Explore 4,150 companies in Denmark
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Region Midtjylland er en offentlig organisation med tre hovedopgaver inden for velfærd og udvikling: Sundhed og hospitaler, specialiserede tilbud til socialt udsatte og handicappede og at være politisk drivkraft for vækst gennem regional udvikling.
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Scan Global Logistics provides freight forwarding and logistics services. Scan Global Logistics is an international freight forwarding and logistics platform that provides its customers customized, complex, high touch solutions.
CoRescue is an open-source ventilator that is designed and developed for health care providers to support patients in medical emergencies.
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Carlsberg Foundation was founded in 1876 by brewer JC Jacobsen. In 1882 he transferred his brewery, Old Brewery, to the foundation. Thus he wanted to ensure the brewery's future.
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Are you looking for a HubSpot partner that can help you maximize your CRM and platform experience? Look no further than Radiant. As a HubSpot certified partner, we have the expertise and experience to help businesses of all sizes succeed with HubSpot. Whether you're just getting started with HubSpo
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Pie Systems is a VAT reclaim software that allows for a fully digital reclaim process for tourists shopping in host countries.Pie’s digital-first approach allows for a fully contactless solution, promoting ease and health safety. The company was founded in 2018 and based in Copenhagen, Denmark.
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TURIS is a digital B2B wholesale platform that will improve and optimize your business today. Free trial, no payment information required. €99 per month.
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Based in Copenhagen’s Nyboder neighborhood, FRAMA is a multi-disciplinary design brand that creates lifestyle objects that inspire the senses and encourage mindful living. With an emphasis on natural materials, simple geometries, and uncompromising quality, FRAMA’s work connects the imaginative with
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European Energy constructs wind and solar farms as well as large scale green energy storage. European Energy are building solutions to climate change.
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The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a private, humanitarian organization covering all aspects of the refugee cause.
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Decision Focus develops software for Governance, Risk and Compliance. Since 2004, Decision Focus has provided the world’s largest and most prestigious enterprises with software and services. We’ve taken our years of knowledge and experience to create new software which, we believe, is the ultimate
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Blue Atlas Robotics makes self-operating robots to inspect underwater assets and structures visually, The robot provides output in the form of high-quality video and images that can be converted into a 3D model for detailed inspection.
Plesner is one of Denmark's leading law firms. We maintain special focus on assignments involving our clients' material assets, and our clients especially come to us for solutions to such assignments.
SDC is a full-service IT center that develops innovative effective banking solutions for millions of bank customers across the Nordics. That’s why we are constantly challenging ourselves to build solid bridges between strong user experiences and effectiveness – and we are among the leading compani
We invite you to join the community of Danish Red Cross. Maybe you want to work in our organisation, have dreams of being a volunteer, want to partner up and make business or are just a curious person. We share our knowledge and invites you yo be an active participant. Red Cross volunteers provide
Vi arbejder for at styrke tilliden i samfundet og være med til at løse væsentlige problemstillinger. Det gør vi med udgangspunkt i vores viden inden for revision, skat og rådgivning. Vores kunder kommer fra alle dele af erhvervslivet og den offentlige sektor, og vi er flere end 2.500 medarbejdere og
Conscensia simplifies software development and reduces time-to-market in a cost-effective and flexible manner. They are specialized in building teams for customers. They offer competencies within architecture, design, software development, scrum, QA testing, DevOps, and team management.
Greve Kommune er hjem for 50.000 borgere, der nyder godt af lav skat, høj effektivitet og smukke omgivelser ved Køge Bugt.
World-leading all-inclusive supplier of climate and farm management for animal production.
Hempel is a coatings specialist, providing protection, and inspiration to the world around us.
With over 40,000 students and more than 9,000 employees, the University of Copenhagen is the largest institution of research and education in Denmark.
Skab smukke og behagelige rum med vores brede sortiment af flotte loftplader og vægpaneler, og opnå et godt akustisk indeklima. Komplette loftløsninger.
The Danish Institute for Human Rights is an independent state-funded institution. We are Denmark’s national human rights institution. We are also a national equality body in relation to race and ethnicity and gender. We also have a special role in the disability area where we promote and monitor t
Arbejdernes Landsbank blev etableret i 1919, hvor aktiekapitalen kom fra en række fagforbund og kooperative virksomheder. I dag er banken fortsat ejet af fagbevægelsen og dens medlemmer, men vi har også mere end 23.000 private aktionærer. Arbejdernes Landsbank er kendt for at drive en sund og sta
IST is an edtech company that provides app and web based educational solutions.
Moalem Weitemeyer is a dedicated Tier 1 Corporate M&A law firm with strong international relations. We operate an experienced Disputes & Investigations team. We have all the legal support areas required to deliver first-in-class advice to our clients across any sector and industry. We are a profes
Weibel Scientific is the global leader in the market for advanced Doppler radar systems. For over seventy years, they have been designing, manufacturing, and delivering cutting-edge velocity and position measuring instruments to customers around the world.
