
Explore 1,072 companies in Romania



AgroConcept is the exclusive importer and distributor of New Holland Agriculture and Kverneland brands in Romania. The main activities are: selling agricultural equipment, providing a full service support and advantageous financial solutions. AgroConcept has a national footprint of 16 regional cente



Expur is one of the largest Romanian oil seed processing companies. Expur processes sunflower seeds and rapeseeds producing crude oil, refined oil, and protein meals. The oils are sold on the domestic and export markets and the protein meals are sold largely to Romanian retail customers and manuf

Romanian Business Consult este principalul furnizor si integrator de solutii IT pentru industria de retail si cea alimentara din Romania. In cei peste 20 de ani de prezenta pe piata autohtona, RBC si-a creat o reputatie solida, bazata pe furnizarea de echipamente si servicii la cheie pentru afacerea

Quartz Matrix


Quartz Matrix is a Romanian company with over 28 years of experience on the Romanian B2B market. We develop and supply engineering solutions using information technology, communications, data collection and integrated software applications, customized to client needs. We offer a wide range of servi

Beko Romania


Beko România, liderul pieței de electrocasnice din Romania, care deține brandurile Arctic, Beko și Grundig, este parte a companiei Beko și reprezintă un pilon al inovației și sustenabilității în domeniu. Începând cu anul 2002, compania-mamă a investit în România peste 350 de milioane de euro în dez

The best ground service provider in Romania with more than 20 years of experience, supplying a wide range of high quality services, tailored for each airline.



STOICA is a digital growth agency, helping B2B companies skyrocket their online presence.

To achieve its vision, quality education for every child in Romania, Teach for Romania recruits and selects motivated and high-potential people, trains them as inspirational teachers and supports them to become leaders in Romanian education.

Asociația pentru Valori în Educație este o organizație non-profit formată și finanțată de profesioniști din business, care împărtășesc convingerea că responsabilitatea pentru modernizarea educației publice este în egală măsură a societății civile, administrației publice dar și a comunității de aface

dotLumen is a research startup that uses AI, robotics, and neuroscience to empower the blind.

Ziarul Financiar


ZIARUL FINANCIAR este liderul presei de business din România. De 25 ani pe piaţa românească, ZF oferă cititorilor semnificaţia evenimentelor recente şi anticipează evoluţiile din afaceri şi economie, prin ştiri, analize şi articole de opinie. Cea mai prestigioasă publicaţie economică din România,

Life Dental Spa


Clinica Life Dental Spa este specializata in tratarea cariilor, gingivitelor si a parodontopatiilor cu ajutorul LASERUL- ultima tehnologie in materie dentara. Tratamentul cu laserul este FARA DURERE, FARA FREZA, FARA ANESTEZIE - o adevarat placere sa faci o vizita la stomatolog. Life Dental Spa es

Graţie cunoştinţelor tehnice ale specialistilor noştri, a know-how-ului acumulat şi a abilităţii de a lucra la capacitate maximă a fiecăruia dintre noi, anticipăm corect provocările pe care le vom întâmpina pe parcursul fiecărui proiect, astfel încât să putem dezvolta la timp soluţii personalizate,

BRD Groupe Societe Generale SA is a Romania-based bank. The Company focuses on three divisions: The Retail Bank, Specialized Services and Corporate & Investment Banking. The Company's business activities are divided into five segments. The Individuals segment provides individual customers with a ran

Over the course of 20 years, we have built our own history by serving a variety of companies with project-based assignments. We have expanded our activity in more than three continents and built production facilities, assembly, and testing halls at the highest standards. Through constant innovation


1 follower

Baeldung is focused on the Java ecosystem, helping developers learn to implement better, more secure web applications with Spring.

Kaufland Romania


Ești la un clic distanță de cele mai noi oferte din catalogul săptămânal și de cele mai delicioase rețete. În plus, nu rata niciun concurs Kaufland și nicio promoție din Kaufland Card.


1 follower

Automated Stores and Logistic Terminals, HAAS, SAAS, Mobile app

Ursus Breweries, is one of the largest breweries in Romania with three breweries in Romania, in Brasov, Buzau, and Timisoara, and a mini-production facility in Cluj-Napoca.



Pepco is the most impressively growing value retailer on Europe’s market

Electrocons Group este un grup de companii românești de top, cu peste 21 de ani de experiență în proiectarea și execuția instalațiilor electrice pentru clădiri civile și industriale. De la centre de afaceri și cartiere rezidențiale, până la rețele de iluminat public și hale industriale, Electrocons



We scale funded startups that achieved product-market-fit with tech leadership and tailored software development.

