Explore 1,105 companies in Romania
SIVECO Romania develops and exports software products and consultancy projects with high added value to countries within the European Community, The Middle East, North Africa and the CIS area. SIVECO Romania is the only Romanian software company that provides IT services directly to the European
SenseTask is a startup that processes documents using AI technologies.
OMV Petrom SA is a Romanian integrated oil company, the largest corporation in Romania, and the largest oil and gas producer in Southeast Europe.
🚀 We help founders to transform their expertise into digital products 💻 Web & Mobile Apps ✨💻🚀 With our team of skilled developers and industry experts, we specialize in delivering top-notch solutions tailored to your unique business needs. Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise,
Ministerul Apărării Naţionale este organul de specialitate al administraţiei publice centrale, în subordinea Guvernului, prin care este condusă activitatea în domeniul apărării naţionale, potrivit prevederilor legii şi strategiei de securitate naţională, pentru garantarea suveranităţii, independenţe
Din laboratorul nostru de ultimă generație, echipa noastră cu experiență internațională, vă oferă soluții de testare patologice personalizate și cu termene de execuție rapide.
Travel Communication Romania is a marketing and PR agency, dedicated exclusively to the tourism and hospitality industry in Romania. Our clients are travel agencies and tour operators, airline companies, hotels and resorts, as well as National Tourism Offices that want to promote to the Romanian pub
The Embassy of the United States of America in Romania: advancing American interests and values by supporting a secure, democratic, and prosperous Romania, our partner in Europe and around the world.
Parentool is a parenting app used by over 10,600 users across 40 countries. It connects you directly to a network of over 50 specialists, including paediatricians and psychologists, for personalized advice and support. With features like tailored child development milestones and expert-verified ar
We scale funded startups that achieved product-market-fit with tech leadership and tailored software development.
We aim to be your growth partner. Our senior consultants focus on leveraging design, data and engineering for your business goals. We work with start-ups, scale-ups and software development agencies as technical partners.
We are pleased to welcome you on Rompharm Company site. The range of products released by Rompharm Company is directed on the real and potential capacity of the market, on the level and prospects...
1 follower
NameBox is a leading hosting provider offering a comprehensive range of solutions for individuals, businesses, and enterprises. Whether you are looking to host a personal blog, a corporate website, or a high-performance online platform, we provide reliable services, including shared hosting, VPS, an
Questo is the award-winning platform for city exploration games that invite travelers & locals to discover the best parts of a city.Each game is unique and created around a specific theme, which can be inspired by a movie, a book, a historical fact, or a local legend. In London, for instance, you ca
Amanet Romero este prezent cu solutii financiare complete pentru toti clientii prin intermediul punctelor de amanet din Galati, Tecuci si Bucuresti. In 1997 am deschis primul punct de lucru și aveam o singură activitate, amanet aur si argint. Inca din acel moment ne-am dorit sa oferim soluții finan
Ai avut un accident de mașină? Stai #fărăgrijă. Suntem alături de tine pe tot parcursul dosarului de daună. Acum și cu tractare auto inclusă pentru pachetele selectate.
Since 1993 Cocktail Holidays enriches the Romanian travel market with its high-quality product, offering top-quality travel services at a fair price. A team of 50+ travel professionals delivers direct charter packages to over 30 destinations, highly-customized tours, as well as top-notch incoming
Existek is full-cycle software development and outsourcing company with proven track record of IT services for small, medium, and enterprise businesses. We provide the fully manageable offshore dedicated development team service for software companies worldwide and custom software development serv
Green building consulting and certification | BREEAM, WELL, EDGE, LBC
At Axivant, we are at the forefront of digital transformation, seamlessly blending advanced content services with automation, intelligent document processing, and efficient SaaS delivery. As a global technology company with proprietary software platforms, we are committed to revolutionizing the hand
TMK Artrom SA is a Romania-based company engaged in the steel industry. The Company is primarily active in the manufacture of steel products, such as tubes, pipes, hollow profiles and fittings. The Company's portfolio includes seamless precision steel tubes; seamless tubes for boilers and high tempe
Activity English School & Educational Programs este școala Ioanei Mafteiu în care se predă limba engleză prin joacă, într-un mod interactiv oferind o mare atenție procesului emoțional. Profesorii școlii sunt calificați și instruiți intern predând după pedagogia proprie.
MidoWeb is a mobile performance marketing company that focuses on users acquisition for mobile app owners. Finding the most valuable users is difficult and takes resourceful solutions and technology to identify habits. Let us help you and show outrageous success in creating awareness, driving leads
NIXAP is the all-in-one tool for websites, ecommerce, marketing tools and more.
