Explore 4,157 companies in Denmark
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Prokura is a young consultancy company, specializing in purchasing and supply chain. They employ some of the best consultants and experts in these areas. Their consultants are specialists. They understand precisely how to optimize purchasing and supply chain operations and overcome any related probl
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Jeudan is the largest listed real estate company in Denmark.
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On Robot manufactures robot equipment for automation tasks throughout the industry. It provides plug and produce end-of-arm tools and software solutions that help manufacturers take full advantage of the benefits of collaborative robots.The company integrates grippers, sensors, and other cobot equip
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&Tradition’s vision is to create a more conscious, comfortable and beautiful world. With a passionate approach to masterly design, we preserve icons of the past whilst creating the classics of tomorrow, bringing you a collection infused with enduring qualities that work to connect people and places.
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Danelec is revolutionizing the maritime industry by simplifying data capture for ship owners. With innovative technologies such as Voyage Data Recorders (VDRs), Shaft Power Meters (KYMA), and cutting-edge IoT infrastructure, Danelec is helping owners future-proof their fleets and stay ahead of the c
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Nordic Solar A/S - A solar energy company owned by private shareholders. To find out more, please visit our website at www.nordicsolar.eu
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Ghost Ship Games is a new Danish game development studio, founded in the spring of 2016 by a group of veteran game developers after years of working together. Their motto is simple: Co-op First.
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Roskilde University is a Danish public university founded in 1972 and located in Trekroner in the Eastern part of Roskilde. The university awards bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and Ph.D. degrees in a wide variety of subjects within social sciences, the humanities, and natural sciences.
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Schmidt Hammer Lassen is one of Scandinavia's most recognized and award-winning architectural practices. The company was founded in Aarhus, Denmark in 1986 and is led today by Kristian Lars Ahlmark, Chris Hardie, Mads Kaltoft, Elif Tinaztepe, Kasper Frandsen, and Sanne Wall-Gremstrup. Working out
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Inforevision is an auditing and consulting house with 19 partners, approx. 140 employees and 3100 customers - primarily small and medium-sized companies in many industries. The services include auditing, tax, VAT and duties, international affairs, corporate finance, transaction services, business se
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ALPI offers full-service transport and logistics worldwide - with care. ALPI is a global company with offices in 81 countries. We are a part of the italian ALPI Group, the freight forwarding group Albini & Pitigliani. We focus on creating a good business - with care. We are a value-based company wi
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Subaio is a software company that creates products and services that simplifies people's lives.
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At Anyday, their mission is to make splitting payments simple, transparent, and free. Yes, free. No interest rates, no subscription, no fees. What you see is what you pay.
CoRescue is an open-source ventilator that is designed and developed for health care providers to support patients in medical emergencies.
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Value added and knowledge based distribution within IT-Security, Networking, Data Management (Storage), Voice and Industrial Network and Datacommucation. We also offer cloud solutions through the channel with highly competitive offerings within BaaS, SecurityManagementaaS, MDMaaS, Video/MeetingaaS,
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Agreena is a startup that mints, verifies and sells carbon credits generated by farmers.
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Are you looking for a HubSpot partner that can help you maximize your CRM and platform experience? Look no further than Radiant. As a HubSpot certified partner, we have the expertise and experience to help businesses of all sizes succeed with HubSpot. Whether you're just getting started with HubSpo
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EPOS delivers high-end audio solutions designed for enterprise and gaming.
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Graduateships.com will feature a comprehensive list of graduate programmes and internships at the most prestigious Danish and international companies
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Organic e-commerce marketing agency providing senior services in Data & Tracking, Conversion Rate Optimization and Search Engine Optimization
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Blue Atlas Robotics makes self-operating robots to inspect underwater assets and structures visually, The robot provides output in the form of high-quality video and images that can be converted into a 3D model for detailed inspection.
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Aller Media A / S is one of Denmark's leading media houses. Every single month, they deliver content and entertainment to more than 2.3 million. Danes through their magazines and weeklies, and their strong digital universes have more than 2 million users and over 10 million sessions every single mon
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Regionens hovedopgave er det nordjyske sundhedsvæsen. Regionen har desuden et overordnet ansvar for den regionale udvikling og tager sig også af specialiserede opgaver på det sociale område og i forhold til handicappede børn og voksne.
Plesner is one of Denmark's leading law firms. We maintain special focus on assignments involving our clients' material assets, and our clients especially come to us for solutions to such assignments.
