
Explore 2,638 companies in Norway

1881 Group provides directory services distributed through Internet, Voice, mobile applications and SMS. The group 1881 Group AS is owned by Kistefos and in 2017 it sold more than NOK 370 million.



Permian is a leading Nordic fund administrator with offices located centrally in Oslo and Stockholm. Permian delivers a full set of business support services designed for investment firms, family offices, funds, fund managers, trusts, associations and foreign companies seeking local representative.T

Dette er en side om Sykehusapotekene HF. Mer informasjon finner du på våre internettsider:

Nardo Bil


Nardo Bil Gruppen er i dag en av Norges største Volvogrupperinger med representasjon i Trondheim, Stjørdal, Steinkjer, Orkanger, Kristiansund, Molde og Ålesund. Selskapet forhandler Volvo, samt Jaguar og Land Rover i Trondheim. I tillegg har selskapet ansvar for Polestar Space Trondheim, samt utleve

IKT-tjenester til spesialisthelsetjenesten Helse Vest Hordaland Sogn og Fjordane Rogaland Ledig stilling Innovasjon Helsetjenester

Kahoot! DragonBox is an award-winning pedagogy studio consiting of world leading experts within pedagogy, didactics and experience design. Our mission is to empower kids to reach their full math potential by designing fun and efficient game-based learning experiences.

Bulk Infrastructure is a leading provider of sustainable digital infrastructure in the Nordics. We are an industrial investor, developer, and operator of industrial real estate, data centers, and dark fiber networks. We believe in the value creation opportunity of enabling our digital society to be



Statens lånekasse for utdanning (Lånekassen) er en norsk statlig etat under Kunnskapsdepartementet. Lånekassen gir økonomisk støtte til utdanning gjennom stipender og lån.



RiksTV is a TV distributor that started distributing TV signals in 2007. From then on the company has developed tremendously, and we currently offer a TV experience at the customer's premises. We offer services via a SMART box, on any mobile phone or tablet or on the latest generation of Apple TV



Fronkom is a tech and marketing agency that builds customer experiences that provide value and sustainable growth. Together we create digital solutions people understand and use. Creating growth and value requires new ways of thinking and working. We take care of our experiences, document and share



Econa er interesse- og arbeidstakerorganisasjonen for siviløkonomer og masterutdannede innen økonomisk-administrative fag. Vi har 28 000 medlemmer og jobber for å tydeliggjøre økonomifagenes betydning i samfunnet. Econa er en interesse - og arbeidstakerorganisasjon som arbeider for å: - Sikre at no



Mercell is a digital platform for public eTendering and entered the eProcurement market.Mercell's unique marketplace simplifies the tender and procurement process and makes it easy and secure for buyers to find relevant suppliers for their tenders and purchasing needs, and enables suppliers to find


Ordr allows guests to order and pay for food without using cards, payment machines or apps.

Velkommen til REMA 1000! Over 650 butikker kledd i rødt, hvitt og blått strekker seg fra Kirkenes i nord til Mandal i sør. Siden 1979 har REMA 1000 jobbet for å kutte matprisene i Norge og tilby deg dagligvarer av høy kvalitet til laveste pris, produsert og solgt på en ansvarlig måte. Hos REMA 1000

Iris AI

0 followers products are process tools aimed specifically at researchers in the early phase of a new project. They are especially suitable for interdisciplinary projects where the combination of knowledge from across a range of research fields will be vital to the project’s success.

Aera is a company owned by Coop and NorgesGruppen established to deliver cost efficient and creative payments and identification solutions in both the physical and the digital commerce space. The company addresses the merchant environment with a universal payment and identification platform, enablin



Tekna - The Norwegian Society of Graduate Technical and Scientific Professionals is Norway´s largest society of professionals with a master´s degree or equivalent in science or technology. Tekna is a member of Akademikerne (The Federation of Norwegian Professional Associations), the primary Norw



Simployer is a leading player in the Scandinavian HR market, delivering the unique combination of HR tech solutions and knowledge services. Simployer is the preferred choice of more than 15 000 customer, servicing over 1.2 million users. Simployer help customers inspire, engage, manage and develo

Sonat AS


Sonat er et sterkt konsulentmiljø i Bergen og Oslo. Vår målsetning er å være et ledende kompetansemiljø i samspillet mellom prosesser, IT og mennesker. Våre tjenester omfatter digitalisering, tjenestedesign, UX, maskinlæring, VR, teknologirådgiving og systemutvikling. Vi arbeider for noen av norges

Fonn Construction is a user-friendly management software for construction teams.



Wellfit is a healthcare technology platform that makes patient financing, dental plans, and payment processes simple, transparent, and cost-effective for providers, patients, and employers. Wellfit’s regulatory-compliant administration services and cloud-based technology modernize a wide variety o



TOOLS er Norges ledende leverandør av verktøy, maskiner, personlig verneutstyr og industrielt forbruksmateriell til proffmarkedet.



Proactima contributes to a safer and more sustainable future by being a leading management consulting company in Norway. Our mission and commitment are more relevant than ever. We go to work every day to make a difference and to contribute to a safe and sustainable society. We aim to be part of the

NITO er Norges største organisasjon for ingeniører og teknologer med 100.000 medlemmer. NITO organiserer ingeniører og teknologer med høgskole-/universitetsutdanning eller tilsvarende kompetanse. Alle som har en ingeniør- eller teknologutdanning bestående av minst 120 studiepoeng (40 vekttall) e

Vi tilbyr bilberging/veihjelp i hele Europa, rådgiving, NAF -tester, advokat hjelp, EU kontroll og rabatter. Bli NAF-medlem her.



