Explore 1,105 companies in Romania
The iFactor solution is an ESG oriented proprietary technology that addresses SMEs issues through two channels:First, iFactor has designed a robust AI/ML technology solution and dynamic proprietary modeling, improving the credit risk assessment using a wide range of alternative data, including KYC a
LANCO Romania este membră a LANCO Group GmbH si unitatea principală de producție a grupului. Cu o experiență de peste 70 de ani în proiectarea și producția de adăposturi mobile, gama noastră de produse include corturi cu structură pneumatică sau din aluminiu, hangare si steme de decontaminare. Misi
Prima platformă de meditații din România care pune profesorii buni în valoare.
RIFIL este primul joint venture public/privat înființat cu un partener occidental nu numai în România, ci în întregul bloc comunist din Europa de Est și a fost înființat la 24 aprilie 1973, cu scopul specific de a crea fire de calitate italiană prin colaborare între guvernul român și cel mai impor
Caramel Collection este mai mult decât un brand de modă - este o experiență care îmbină elegant elemente clasice și actuale, oferind femeilor o gamă variată de opțiuni vestimentare pentru a se simți frumoase, moderne și încrezătoare în fiecare zi. Fondat în 2001, Caramel Collection a evoluat contin
The only cross borders recruitment platform understanding international recruiters needs. With a unique attention to diversity and inclusion we help recruiters from all around the world to connect to international job seekers. Video Cv and video job description are just a small part of our business
OPTIMAC este o firmă de optică medicală cu capital 100% românesc, înființată în anul 2011 în Brasov, care oferă servicii și produse de profil: rame de vedere, lentile de ochelari, ochelari de soare, lentile de contact și accesorii. Încă de la început misiunea noastra a fost de a veni în întampinare
Enjoy Flowers is a subscription flower delivery service.
BOOKR decreases the risk of failed business appointments through a platform that allows companies to efficiently manage customer relationships, based on transparency, customizing appointments according to customer preferences, and insights from data on canceled appointments. BOOKR allows companies t
In a constantly changing era, being up-to-date with the technologies and the latest trends is a must! BRUSCH Services is a Romanian IT company with headquarter in Sibiu and representative office in Bucharest. We act predominantly as a provider of IT-Sourcing and near shoring services and also supp
Founded in 1991 we are a software development company. We are specialized in web design, SEO, mobile and web development, we have vast experience in all the fields. Most of our projects are realized through the Agile or Scrum technologies so that the client can understand the workflow process an
Whether you’re hiring single talents or entire teams for on-site or remote working, we’re here to make things easier for you. We are a creative staffing agency with a deep pool of highly skilled and creative characters. Our aim is to make the recruitment process as efficient, effective and easy as p
SRAC group is one of the best known certification and conformity assessment body in Romania for over 25 years and one of the important certification bodies from Central and Eastern Europe.
Printmasters is a fast growing Dutch owned company (XD connects), based in Romania, specialized in decorating and printing industrial and promotional products. Printmasters is active on the European market since 2008 and is performing services with outstanding quality & unlimited value adde
UCMS by AROBS is one of the most innovative Romanian companies, specialized in the development of integrated software solutions for HR and payroll. The company has an experience of over 25 years on the Romanian market. Over 1.500 clients and partners use the two software solutions developed by UCMS
Mobila de cea mai buna calitate intr-o gama foarte variata. Comanda online sau viziteaza-ne in unul din magazinele noastre.
Bine ati venit pe pagina TIGER SECURITY! Multumim pentru interesul acordat companiei noastre si va invitam sa ne cunoasteti in paginile urmatoare. Speram ca lectura acestui site sa fie una interesanta si utila. In masura in care va putem fi de folos, va rugam sa ne contactati la 021/9875. Echipa TI
Elevating Travel Business Owners to Unprecedented Success! At OLLIE TRAVEL ENGINE, we specialize in empowering travel business owners. With a proven record, we've guided 40+ agents/agencies to 6000+ organic leads and 2000+ meetings in 6 months. Our expertise spans 6 automated sales systems for coa
Independent provider of services in the EU region pertaning (but not limited) to: DevOps / Site Reliability Engineering / Systems Engineering / System Administration / Security
ATP ofera clientilor cele mai inalte standarde de calitate in productia de piese auto pentru camioane, vanzare si service de masini noi si rulate. Dealer autorizat de vanzari si service Mercedes-Benz, Opel, Mazda, Suzuki, MAN, IVECO.
Darcom Energy Cu o experienta de 25 ani in antreprenoriat si productie, Darcom Energy activeaza in domeniul energiei regenerabile din anul 2008, oferind servicii de proiectare, comercializare, instalare, reparatii si intretinere a sistemelor fotovoltaice de tip On-Grid, Off-Grid si Hibrid. In calita
Turism Felix SA is a Romania-based company engaged in the tourism sector. The Company is primarily active in the operation of a complex of hotels and restaurants. It provides accommodation in six hotels, including International, Termal, Nufarul, Poienita, Mures, Somes and Unirea. Its services portfo
Domo Retail SA is a retail company based out of Romania.
