Russian Federation

Explore 1,547 companies in Russian Federation



Cherdak is a Russia-based storage service that allows users to track and monitor stored items online.

Chelyabenergosbyt PAO is a Russia-based company, the main activity of which is the purchase and distribution of electric energy on wholesale and retail markets on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region. The Company was created as a result of the reorganization of Chelyabenergo OAO. The Company oper

The Old Reader


The Old Reader is an RSS reader that allows for the user to save their favorite websites and see updates as they occur.

Tantal OAO


Tantal OAO (Tantal OJSC) is a Russia-based company involved in the manufacture of electrical equipment for military sector. Its activities comprise design and production of electronics and tool making. The Company's products include ultra-high frequency equipment, precision equipment and interferome

ФГБУ "Российский научный центр рентгенорадиологии" (РНЦРР)

Nedra Digital


Nedra Digital — инженерная компания с инновационным подходом к цифровизации нефтегазовой индустрии. Мы создаём цифровые инженерные сервисы для управления разработкой, бурением и добычей — единство данных, инженерных расчетов и экономических моделей для принятия оптимальных и своевременных решений п

Kolomenskiy Zavod OAO is a Russia-based company involved in the production of transport machinery business sector. The Company designs and produces passenger electric locomotives, diesel-powered locomotives, engines and diesel-generator sets, among others. It offers technical control over the instal



Профессиональные логистические решения под индивидуальные потребности клиента

Last Level


Компания разрабатывает лучшие экшн-проекты для различных платформ. Мы первыми сделали онлайн шутеры для мобильных устройств по-настоящему удобными и привлекательными для широкой аудитории. Наша задача делать такие игры, которые могли бы дарить уникальный опыт пользователям на протяжении многих лет.

Уже 8 лет мы успешно обучаем европейским языкам взрослых, детей и персонал компаний. Большими направлениями деятельности нашего Центра также являются языковые лагеря, корпоративное обучение и обучение за рубежом. Всемирно известные корпорации пользуются нашими услугами и, как следствие успешного

Онлайн заказ такси в Санкт Петербурге. Такси 068 - это комфортное безопасное такси в СПб с быстрой подачей

Digital technologies, LLC. is a leading Russian developer of software products and solutions dedicated to provide information security, including the development of electronic signature software, secure data transfer solutions, and also designing secure information systems. Since then, our team h

Концерн Протэк изготовливает упаковочные материалы и пластиковую упаковку для пищевой промышленности. Инновационные технологии, контроль качества и индивидуальных подход.

ChMZAP Uralavtopritsep PAO (Chelyabisnkiy mashinostroitelnyi zavod avtomobil'nykh pritsepov Uralavtopritsep PAO) is a Russia-based company, which is engaged in the manufacture of trailers for heavy trucks. It also manufactures semitrailers and containers of different heights used in the transportati

Aptechnaya Set' 36, 6 PAO is a Russia-based company, involved in the retail of drugs and products for medical purposes, health and care goods, as well as distribution of medicaments. The Company holds the rights to the 36, 6 brand and operates through the network of pharmacies across the Russian Fed

Mining Wave


Mining Wave develops and manufactures equipment for magnetic-pulse activation of ore materials.

Avtodizel' PAO


Avtodizel' PAO, formerly Avtodizel' Yaroslavskiy Motornyi Zavod OAO, is a Russia-based company involved in the design and manufacture of multipurpose diesel engines in power range from 150 to 800 horsepower (hp), clutches, gearboxes and spare parts for them. In addition, the Company focuses on the p

Более 2000 а/м в наличии. Выберите новый а/м или с пробегом на сайте. Покупка за 1 звонок. Официальный дилер. 25 лет на рынке. Гарантия выгодной цены. Подберем автомобиль по звонку. 8-800-500-11-11.

Engy Health


Engy Health is a mobile app that utilizes heart rate variability (HRV) and AI to provide health management services.

Реализуем промышленное холодильное оборудование ведущих мировых и отечественных производителей, а также агрегаты, выпускаемые на собственной производственной базе. Выполняем проектирование, монтаж, пусконаладку и сервисное обслуживание.

State Complex “The National Congress palace” is the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation, which received this status in 2003.



Elementaree delivers ready-to-cook and ready-to-eat meal kits on a subscription basis.