Nokas er en totalleverandør av sikkerhetsløsninger og kontanthåndtering til offentlige og private virksomheter.

AAP Aviation


AAP Aviation is unique. We are the first company to offer Total Crew Management; a full range of services including employment and management of both Flight Crew and Cabin Crew. We are responsible for the entire crew management process, from Recruitment and Training to Planning and Execution. Our S



Want a job with meaning? Do you want the opportunity to use your professional knowledge for exciting social tasks? Then the Customs Service may be your new workplace. The Norwegian Customs Service consists of 1,614 employees with very different backgrounds. With us you will find customs officers, s



Statped gir støtte og tjenester til kommuner og fylkeskommuner som fremmer læring til barn og elever med varige og komplekse spesialpedagogiske behov. Vi bidrar til at barn og elever får opplæring i og på tegnspråk − både i et norsk/samisk og norsk tegnspråklig fellesskap. Statped gir kommuner og fy

Norges Fotballforbunds visjon er "Fotballglede, muligheter og utfordringer for alle"​. Dette sier noe om det viktigste målet vi har, at vår idrett skal være åpen og inkluderende - ingen skal stenges ute. Besøksadresse: Sognsveien 75 J, Ullevaal Stadion Telefon: 04420 Mail:



The Navico Recreational Marine Division is one of the world's largest provider of leisure marine electronic products.



Thommessen er et ledende norsk forretningsadvokatfirma med kontorer i Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger og London. Gjennom 165 år har klientene våre gitt oss muligheten til å være med på flere av de viktigste oppdragene for norsk næringsliv. Våre 220 advokater dekker hele det faglige spekteret innen forretnin



Pride in every move! Advanced turnkey mechanical solutions. As one of the world’s leading machining companies we take pride in delivering every product on time.

Nordland Hospital covers the population's need for most specialist health services in medicine, surgery and psychiatry and substance abuse.

Unite AS


We create innovate subscription, login and media solutions with great focus on UX and revenue



Huma assists businesses so that they can spend less time on administration and internal processes and more time on more vital tasks like getting involved, developing culture, and growing their business. They rethink what an HR system should and can be, and come up with two simple guidelines: Huma sh

Gausdal Landhandleri leverer alt innen byggevarer, trelast, maling, hytteutstyr og har et bredt sortiment innenfor jernvarer som elektroverktøy, verneutstyr og arbeidsklær. Siden 1938 har vi opparbeidet oss en sterk merkevare preget av fagkunnskap og gode relasjoner til våre kunder. VÆLKOMME!

The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Norway. The National Museum holds, preserves, exhibits, and promotes public knowledge about, Norway's most extensive collections of art, architecture and design. It shows permanent exhibitions of works from its own collections and temporary exhib

Reach Subsea


Reach Subsea is an international subsea service provider, established in 2008. The Company is listed at Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker: Reach), with head office in Haugesund, Norway.



Våre gode skybaserte løsninger i kombinasjon med solid faglig kompetanse og lang erfaring med innfordring, gjør at vi kan tilby løsningene som skal til for at du skal lykkes!



There are three principle agents which cooperate in providing housing for the Norwegian population; the National Government, municipal authorities and private firms and organizations. The Norwegian State Housing Bank is the main agency implementing Norwegian housing policy.



One health record across all levels of health care in Central Norway

Garda Sikring


Om Garda Sikring AS: Garda Sikring er din 360-graders sikringspartner i hele Norge, og er en del av Garda Sikring Group - Nord-Europas største leverandør av sikkerhetsløsninger. Garda Sikring er den ledende aktøren i Norge for vei-, anlegg- og områdesikring. Vi tilbyr et bredt spekter av produk

For thousands of years, people on Norway’s weather torn west coast have ridden the waves and conquered the sea. It is from this stock of strong seafarers that Olympic Subsea ASA has emerged as owner of one of the world’s largest and most modern subsea fleets Through a restructuring of the company i



OptoScale sells real-time monitoring equipment for fish farms. OptoScale engages in precision aquaculture, helping fish farmers unlock unprecedented productivity and sustainability gains.

Our mission is to build market leaders and ensuring our customer’s competitiveness and success. Together with our customers, we create innovative, profitable, and forward-looking products and solutions. Whether the customer presents a specific functionality description or an open problem, it is up t

Norled AS


Norled AS is one of Norway's largest ferry and express boat companies. We have around 80 vessels in operation along the Norwegian coastline. Norled has approximately 1,000 employees and the company has an annual turnover of approximately NOK 2 billion. Norled is headquartered in Stavanger, and has o



We are the Nordic region's largest rapid charging network that is open for everyone, with over 4 000 charge points in Norway, Finland, and Sweden. As a growing Nordic company, we focus on innovation and technology to improve processes, user experience, develop new services, and evolve as a business.

Hitec Products is an independent norwegian company with headquarters in Stavanger, Norway. Our success is based upon our core values, that we are committed, flexible, resilient and quality oriented. Our main business areas are CONTROLS & AUTOMATION PROCESS SYSTEMS CLEANTEC CUSTOMER SUPPORT We are