SAROM Packaging


SAROM was founded in 1992 as a family business driven by the passion and experience achieved in the most prominent companies in the field of packaging for the pharmaceutical and food industries from Europe. Based on a thorough knowledge of the whole process, from manufacturing to sales&logistics an



Octavic helps industrial manufacturers automate and digitalize their shopfloor operations management, by providing organizational transparency, eliminating deadtimes and repetitive reporting tasks, and optimizing production scheduling. The product is trusted by global multinationals in pharma, tob

MedLife SA


Cel mai mare furnizor de servicii medicale private din România, unde găsești mereu un medic bun. De aproape trei decenii, la MedLife, construim un sistem de sănătate unde românii să beneficieze de cea mai bună îngrijire, chiar la ei acasă. Astăzi, MedLife este cea mai puternică platformă de diagn



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888sparkware (SparkWare technologies) is part of the 888 Holdings Group, operating in Bucharest since 2013. We are a fast-growing R&D and marketing hub, developing products and creating global campaigns in the online entertainment domain. We are a dynamic, creative, and excellence-oriented company,

Profi Romania

1 follower

Mai ieftin, mai bun, mai aproape. Produsele PROFI pot satisface orice nevoie, de la produse proaspete cum ar fi iaurt, margarina, la produse de igiena, servetele umede, sampon, sapun lichid, de la mancare pentru caini la dulciuri.



We are a tech & entertainment company founded in 2008, with a dream of bringing exciting, technology-powered entertainment in sports & gaming to millions of customers around the world. Our group is present in 12 countries, in terms of operations or tech hubs, with the most important markets being Ro


1 follower

Banca Comerciala Română (BCR), membră a Erste Group, este cel mai important grup financiar din România, ce oferă servicii de bancă universală, leasing, pensii private, fonduri de investiții și produse de economisire-creditare pentru locuinţe, prin intermediul reţelei naționale de sucursale și centre

0 followers is a Romania-based company that has become the meeting point of a great attitude and technical expertise. Here, we have created a sustainable intrapreneurial environment where people can expand both their professional and personal perspective. Together we have built a great organization

Raiffeisen Bank este o bancă universală de top pe piața românească, oferind o gamă completă de produse și servicii de calitate superioară persoanelor fizice, IMM-urilor și corporațiilor mari, prin multiple canale de distribuție: unități bancare (peste 450 în toată țara), rețele de ATM și EPOS, phone

tbi bank


𝐭𝐛𝐢 bank is a mobile-first challenger bank in South East Europe and regional leader in alternative payment solutions, building an ecosystem by combining financing and shopping to address customers’ needs. It focuses on helping merchants to grow their business as well as providing consumers with f



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Compania Nationala de Transport al Energiei Electrice Transelectrica SA is a Romania-based electric company. It is active in the electricity transmission, organization of the Romanian power system and electricity market management. Its activities are divided into four segments. The Transmission Serv

We are a tech company listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. We dedicate our efforts and expertise to the digital transformation of businesses and communities. We are constantly upgrading our capabilities to offer our partners access and performance in the digital economy. We are turning the com



FLOWX.AI wraps and orchestrates legacy systems, making it super fast for enterprises to create digital apps for mission-critical flows.

E.ON Software Development (ESD) is a recent E.ON group initiative. We are an Agile Delivery Facility that mainly focuses in insourcing strategic international and local developments and securing E.ON Group competitive business knowledge. We are now creating a high quality, world class Romanian Team

Common Thread


We are Common Thread, a globe-spanning team of behavioural scientists, public health experts, communicators and designers. We bring a people-first approach to solving the world's toughest public health challenges. To be healthy, and to be heard, is every human's right.



Your software project – in excellent hands. We’re a reliable partner in building and running effective and high-performance software solutions at any scale.

dcs plus


dcs plus is a leading travel technology company, committed to designing and developing enterprise technology solutions for the travel and tourism industry. It is the only company in the travel sector that has its own full software stack addressing the needs of all types of travel operators: TMCs, DM

The Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași is the oldest higher education institution in Romania. Since 1860, the university has been carrying on a tradition of excellence and innovation in the fields of education and research. With over 26.000 students and 800 academic staff, the university enjoys



UPSWING is an award-winning SEO agency with a data-driven approach to content, striving to bring the most effective digital strategy.

Harnessing the power and expertise of two global leaders through the joint venture between BMW Group and NTT Data, BMW TechWorks Romania serves as the European IT hub for BMW. This hub focuses on software development for HR, production, development, sales, and BMW Group Financial Services. Located



Farmacia Online Sensiblu iti ofera o gama variata de produse farmaceutice la preturi avantajoase ✅ Descopera zeci de produse pentru tine si familia ta!

DEKRA România


De când a fost înființată în 1925, promisiunea DEKRA a fost: furnizăm siguranță interacțiunii umane cu tehnologia și mediul. De atunci, DEutscher KRAftfahrzeug-Überwachungs-Verein e.V. a devenit una dintre cele mai importante organizații de experți din lume. Portofoliul larg de servicii furnizate c

Deservind 750+ de clienți și peste 300.000 de angajați din România, Romanian Software este unul dintre liderii de piață în furnizarea de soluții software dedicate managementului resurselor umane și în livrarea de servicii de externalizare a proceselor de calcul salarial şi administrare de personal.L



SaaS, Meeting Room Booking System, Outlook integration, Classroom booking, Resource booking


0 followers provides data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, ecommerce, and marketing services. They also provide AI product recommendations engine and behavioural segmentation tool services.