Cu o traditie de peste 40 de ani, CELCO este lider national in domeniul productiei de BCA. De-a lungul timpului compania a investit continuu in calitatea produselor
GetFrankly closes the gap between extraordinary talent and great companies. We believe that the foundation of creative and impactful ideas lies in connecting with the right people. Our mission is to set new benchmarks in talent recruitment and development, ensuring that fresh, dynamic approaches ar
Salad Box means healthy food. We do not propose a diet, but rather a healthy alternative to fast food. The food itself, as well as the serving experience, was meant to inspire creativity so that the clients could see the entire ‘behind the scenes’ process and, more importantly, so that they could pr
We are a creative and versatile law firm that provides valuable advice to valuable clients. We seek to understand fully our clients’ markets and industries, their business hurdles and growth objectives and to provide them with SOLUTIONS.
Gühring Company, headquartered in Albstadt-Ebingen, Germany, is a globally recognized leader in the development, manufacture, and distribution of precision rotary tools for metalworking. The company, characterized by international, innovative, and owner-managed operations, employs more than 8,000 pe
Happy Recruiter is the Recruitment Robot will recruit for all the projects you have.
1 follower
Forta noastra este reprezentata de cei peste 10.000 de angajati, deoarece consideram capitalul nostru cel mai de pret ca fiind personalul firmei. Suntem o echipa tanara de profesionisti care cultiva competenta. Daca vei face parte din echipa noastra vei avea niste colegi de la care sa ai ce invata.
1 follower
Legal Zen creates and sells easy-to-use legal and business templates, i.e standard contracts and agreements, and facilitates the communication between individuals or small companies and a team of experienced lawyers.
Suntem partenerii tăi în siguranța la locul de muncă! De la echipamente de protecție complete până la accesorii de înaltă vizibilitate și siguranță, oferim o gamă largă de produse pentru industrii diverse! Indiferent cât de mare sau mică este afacerea ta, protejarea personalului nu este o opțiune.
Rustler Property Services RO, a proud member of the Austrian Rustler Gruppe founded in 1936. Our national-level real estate company is well-known for expertise, driven by core values — team collaboration, responsibility, and progressive solutions. "One stop shop" in real-estate, by providing: Facil
Ascend Netsolutions furnizeaza servicii complete pentru mediul online, echipa fiind capabila prin dimensiune si experienta sa ofere toata gama de servicii IT necesare atingerii obiectivelor de business. De la conturarea unei idei pana la implementarea, marketarea si operarea unui proiect, compani
Fondată în 1915 ca o companie producătoare şi vânzătoare de motoare electrice, corporaţia japoneză Makita a devenit lider mondial în producţia şi furnizarea de scule electrice profesionale, scule pneumatice și mașini pentru păduri, parcuri și grădini. Această evoluţie a fost posibilă prin persevere
We provide a full range of mobility devices from top-selling brands, such as Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei, HTC, Nokia, LG, Google, and Amazon. Phonetastic GSM is an authorized distributor of Amazfit products for Romania, Bulgaria, and the Republic of Moldova. Because we understand our customers
Flexibility :: Efficiency :: TimeValue OVT is an Austrian logistics company headquartered in Schwechat, near by Vienna, that offers state-of-the-art complete transport and logistics services, for over 20 years. We are a family business, worldwide connected, with a unique dynamics, that has a person
Constructii Erbasu is a privately-owned Romanian construction company established in 1990 with its headquarters in Bucharest, Romania. The constantly positive progress during the 29 years since its establishment and up to the present day have enabled the company to approach a diversified range of wo
Oferim companiilor și angajaților acestora soluţii şi servicii IT axate pe îmbunătățirea productivității, eliminarea riscurilor informatice și optimizarea costurilor IT. Rezultatele sunt obținute printr-o abordare proactivă a livrării serviciilor şi soluţiilor IT, implementarea și gestionarea soluț
PGS designs, manufactures, and delivers functional products (including couches, armchairs, beds, and headboards) at prices for every budget, working with the leaders of cross-channel large-scale retail. Modern products that evolve to meet market trends. With more than 1300 employees in 4 site over
SINAPSYS is a tech start-up combining corporate seniority with friendly agility. In-depth knowledge of the DACH & Nordic market allows us to create valuable, high-quality solutions to all our clients. Business matters! We are passionate about the latest trends, tools and frameworks, our company thr
We are an IT Service company focused on making you comfortable when working with us. You will feel safe, well treated, and will enjoy an unforgettable journey
Tiriac Auto - una dintre cele mai extinese retele de dealeri si service auto din Romania. Dealer autorizat Mercedes-Benz, Ford, Land Rover, Jaguar, Hyundai, Mitsubishi.
Pe bootic.ro poți găsi o gamă largă de produse atent selecționate pentru a oferi cel mai bun raport calitate / preț!
The 1st transport marketplace in Eastern Europe offering fully digitized, transparent, AI-enabled logistic solutions.