Explore 1,641 companies in Russian Federation
Yandex NV is a Russian multinational corporation specializing in Internet-related products and services, including search and information services, eCommerce, transportation, navigation, mobile applications, and online advertising.
Avito.ru is a Russian classified advertisements website with sections devoted to general goods for sale, jobs, real estate, personals, cars for sale, and services.
Sberbank today is the largest credit institution in Russia and CIS, accounting for 26% of the aggregate Russian banking assets and 30% of banking capital.
Мы обучаем востребованным интернет-профессиям в сфере дизайна, программирования, маркетинга и управления проектами.
MegaFon PJSC is a leading Russian universal telecommunication service provider, operating in all segments of the telecommunications markets in Russia. The Company and its subsidiaries have licenses to operate in all of the Russian regions and in the Republics of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Tajikista
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UseTech is a custom software development company.
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BestDoctor is a healthcare company that creates tech insurance products for people and for businesses
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Nord Gold S.E., (Nordgold) is a gold mining company with assets in Russia, Kazakhstan, Burkina Faso, Guinea and Canada
Wargaming Saint Petersburg (Lesta Studio) is one of the development centers for Wargaming founded in 1991 and located in St. Petersburg, Russia. After more than 20 years of IT expertise, the studio has gathered all kinds of projects under its belt. From developing videogames for consoles, social net
SberTech - IT company, which is a part of Sber Group. We are creating software for technological independance of the Russian companies. Our main product is Platform V - a digital cloud platform for development of business solutions of any scale and complexity.
Новости информационного агентства Интерфакс
National Settlement Depository (NSD) holds the status of the central securities depository of the Russian Federation and is part of the Moscow Exchange Group. NSD was founded on 27 June 1996. NSD offers its clients a wide range of services, including settlement and depository services, OTC trade
2GIS (DoubleGIS LLC) is a digital city information service combined with a map. We help people navigate more than 350 cities in 9 countries, processing more than 2,2 million search queries daily. Our global audience is more than 40 million monthly users.
Borlas is a leading consulting group in Russia offering its expertise in creation of effective management methods and tools to its clients. The company was founded in 1991. Now Borlas Consulting Group provides a broad spectrum of IT services including management consulting (business, financial an
MODIS является проектом национального масштаба в области сетевой розничной торговли одеждой. На сегодняшний день успешно работает 134 магазинов сети в 65 городе на территории России. В магазинах MODIS по доступной цене представлены качественные, модные вещи для всей семьи. Каждый покупатель может
Integra Group (LSE: INTE) is a leading provider of diversified oilfield services and integrated solutions. With a strong presence across Russia, Integra Group employs nearly 10,000 people. Our operational experience includes Russia, the CIS, Middle East, and South America. Integra Group provides
PMP Tech is an IT company focused on digital transformation. Experienced specialists of our company help businesses to modernize and find innovative solutions for more convenient and efficient work. Ability to create unique, non-standard programs in a surprisingly short time, meeting all requireme
X5 Retail Group is a leading Russian food retailer.
Мировой поставщик решений в области IT
Брусника — российская девелоперская компания. Основана в 2004 году. Штаб-квартира находится в Екатеринбурге. Компания строит современное демократичное жильё нового качества в крупных городах Урала и Сибири, в Москве и Московской области. Брусника регулярно совершенствует технические решения и приме
IT_One – стратегический партнер по цифровизации российского бизнеса и государственных органов. Наша команда реализует крупнейшие проекты цифровой трансформации страны. Спектр задач – от поддержки приложения до разработки концептуальной бизнес-архитектуры уровня корпорации. При этом для нас важна не
The largest independent edtech company in Russia
MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES Ltd is a leading Russian developer and manufacturer of innovative medical X-ray equipment and information systems for radiology diagnostic. Company Facts and Figures: • More than 6 000 MTL manufactured systems are installed and working effectively throughout Moscow and regional
Algorithmics is an international school of programming & mathematics for children aged 6 to 17.
Mobil'nye Telesistemy PAO is a Russia-based provider of telecommunications services. The Company provides mobile and fixed-line voice and data telecommunications services, including data transfer, broadband, pay-television (pay-TV) and various value-added services, as well as selling equipment and a
ALFA-BANK JSC, is the largest of the private banks in Russia.
