Explore 2,638 companies in Norway
The company has been a driving force for innovation both in technical solutions and business models and has been a major influencer in the industries it has worked in during the years.
The Vy Group is one of the largest transport groups in the Nordic countries. The company is owned by the Norwegian government and its Ministry of Transport and Communications. Vy has four operational business areas in Norway and Sweden: • Rail passenger services • Bus services • Freight transport
Om Bohus Våre 1300 dedikerte medarbeidere etterstreber daglig å leve etter våre verdier som er Fristende, Opptur og Troverdig. Bohus tilbyr et meget bredt utvalg av møbler og interiørprodukter til meget gode priser. Bohus kjedekontor Kjedekontoret Bohus AS står for overordnet strategiutvikling, bu
I Entra utvikler vi kontorer, næringsbygg, ja hele byområder hvor mennesker skal trives i lang tid. Vi skaper fremtidens kontormiljøer i dag og bygger muligheten til å møte skiftende behov i morgen. Våre kunder får tilgang til miljøledende kontorer hvor teknologi og tjenester skaper en sømløs hverda
Hæhre Entreprenør er en av Norges største aktører innen vei- og anleggsutbygging med over 40 års bransjeerfaring.
Scan Tech develops, designs and manufactures machinery and equipment for well testing, maintenance and modifications, subsea, lifting and marine products. Pump Systems, pressure equipment, lifting equipment and steam-based solutions is some of the product range we can offer to our customers and part
Working with sustainability should be simple, effective and fun. To achieve this and also create structure in what can be perceived as complex and messy, a specially designed tool is needed that collects all the sustainability data in one place and makes the data collection process smart and traceab
Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions is a nonprofit organization for the welfare of employees.
Hovedvirksomheten til Unibuss AS er rutetrafikk med buss på Østlandet. For tiden opererer vi ca 700 rutebusser i Oslo, Viken og Vestfold. Styreleder er Birte Sjule og Øystein Svendsen er administrerende direktør. Hovedkontoret ligger i Oslo. Unibuss Tur AS opererer ca 25 moderne turbusser fra Oslo
Vi lager sikre IT-løsninger for små og mellomstore bedrifter. I Upheads tror vi på det personlige. Hos oss får du tildelt en konsulent som kjenner din bedrift, i stedet for å være bare ett nummer. I dag sørger for at flere enn 2000 kunder nyter problemfrie og sikre IT-hverdager. Og vi hjelper gjern
A2G Gruppen er en arbeidsmarkedsbedrift som gir mennesker muligheter. Vi driver samtidig profesjonell forretningsvirksomhet. Hvert forretningsoråde reprensenterer en viktig praksisarena i vårt attføringsarbeid, og bidrar til at mange mennesker kan gå tilbake til ordinært arbeidsliv eller komme i
REEN’s expertise and technology provide the valuable insight needed to transform how waste management companies collect, transport, and distribute their waste. With long-term goals set to lower operational costs and environmental impacts, our mission is to streamline waste management and recycling o
Sensonomic creates computer simulations of agricultural systems to optimise yield, improve operations and increase resilience.
Utleiemegleren is a rental real estate brokerage that facilitates letting and renting real estate properties.
Dintero is a fintech startup delivering payment, checkout, CRM, and loyalty solutions. The startup's checkout solution offers popular payment methods like Vipps, Swish, invoice, financing, and card payments. It has built its solution for split payment, so that the payments can be split regardless of
Atyp er et kreativt reklame- og mediebyrå, hvor vi tror at kreativitet er veien til vekst. Det handler om å finne det som kan være typisk for din merkevare og fortelle det på en atypisk måte. Meld deg på vårt nyhetsbrev: https://nyhetsbrev.atyp.no/
Ecura is a health and care company that recruits staff and temporary workers who are well trained and professional for home care.
The Federation of Norwegian Industries have approx. 2,550 member companies with approx 130,000 employees. - Norway`s industry is Norway`s future, and we shall contribute to renewed industrial growth in Norway, says Mr Stein Lier-Hansen, Managing Director of the Federation.
Stortinget.no inneholder informasjon om saker som behandles i Stortinget, oversikt over møter og høringer, informasjon om stortingsrepresentantene, omvisninger, læringsspill, kurs med mer.
Founded in 1989, Rainforest Foundation supports indigenous and traditional people of the world's rainforests to protect their environment and fulfill their rights. We work at the intersection of environmental conservation and human rights and in full partnership with indigenous and traditional fores
Operations made Easy, @Keystone we believe a holistic approach to digital transformation, starting with a digital strategy and a digital operating model will set the direction for integrated execution. The Keystone Platform enable organizations to realize the untapped potential of existing capabili
Our vision is to offer the most cost effective, secure, flexible and green data center solution in Europe. Several key differentiators build up our unique value proposition. Power – Renewable, stable and at low cost LMD is located near 350 MW renewable power production. The national grid is nex
Remora Robotics is a Norwegian technology company, and have since its inception developed, tested and now commercialized its fully automated robotics system for cleaning fish pens.
Søndre Land har 6.000 innbyggere, og er en av fem kommuner som utgjør Gjøvikregionen med tilsammen 65.000 innbyggere.