Preferred by Nature is an international non-profit organisation working to support better land management and business practices that benefit people, nature and the climate. We do this through a unique combination of sustainability certification services, projects supporting awareness raising, and c
We invite you to join the community of Danish Red Cross. Maybe you want to work in our organisation, have dreams of being a volunteer, want to partner up and make business or are just a curious person. We share our knowledge and invites you yo be an active participant. Red Cross volunteers provide
Vi arbejder for at styrke tilliden i samfundet og være med til at løse væsentlige problemstillinger. Det gør vi med udgangspunkt i vores viden inden for revision, skat og rådgivning. Vores kunder kommer fra alle dele af erhvervslivet og den offentlige sektor, og vi er flere end 2.500 medarbejdere og
Hempel is a coatings specialist, providing protection, and inspiration to the world around us.
With over 40,000 students and more than 9,000 employees, the University of Copenhagen is the largest institution of research and education in Denmark.
The Danish Institute for Human Rights is an independent state-funded institution. We are Denmark’s national human rights institution. We are also a national equality body in relation to race and ethnicity and gender. We also have a special role in the disability area where we promote and monitor t
Arbejdernes Landsbank blev etableret i 1919, hvor aktiekapitalen kom fra en række fagforbund og kooperative virksomheder. I dag er banken fortsat ejet af fagbevægelsen og dens medlemmer, men vi har også mere end 23.000 private aktionærer. Arbejdernes Landsbank er kendt for at drive en sund og sta
Selskabets formål er at drive virksomhed med formidling af udlejning af ferieboliger samt anden virksomhed
Your Partner of Choice ENABLing the green transition ENABL is your trusted and sustainable partner for the wind industry. Our aim is to contribute to a brighter future by ENABLing the green transition worldwide. We do so by delivering highly specialized engineering services and turnkey solutions to
IST is an edtech company that provides app and web based educational solutions.
Det Kongelige Teater er Danmarks nationalscene. Teatret producerer scenekunst af høj kunstnerisk kvalitet inden for skuespil, ballet, opera og klassiske koncerter. Teateret viderefører klassiske traditioner og udvikler den nutidige scenekunst til et bredt publikum. Det Kongelige Teater er fra 1748 o
FOA er Danmarks tredjestørste fagforbund - med ca. 189.000 medlemmer fordelt på 41 afdelinger. Størstedelen er ansat i kommuner og regioner og en mindre del er privat ansatte. FOAs medlemmer passer børn, plejer patienter på hospitaler og plejehjem, slukker brande,yder hjælp og service til ældre
Selskabets formål er at være holdingselskab i form af besiddelse af kapitalinteresser i datterselskaber, der udøver forsynings- eller kommerciel virksomhed samt at varetage ledelse, administration, teknisk service og finansiel virksomhed for selskaberne i TRE-FOR koncernen, at eje, udleje og adminis
Epista Life Science is a team of experts working at the intersection of business priorities and compliance requirements. We pioneer new methodologies and implement technologies to help companies balance risk and efficiency to achieve more. When starting the company in 2009, founder Klavs Esbjerg wa
Selskabets formål er handel, håndværk og industri samt finansieringsvirksomhed
Norican Group is a world-leading provider of technology for the formation and enhancement of metallic parts. The Group is home to six leading international brands: DISA, ItalPresseGauss, StrikoWestofen, Wheelabrator, Simpson and digital brand Monitizer. Together, we offer customers a broad spectrum
Muuto is rooted in the Scandinavian design tradition characterized by enduring aesthetics, functionality, craftsmanship and an honest expression. By expanding this heritage with forward-looking materials, techniques and bold creative thinking, our ambition is to deliver new perspectives on Scandina
Sparekassens formål er at drive pengeinstitutvirksomhed samt anden virksomhed, der er accessorisk hertil.
Effective People believes that the best-run businesses are those that focus on utilizing their technology to support their people—not the other way around. We help our clients plan and execute successful digital transformation journeys while offering continued support and application management serv
Making display advertising simple, relevant, rewarding for advertisers, agencies and publishers
Selskabets formål er at handle med energiprodukter og produkter og tjenesteydelser relateret hertil samt at drive transportvirksomhed og anden virksomhed, med eller uden forbindelse med hovedformålet. Selskabet kan foretage investering i andre selskaber.
Dansk Erhverv er en erhvervsorganisation inden for ansættelsesretlig rådgivning og politisk interessevaretagelse.
Capital Four is an independent industry-leading credit asset management boutique rooted in Scandinavian culture. We are focused on finding the right solutions for our clients by carefully considering their needs and requirements. We leverage over 20 years of experience, enabling us to find new pers
We’re here to provide digital infrastructure that helps companies and institutions steer a straight course. “With Aeven, wherever you’re going, we’re here – with you all the way. Locally anchored in Denmark but with a global reach, we have three decades of experience helping businesses and institut
Aquaporin A/S is a global water technology company dedicated to revolutionizing water purification with its’ novel membrane technology, located in Denmark.