1440 - that's exactly how many revolutions the world's first Soviet Sputnik-1 spacecraft made around the Earth. For us, the choice of this name is not only a tribute to the historical techno-record in the field of cosmonautics, but also a symbol of new opportunities. Today about 35% of Russia's terr
SIBUR is Russia’s largest integrated gas processing and petrochemicals company. Our vertically integrated business model provides unique competitive advantages and opportunities for growth. SIBUR owns and operates Russia’s largest and most extensive integrated infrastructure for processing and trans
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The first digital experts on the Russian web-development market that specialize in financial and IT projects. Over 60 employees in Moscow and Krasnodar are currently working on creating the digital future of web-services.
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FORT is a national full-cycle biopharmaceutical company engaged in research, development, production and promotion of innovative biological drugs.
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Программы 1С Предприятие - широкий ассортимент, лучшее предложение в вашем городе. Крупнейшая региональная сеть среди фирм-франчайзи 1С.
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Tupolev PAO is a Russia-based company, which is primarily engaged in the aviation industry. The Company's main focus is manufacture of civil and military aircrafts. The production includes civil aviation: Tu-204CM, Tu-214, Tu-154, Tu-334, among others, military aviation: Tu-95MC, Tu-142M, among othe
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Группа компаний SRG – одна из ведущих консалтинговых групп, использующая в работе комплексные подходы к ведению проектов, передовые решения и современные технологии.
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Design and prototype mobile apps easier than ever. No design or code skills required.
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ВТБ Страхование предлагает страхование жизни и здоровья, имущества и другие услуги. Мы можете оформить страховку онлайн, воспользовавшись нашим калькулятором.
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Ассоциация по сертификации «Русский Регистр» - крупнейшая международно признанная российская сертификационная и экспертная организация. +7 (812) 670–90-01
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Saranskiy zavod Rezinotekhnika OAO (SZRT OAO or Saransk Plant Rezinotekhnika OJSC) is a Russia-based company engaged in the production of fabricated rubber goods. The Company specializes in the manufacture of delivery rubber hoses used for pressure-loaded transfer of air, carbon dioxide, nitrogen an
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ИнфоТеКС — российский разработчик сертифицированного ПО в сфере информационной безопасности. Разработанная компанией технология ViPNet обьединяет средства мониторинга, аналитики, фильтрации, шифрования трафика для защиты информационных систем.
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Aviakompaniya UTair PAO (Public Joint-Stock Company UTair Aviation), is engaged in passenger and cargo transportation using airplanes and helicopters. The Company operates through two segments: Passenger transportation and Helicopter services. The Passenger transportation segment includes regular an
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Periodica Press sells a wide range of photobooks, cards, wedding books, certificates, and calendar.
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DEXP is a Russian brand of electronics and home appliances. Their range will satisfy the most demanding customer, and the price will fit into any budget. Quality is guaranteed by a team of highly experienced engineers and programmers involved in product development. DEXP is Russian consumer electron
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Uchi.ru offers online courses for school students.
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КРОК – цифровой бизнес-партнер для сотен организаций более 30 лет. Вместе с партнерами и клиентами мы создаем новую цифровую экосистему общества.
T-Bank (ex. Tinkoff), one of the world’s largest and most profitable independent digital banks, is part of TCS Holding IPJSC, Russia’s digital provider of financial and lifestyle services. TCS Group also includes T-Investments brokerage platform, T-Business serving the needs of SMEs and large busine
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Аэроклуб — комплексные решения для управления командировками. Дополните или постройте программу деловых поездок своей компании, опираясь на передовой опыт и экосистему IT-решений «Аэроклуба»
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Группа компаний «Солар» — ключевой игрок на рынке кибербезопасности в России, объединяющий функции вендора, интегратора и сервис-провайдера. В структуру Группы компаний «Солар» входят собственный центр разработки, организация по работе с государственными заказчиками, организация по работе с коммерче
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Raiffeisenbank Russia is the leading universal bank in Russia for everyone who values quality.