LOXY adds value in textile products. Through flexibility and innovation, honed by generations in the extreme Norwegian nature, we develop world leading products in close cooperation with our clients. Even big pictures are all about the details, because nothing is ever stronger than its weakest poin
Intership is a leading wellboat company offering both live fish transportation and treatment to customers worldwide. Today we have vessels or people operating in Norway, Canada, Chile, Scotland and Iceland. Our objective is to be a leading provider of superior quality and service within the Aquacul
We are the Microsoft 365 and Dynamics 365 specialists in Crayon Group, which is present in over 20 countries worldwide. We deliver complete collaboration solutions, specialist consulting, and support to a wide range of industries. As the largest professional community on Microsoft 365 in an innovati
Mester Grønn er Norges største heleide blomsterkjede med over 147 blomsterbutikker fra Alta i nord til Kristiansand i sør. Siden starten i 1983 har vi bygget stein på stein, jobbet som et lag og hatt fokus på kvalitet i alle ledd. Vi har ansatte som er stolte over produktene vi selger og som er glad
The Competition Authority in Norway enforces the Competition Act of 2004. It also enforces and cooperates in the enforcement of the competition provisions of the EEA Agreement. Headquartered in Bergen, the Competition Authority has approximately 100 employees.
North Energy ASA er et norsk, uavhengig energiselskap med investeringer primært knyttet til olje og gass.Hovedkontoret er i Oslo.
S5 Consulting AS is an employee-owned, Norway, Swedish and Poland-based SAP & Neptune consulting company focusing on Innovation and Digital Transformation projects. S5 consists of a team of 40+ highly skilled and certified experts. S5 is known for its ability to help clients execute change to add
The amount of information that an organization is subjected to is continuously increasing. Pure Logic AS is a company that specializes in the concept development process where there typically is too much information and it is difficult to compare different solutions with various traits. When you are
Røa Allianseidrettslag (Røa IL), som ble stiftet 11. november 1900, har vært og er en kultur- og holdningsbygger og et senter for idrett og helse for tusenvis av mennesker i over hundre år. Røa IL har et bredt tilbud bestående av allidrett, bandy, fotball, langrenn, sykkel, triatlon og trim. Røa
DOGA is a driving force for sustainable value creation through design and architecture. We facilitate collaboration between creative talents, businesses and the public sector and work to strengthen the role of design and architecture in shaping the Norway of tomorrow.
Transmark Subsea design, produce and service all kinds of cables, umbilical- or tether systems, used on ROVs/ROTs, cables used for power and control of "permanently" installed subsea components like wellhead systems, pumps, manifolds and transducer arrays. This includes: * Normal dry mate connec
Gammel Nok tilbyr omstilling, utvikling, bemanning og rekruttering. I tillegg til å være et bemanningsbyrå for seniorer, er vi en leverandør av omsorgstjenester og praktisk bistand. Senior er ressurs! Ta kontakt. Vi gleder oss til å høre fra deg!
Aker ASA is a Norway-based industrial investment company engaged in active ownership. The Company organizes its business activities into two segments: Industrial investments and Financial investments. The Industrial investments segment comprises the Company's ownership interest in companies, such as
Orkla House Care is the leading provider of brushes, rollers and other painting tools including; masking, sanding, tape, paint spraying and cleaning equipment. Main brands are Jordan, Anza, Harris, Spekter, SAM and Hamilton.
Infund støtter innovasjon og verdiskaping ved å utarbeide søknader om offentlig hel- eller delfinansiering. Vi har lang og relevant erfaring – vår kompetanse omfatter både norske og EU-baserte ordninger. Vi er team- og samarbeidsorienterte, og genuint opptatt av nyskaping. Infund bringer innovative
Andeshandel AS is a supplier of royal quinoa products for the Scandinavian and EU wholesale / Horeca markets. We prioritize delivering tailored solutions for import-export, quality products and good service to our partners and clients.
Gonvarri Material Handling is a leading pan-European provider of storage products and solutions. In addition, the we are marketed throughout Europe under the Constructor, Dexion, Kasten and PSS brands.
Dagens virksomheter har økende fokus på å beskytte verdier og mennesker, samt ivareta ulike sikkerhetskrav fra myndigheter og andre interessenter. Swecos eksperter på sikkerhet har høy kompetanse og lang erfaring innen de fleste deler av sikkerhetsfaget. Vi bistår med sikkerhetsrådgivning og prosjek
We have entered a new era for power operations, as fundamental changes in power systems are rapidly increasing operational variability and market volatility. Optimeering empowers power operators to manage short-term risk in a simpler, better and faster manner. Our state of the art, artificially in
Dof ASA is a Norway-based company engaged in the provision of services to the global oil and gas industry. The Company owns and operates a fleet of supply and subsea vessels. It is the holding Company for Norskan Offshore SA, DOF Subsea AS and DOF Management AS. The Group delivers services, such as
Sammen med kundene våre bygger Atea Norge med IT.
Pixii is a rapidly growing supplier of modular and scalable battery-based energy storage solutions for a wide range of market segments. Committed to a sustainable future, Pixii speeds up the transition to green energy by enabling efficient integration of renewable energy, reducing costs, emissions a
TECO 2030 aim is to identify and develop solutions to significantly reduce ecological impact of maritime pollution.
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Vitusapotek er en landsdekkende apotekkjede med 300 apotek og mer enn 3000 medarbeidere. Vitusapotek eies av Norsk Medisinaldepot AS (NMD), en av Norges største leverandører av legemidler og helserelaterte produkter. NMDs andre kjedekonsept Ditt Apotek, består av samarbeidsapotek og har i dag over 6