create disruptive topical treatments for recurrent follicular skin problems. The company can be reached via mail, phone, or physical address.
Save the Children works in Denmark and more than 120 other countries. We save children’s lives. We protect and strengthen them. We fight for their rights. We are the world’s leading independent organisation for children. We provide emergency aid and prevent disasters. We fight violence, abuse and
The pension fund for Danish M.A’s, M.Sc.’s and Ph.D’s who are employed in the public sector at universities and upper secondary schools. AkademikerPension has more than 140,000 members.