EDUCATIVA is a group of social enterprises in the education space operating EU-wide. The core of the group’s activities is helping young people with personal development opportunities. The current projects of EDUCATIVA are: • IUF – International University Fair (www.iuf.world) – the largest annual i
Este magazinul online care dorește să reunească cele mai bune produse românești și să le ofere clienților din țară la prețuri extrem de competitive. Ne plac acele lucruri realizate cu măiestrie, dar și cu suflet. Ceramica, lemnul, sticla sau covoarele create in fabrici cu tehnologii modern
Salbac este cea mai importanta gospodarie din Romania unde se obtin salamuri crud-uscate si specialitati fiert-afumate, modernizate si amenajate la standarde
Renovatio Solar is engaged in project engineering, equipment procurement and in construction and installation activities for high power terrestrial solar parks. The company provides customized EPC services as well as turnkey solutions.
Binarcode is a web development agency based in Cluj-Napoca. We specialize in Javascript technologies, Laravel and Agile. We are experienced yet fresh and passionate about what we do. Our core values are quality, innovation and openness. Let's build the next great thing hello@binarcode.com
At Salesflow, we connect businesses for mutual success by facilitating access to tailored IT solutions through our network of trusted partners. We enable companies to access services such as IP transit, colocation, hardware, cloud infrastructure, advanced cybersecurity, DDoS mitigation, and custom s
We are a technology research and development company that integrates the latest hardware and software solutions,creating and implementing intelligent energy management systems for cities and electric utilities. Our mission is to enhance life standards by pushing the boundaries of technology. We are
Termene.ro platform allows the Romanian companies a quick and easy access to all official data - financial, fiscal and legal. We have more than 1.8 million platform checks per year and over 110,000 users. We offer strategic and operational support services (implementation) for: credit risk, KYC /
FeedCheck brings all product reviews in one place. Doesn’t matter where your product is sold, we collect all reviews from Amazon, eBay, BestBuy, Target and many other stores. FeedCheck remove feedback management headache.
PAPAPOSTOLOU este o companie înființată în 1914 care are ca principală activitate distribuția și suportul tehnic al echipamentelor medicale. Principalii clienți ai companiei sunt spitale, clinici, centre de diagnostic, centre de recuperare, cămine de bătrâni. Compania este una dintre cele mai import
Brand 100% românesc, lansat în 1999 cu un concept unic de retail: cele mai noi și variate game de produse din domeniul cărții, papetăriei și jucăriilor într-un singur loc. Compania pune la dispoziția clienților un mix complet de produse menit să asigure întreaga gamă de dezvoltare personală și dive
Seagull UAV is a leader within camera control systems, highly focused on manufacturing innovative quality solutions for drones. We offer a wide range of products within autonomous navigation, radio communications and data logging. For more information, visit our website: www.seagulluav.com Follow
Students Society of Medicine in Bucharest also known as SSM or SSMB, was established on January 1875 for the students need and desire to assist each other to manifest itself in a scientific framework organized, especially in scientific documentation.
With over 20 years of experience in digital technology and marketing, Tigros Mark Tech is your ideal partner to grow your business effectively with HubSpot CRM, an integrated revenue platform (marketing, sales, service, operations, CMS).
Hello, We’re a creative bunch with a passion for producing design that matches our partner's voice and brings them forward. Our fresh and no-nonsense approach to branding always begins with the client, along with the question – how can we work with them to create true value for their customers?
Global Security System SA (GSS) is a privately held, Romanian company, founded in 1999 currently providing integrated security and facility management services. GSS is fully licensed for the provision of the whole range of both manned and technology-based security services. Besides, Global Security
At AIMedExpert, a brand of Artificial Intelligence Expert Company (AIE), we are committed to transforming cancer care through groundbreaking AI-driven early detection. Our innovative non-invasive tests can identify 32 types of cancer with over 99-100% accuracy, offering a profound impact by alleviat
Retro Cloud Studios -- Offers IT and consulting services with demonstrated expertise in software development, including areas such as PC and Mobile game development, as well as Web and Mobile applications. We apply Agile methodologies and best practices in our Full Circle Software development proces
Elis Pavaje este liderul pieței pavajelor din România. Înființată în 1991, în Alba, compania oferă în prezent un sistem complet și inovativ de produse și servicii, acoperind toate etapele procesului de amenajare, de la producție, consultanță și proiectare, până la transport, montaj și întreținere pa
Alexandrion Group is the spirits and wine markets leader in Romania, and the only producer of single malt whisky in the country and in the region. Our Alexandrion Saber Distilleries 1789 is one of the largest and most modern production facilities in southeastern Europe. We also own vineyards and wi
Duraziv is a Romanian company producing building materials and paints. The factory, a very modern facility for production of paints and building decorative products, adhesives and dry-mixed mortars (plasters, grouts, self-levelling compounds, thermoinsulation products), was built during 2007-2008 i
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