
Explore 2,641 companies in Norway

0 followers is Norway’s largest ecommerce hosting provider. We host more than 1100 shops and handled orders worth 500 million NOK in 2013. In addition to ecommerce, we provide point of sale solutions for the iPad. Our revenues for 2013 were 10 million NOK. We are currently 10 employees who love makin

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration is responsible for the planning, construction and operation of the national and county road networks, vehicle inspection and requirements, driver training and licensing. It is also authorized to grant subsidies for ferry operations. The Public Roads Admi

Torvald Klaveness is a pioneering shipping company with a vision to improve the nature of shipping and ambition to make seaborne supply chains resilient, decarbonized, and cost-effective. The Group consists of a holding structure and four operating companies; through Klaveness Combination Carriers



Interwell is a oil service company operating globally.

Nammo AS


Nammo is an international aerospace and defense company headquartered in Norway. With 2200 employees across more than 30 sites and offices in 14 countries, we are one of the world's leading providers of ammunition, rocket motors and demilitarization services for both military and civilian users.

Neptune Software


Neptune Software and its leading SAP-centric, low-code enterprise app development platform empowers IT departments to drive business results.

Komplett Group


AN ONLINE-FIRST ELECTRONICS CHAMPION OF THE NORDICS Komplett Group is the largest online first electronics retailer in the Nordic area and offers its customers one of the market’s broadest selections of consumer electronics and business solutions. The group operates an efficient and scalable busi



Infront is the leading European full-service provider of financial market solutions. Financial professionals across Europe and South Africa rely on Infront for flexible financial market solutions.



Puzzel is the leading European provider of cloud contact centre solutions. Every day, more than 1,200 organisations across 40 countries use our software to deliver smart customer experiences, blending the powers of people and technology to serve customers efficiently, effectively and with empathy. T



Prøv Entur og finn din reise med buss, tog, båt, trikk, t-bane og fly. Entur samler hele Norges kollektivtilbud på ett sted slik at du enkelt finner frem. Entur fra dør til dør, nord til sør.



Tampnet is the world leading telecommunications operator of subsea-fibre based datacommunication and wireless 4G LTE to the offshore industry. The company operates offshore telecom infrastructure in the North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.

Global Maritime


Global Maritime’s services span the entire offshore project lifecycle from engineering & design, construction and third party verification through to marine warranty surveying, dynamic positioning, installation, risk management and decommissioning.



Advansia tilbyr et bredt spekter av tjenester innen prosjektledelse, digitalisering, sikkerhet og strategisk rådgivning for å møte våre kunders behov for en helhetlig tilnærming - enten det er å sikre en effektiv og trygg gjennomføring av et prosjekt eller lykkes med å utvikle sin virksomhet. Vi er

Norsk Tipping


Norsk Tipping tilbyr Lotterier, Oddsen, Flax, kasinospill og mye annet. Hele overskuddet vårt går til samfunnsnyttige formål

Simula Research Laboratory's main objective is to create knowledge about fundamental scientific challenges that are of genuine value for society. Important research with long-term impact in the fields of networks and distributed systems, scientific computing and software engineering constitutes the

There’s no place like home, as the old saying goes. It reflects the true feeling of being safe in a place surrounded by the people we care about. Our homes and our workplaces are where our lives happen, where our relationships grow and where we keep the things we cherish. We are there for our custom

Aker BioMarine


Aker BioMarine is a biotech innovator and Antarctic krill harvesting company dedicated to improving human and planetary health.

Proplan AS


I over 30 år har vi stått på for at du som vår kunde skal ha de beste systemene – tilpasset ditt behov. Du vet – de som sparer deg for tid, gjør informasjonen du trenger tilgjengelig når du trenger den, og gir oversikt over de viktige prosessene i bedriften din innen regnskap, logistikk, timeførin

AVO Consulting


AVO Consulting renders digital transformation, robotic process automation, AI, machine learning and low-code app development services.

Optimera AS


Optimera Handel er en divisjon i Optimera, Norges største aktør innen salg og distribusjon av byggevarer og trelast.

Hexagon Purus


Hexagon Purus enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus' products ar

SpinChip is considered the ultimate concept for in vitro diagnosis analyses in a point of care setting.

NRC Group Norge


NRC Group er en totalleverandør av tjenester for samferdselsrelatert infrastruktur og den største private totalentreprenør innen baneinfrastruktur i Norge, Sverige og Finland. Konsernet har stor spesialistkompetanse innen teknisk infrastruktur for bane, grunnarbeid, fiber, VA, massetransport og san



In collaboration with our clients, partners, and each other, we solve meaningful challenges through better projects, business development, and digital transformation. Together, we make change possible. As an organization, Metier has a history that dates back 40 years. With 250 employees, 800 MNOK i

Cermaq Global


Cermaq is a company in farming of salmon and trout, with operations in Norway, Canada and Chile.



Das volle CALIDA Sortiment im offiziellen Markenshop. Unterwäsche, Schlafanzüge, Pyjamas, BHs und Slips. Kostenloser Versand, kostenlose Rücksendung, Versand innerhalb 24 Stunden.



Amedia er et stiftelseseid mediekonsern, og landets største utgiver av redaktørstyrte medier. Amedia har 106 nasjonale, regionale og lokale titler som daglig når mer enn to millioner lesere. Med mer enn 1.100 redaksjonelle medarbeidere over hele landet holdes våre lesere løpende oppdatert på nyheter

Orkla Health


Orkla Health is the supplier of food supplements in the Nordic Region.