Det Kongelige Teater er Danmarks nationalscene. Teatret producerer scenekunst af høj kunstnerisk kvalitet inden for skuespil, ballet, opera og klassiske koncerter. Teateret viderefører klassiske traditioner og udvikler den nutidige scenekunst til et bredt publikum. Det Kongelige Teater er fra 1748 o
FOA er Danmarks tredjestørste fagforbund - med ca. 189.000 medlemmer fordelt på 41 afdelinger. Størstedelen er ansat i kommuner og regioner og en mindre del er privat ansatte. FOAs medlemmer passer børn, plejer patienter på hospitaler og plejehjem, slukker brande,yder hjælp og service til ældre
Epista Life Science is a team of experts working at the intersection of business priorities and compliance requirements. We pioneer new methodologies and implement technologies to help companies balance risk and efficiency to achieve more. When starting the company in 2009, founder Klavs Esbjerg wa
Selskabets formål er at være holdingselskab i form af besiddelse af kapitalinteresser i datterselskaber, der udøver forsynings- eller kommerciel virksomhed samt at varetage ledelse, administration, teknisk service og finansiel virksomhed for selskaberne i TRE-FOR koncernen, at eje, udleje og adminis
Fra vores hovedkontor i Odense og vores lokaliteter i hele landet holder vi styr på Danmarks miljø, så danskerne har RENT VAND, indånder ren luft, bevæger sig rundt i en RIG NATUR og bruger og genanvender produkter, som indeholder SIKKER KEMI. Vi understøtter GRØN PRODUKTION i virksomhederne og bidr
Muuto is rooted in the Scandinavian design tradition characterized by enduring aesthetics, functionality, craftsmanship and an honest expression. By expanding this heritage with forward-looking materials, techniques and bold creative thinking, our ambition is to deliver new perspectives on Scandina
Selskabets formål er handel, håndværk og industri samt finansieringsvirksomhed
Velliv tilbyder pensionsordninger til både private og virksomheder. Med mere end 400.000 kunder er Velliv Danmarks tredje største kommercielle pensionsselskab. Alle vores kunder er medejere af Velliv gennem deres automatiske medlemskab i Velliv Foreningen, der er majoritetsejer i pensionsselskabet.
Sparekassens formål er at drive pengeinstitutvirksomhed samt anden virksomhed, der er accessorisk hertil.
We design places for life. All life. SLA is an internationally renowned nature-based design studio. For 30 years, we have designed some of the most notable public spaces and masterplans in the world. Our work solves the biggest challenges facing our Earth today: From climate crisis and biological
We what to create a strong connection between the organization and partners. AE Partner specializes in designing and producing complex automation systems and electrical panels since 1996. Over time we have gained experience and are exporting our panels worldwide which are always qualified to meet
Effective People believes that the best-run businesses are those that focus on utilizing their technology to support their people—not the other way around. We help our clients plan and execute successful digital transformation journeys while offering continued support and application management serv
Pharma IT delivers competitive, experienced, and professional IT and Drug Development Consultants to the Pharma, Biotech and Medical Device Industries. We're on a mission to raise the standards of consulting in our industry by challenging the way it is usually done. We believe that attracting th
Selskabets formål er at handle med energiprodukter og produkter og tjenesteydelser relateret hertil samt at drive transportvirksomhed og anden virksomhed, med eller uden forbindelse med hovedformålet. Selskabet kan foretage investering i andre selskaber.
Capital Four is an independent industry-leading credit asset management boutique rooted in Scandinavian culture. We are focused on finding the right solutions for our clients by carefully considering their needs and requirements. We leverage over 20 years of experience, enabling us to find new pers
ZILLION Consulting Group is a fast-growing Scandinavian based consultancy established to support business organisations in end-to-end transformations. Through exclusive collaboration with highly recognized professionals, we offer the most recent know-how and outstanding expertise to help industrial
C WorldWide Asset Management is a focused and independent asset manager. Our objective is to deliver consistent, long term asset growth for our clients. The combination of a unique investment philosophy based on careful stock-picking and long-term global trends coupled with a stable team of experien
WORLD LEADING IN BUNKER TRADING Bunker Holding is the parent company of a group of companies specialising in the purchase, sale and supply of fuel and lube oil to ships as well as risk management and associated services. We operate globally with clients in shipping lines and the shipping business.
We’re here to provide digital infrastructure that helps companies and institutions steer a straight course. “With Aeven, wherever you’re going, we’re here – with you all the way. Locally anchored in Denmark but with a global reach, we have three decades of experience helping businesses and institut
At Ellab, our mission is to reduce the time-to-market and risk of product loss for biotech and pharma companies across the globe. We do so through our reliable validation products and field services, continuous monitoring solutions, GMP consulting, and calibration services. As a validation and mon
Selskabets formål er - herunder ved kapitalplacering i andre virksomheder - at drive handels- og industrivirksomhed fortrinsvis med udvikling, produktion og salg af procesanlæg og komponenter til den internationale nærings- og nydelsesmiddelindustri samt anden aktivitet, der efter bestyrelsens skøn