Mashinostroitel'nyi Zavod ZiO-Podol'sk PAO (Machine-building plant ZiO-Podolsk PJSC), formerly Mashinostroitel'nyi Zavod ZiO-Podol'sk OAO, is a Russia-based company engaged in manufacture of equipment for the nuclear and thermal power plants, as well as for the gas and oil industries. It focuses on

Gor'kovskiy Zavod Apparatury Svyazi im. A.S. Popova PAO, formerly Gor'kovskiy zavod apparatury svyazi im. A.S. Popova OAO (Popov Communications Equipment Plant OJSC or GZAS OJSC) is a Russia-based company, which specializes in the production of communications equipment. The Company has in its offer

Omskiy Aeroport OAO is a Russia-based company engaged in the airport operations. The Company specializes in the ground handling operations of aircrafts and offers the provision of passengers, cargo, as well as mail traffic support services. It operates through two subdivisions: Omsk Tsentral'nyi and



Khimprom PAO (Khimprom JSC) is a Russia-based company active in the chemical industry. It specializes in the production of organic and inorganic products, organophosphorous, and chemicals for polymeric materials. The Company's product portfolio includes acetonanil-N- antioxidant for rubber, softener

Ñèñòåìû ýëåêòðîííîãî äîêóìåíòîîáîðîòà ïîâûøàþò ýôôåêòèâíîñòü óïðàâëåíèÿ ðàáîòû ñ äîêóìåíòàìè. Õîòèòå ïðîâåñòè àâòîìàòèçàöèþ äåëîïðîèçâîäñòâà? Çâîíèòå â «ÝÎÑ» â Ìîñêâå +7(495)221-24-31!

Kombinat Yuzhuralnikel' PAO is a Russia-based company, which is involved in the production of nickel and nickel compounds. The Company exports majority of its products to such countries as Finland, Switzerland and Ukraine, as well as distributes them on the domestic market in such cities as: Moscow,

Polyus PAO


Polyus PAO is a gold producer. The principal activities of the Company are the extraction, refining and sale of gold. Its mining and processing facilities are located in the Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk regions, and the Sakha Republic of the Russian Federation. It operates through seven segments. Krasnoy

Mostotrest PAO


Mostotrest PAO (Mostotrest PJSC), formerly Mostotrest OAO, is a Russia-based infrastructure construction company. The Company specializes in the construction of bridges, highways, tunnels, airports, ports as well as other engineering constructions. It operates domestically. Mostotrest PAO operates t

Lamzur' OAO


Lamzur' OAO (Lamzur OJSC) is a Russia-based company involved in the confectionery industry. It was created as a result of the reorganization of a confectionery enterprise Saranskiy. The Company focuses on the manufacture of candies, cookies, soft caramels, fruit jelly, chocolates, pralines and sweet



Официальный сайт компании ЛУИС+. Комплексные системы безопасности. Поставка систем безопасности, техническая поддержка, проектирование систем безопасности, постгарантийное обслуживание. Каталог продукции, филиальная сеть, учебный центр

🏭ELKON является ведущим в мире производителем бетонного оборудования. Мы поставляем бетоносмесители, стационарные и мобильные бетонные заводы, бетоносмесительные заводы, бетоносмесительные установки БСУ, бетонно растворные узлы РБУ и другое бетоносмесительное оборудование. Всегда в наличии стациона

Ronavi Robotics


Ronavi Robotics develops, produces, and supplies its robots for autonomous work at warehouses.

The Bauman Moscow State Technical University, BMSTU, sometimes colloquially referred to as the Bauman School or Baumanka is a public technical university located in Moscow, Russia



Tauras-Fenix ​​today is the largest manufacturer of packaging, packing and food processing equipment in Russia, CIS and the Baltic countries. Our business partners include more than a thousand of food and industrial companies throughout Russia, the CIS and other foreign countries. Engineering and eq



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Kovrovskiy elektromekhanicheskiy zavod OAO is a Russia-based company, which specializes in the production of machines and equipment for civil application. It manufactures multifunctional frontal loaders, trailed and truck-mounted lifters, hydrostatic transmissions and hydraulic platforms. Its produc



Компания Русьимпорт более 18 лет является крупнейшим импортёром элитного алкоголя в России и поставляет более 2000 наименований вин и крепких напитков более чем из 18 стран мира: вино, коньяк, сигары, бренди, водка, шампанское и пр. Дистрибуторы работают в 45 городах России.

Наша команда — это талантливые разработчики, опытные архитекторы и проектировщики, креативные дизайнеры, любознательные инженеры по качеству, использующие современные технологии в создаваемых с нуля проектах. Мы решаем нетривиальные задачи, которые переезжают жить на AWS / Azure / Google Cloud при п

Tambovskiy Zavod Elektropribor PAO, is a Russia-based company, which is principally engaged in the manufacture of high technology aircraft equipment, such as: angular accelerometers, autopilot systems, acceleration gages, flight recorder known as black box among many others. Additionally its product



Официальный сайт

Virtex Food


Мы верим, любой процесс жизни можно усовершенствовать, расширить горизонты своих возможностей и найти новые пути решения. Создавая уникальные продукты, мы стремимся улучшить жизнь каждого. Дать возможность взглянуть на привычное по-новому и обрести способность творить вместе с нами.



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Cyberphysics is a universal software solution for optimizing production operational processes.

Nakhodkinskaya Baza Aktivnogo Morskogo Rybolovstva PAO (NBAMR OAO or Nakhodka Active Marine Fishery Base OJSC) is a Russia-based fish-processing company. The Company specializes in the processing of such kinds of products as squids, calamari and calamari tentacles, wall-eye pollacks, fillets of poll