
Explore 10 companies in Gabon



Setrag is a concessionaire which operates the Trans-Gabon Railway that links Franceville to Libreville and the port of Owendo.

Pan-African operator of integrated and multimodal ports & logistics ecosystems and infrastructures. Creator of value in Africa, for Africa.

En mettant en place en 2007 le régime obligatoire d’assurance maladie et de garantie sociale pour accompagner la population gabonaise dans ses dépenses de santé, le Gabon a ainsi réalisé une avancée majeure. Aujourd’hui, la Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie et de Garantie Sociale (CNAMGS) est con



Développement de solutions digitales sur mesure et paiement en ligne via mobile money, Visa et Mastercard. Ebilling Shap Pay

GSEZ is a unique and dynamic industrial zone located in Nkok- Gabon. With 164 investors coming from 15 countries and operating in 17 industry sectors, this Public Private Partnership project between ARISE Integrated Industrial Platforms and the Gabonese Republic, played a crucial role in the indust



Vocalcentre accompagne les entreprises et les administrations publiques dans la gestion à distance de leur clientèle. Notre métier est de gérer l'intégralité de votre relation client avec le meilleur rapport qualité/prix. Situé à Libreville, capitale du Gabon, VOCALCENTRE est le 1er centre de contac

Africa is an incredible breeding ground for creativity, innovation and transformation. Our mission: to promote this African expertise and its talents, by identifying and promoting our AfroChampions. We support economic and institutional actors, in Africa and internationally, in order to report, as o

Infratec Consulting is a consultancy firm specialised in project management and construction management. Our primary goal is to help our costumers to deliver projects safely, on time and on budget. We operate in several sectors such as infrastructure, mining and aviation.

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