Hansa Borg Bryggerier is a brewery and beverage company that produces both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks such as beers, soda, whisky, ciders, mineral water, and soft drinks, enabling consumers to get a wide variety of beverages.

Forskningsrådet skal gi næring til nye ideer, gjøre grensesprengende forskning og radikal innovasjon mulig. Vi jobber for et samfunn der forskning blir skapt, brukt og delt, og der vi bidrar til omstilling og et mer bærekraftig samfunn. På vegne av regjeringen investerer vi 11,4 milliarder kroner i



BASS, of Norwegian heritage and founded in 1997, is a leading global provider of fleet management software for ship owners and ship managers, as well as operators of rigs and floating production, storage and offloading vessels (FPSOs), and offshore units. More than 100 customers, including many of

Låssenteret AS


Låssenteret AS er Norges største privateide sikkerhetssenter og låsesmed.  Låssenteret har 36 avdelinger fordelt over hele landet fra Kirkenes til Kristiansand. Det betyr at du alltid har et sikkerhetssenter i nærheten. Vi er hele tiden brennende opptatt av å bygge et ledende fag- og kompetansemilj

Egde Consulting


Egde Consulting they help private and public enterprises for businesses and society. They give services for industries such as the state and municipal sector, energy, oil and gas, industry, health, finance and insurance, and Telecom.

The Norwegian Computer Society is Norway's largest network for IT professionals. Over 50 specialized groups deliver different seminars, workshops, courses and meetings for our members within their specialized fields of expertise. The Norwegian Computer Society are also the owner of EUCIP Norway AS.



iteam er et av Norges raskest voksende IT-selskaper med 38 avdelinger fra Svalbard i nord til Kristiansand i sør. Hos oss finner du noen av bransjens beste folk, som leverer sikre og smarte IT-løsninger for moderne arbeidsplasser. iteam tilbyr global IT til bedriftsmarkedet i Norge. Vi liker imidle



NAVTOR is a leading force in providing innovative e-Navigation and performance solutions and a total supplier of navigational products and services for the maritime sector. Every day we strive to make life easier for navigators and safer, more transparent and efficient for shipowners, ship managers



IT handler ikke om designskisser, linjer av kode eller infrastruktur, men om samarbeid og forståelse. IT bør være åpenhet, ærlighet og endringsvilje. Der er vi! En ny variant av et konsulentselskap som er raust, åpent og læreglad.



🌳Eika er en allianse av selvstendige banker, Eika Gruppen og Eika Boligkreditt. Eika Gruppen leverer stordriftsfordeler, tjenester og produkter til bankene – og kunder. Eika ønsker å være en drivkraft for bærekraftig utvikling - for deg og ditt lokalsamfunn. Eika Gruppens visjon er å styrke lokalb

IDI is the INTOSAI body that works across The International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) strategic goal areas and supports SAIs in developing countries, in their efforts to sustainably enhance performance, independence and professionalism. INTOSAI is a non-profit umbrella org

Sprint er konsulentselskapet der entreprenørskap møter management consulting. Vår visjon er å bygge fremtidens selskaper. Vi hjelper selskaper å bli raskere, smidigere, mer innovative, mer bærekraftige, mer attraktive. Vi jobber med tidlig-fase innovasjon og nye forretningsmodeller, med kommersiali



Norfund - The Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries, is owned by the Norwegian Government and serves as an instrument in Norwegian development policy. Norfund contributes to poverty reduction and economic development in the poorest countries through investments in profitable businesses

Haavind is one of Norway’s leading law firms. The firm is located in central Oslo and provides legal services to businesses, covering all aspects of commercial law. Haavind is a full-service law firm with several of the largest companies in Norway, as well as public sector, as clients. Our goal is



SECURE and SIMPLIFY your workflow of business critical data with Admincontrol. Admincontrol provides Board Portals for Corporate Governance and Virtual Data Rooms for Corporate Finance.The Admincontrol Portals give you the opportunity to share and show your business critical information in a secure

Haukeland universitetssjukehus har om lag 11.600 tilsette som kvar dag har som mål å gje best muleg behandling og pleie til pasientane våre. Våre tilsette er den viktigaste ressursen vår. Vi arbeider for å knytte til oss dei beste fagfolka og vil legge til rette for at alle tilsette skal trivast



Vi leverer alle tjenester knyttet til avhending av offentlige eiendommer. I tillegg til å avhende forsvarseiendommer, tilbyr vi rådgivningstjenester til andre offentlige instanser som skal avhende...



Asolvi is the provider of service management software for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the field service industry.With nearly 100 years of combined experience developing solutions for a broad array of field service sectors, Asolvi is the supplier of choice for companies seeking great

Advokatfirmaet Selmer was founded in 1985 and is one of the largest and most recognized corporate law firms in Norway. We provide business law advice accompanied by financial expertise and have a unique blend of professionals in the Norwegian law firm market. We have a large network within the priv



DEFA is a family-owned Norwegian technology company established in 1946, with 450 employees on three continents. For more than 75 years, we have evolved from a local family business to an international charging company, driven by the search for new links between technology and people. Our most impor

Norse Digital


Vi skaper forretningsmuligheter gjennom innovasjon, design og utvikling av nye digitale produkter og tjenester.



Questback is the technology leader for Experience Management that helps organizations capture critical insights from their employees, customers, and the market with an Enterprise and DIY offering. Using experience data and cutting-edge AI technology, Questback helps foster high-performing employees,