
Explore 256 companies in Slovakia



We will help you create the most appropriate IT solution according your needs. Among our priorities constant studying of new but also already existing tecnologies and their application is included. Thanks to that we may provide innovative, reliable and fast IT solutions to our clients.

Coop Jednota


Sme najväčšia maloobchodná sieť na Slovensku. Podporujeme slovenské potravinárstvo a poľnohospodárstvo. Podiel predaja slovenských potravín v našich predajniach dosahuje až 70 %. V zmysle hesla COOP Jednota - Najlepšie slovenské potraviny - spolupracujeme s viac ako 700 lokálnymi dodávateľmi. Našim



Great customer service starts with better help desk software. LiveAgent is a multi-channel customer service software that offers 175+ help desk and live chat features.



Slovak online advertising and consulting company. What we do: pay per click, search engine optimization, copywriting, online advertising, security audits, web usability, webdesign, webhosting, website analytics and consulting. Our job is our hobby as well.

The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice (UVMP in Košice), established as the Veterinary College in Košice, is the only institution providing undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate veterinary education and since 2006 also pharmaceutical education in the Slovak Republic. Metrohm is a leading swiss company in the field of instrumental chemical analytics. With more than 2,000 employees, we develop, produce, sell and maintain high-precision measuring instruments for chemical analyses in the laboratory and in industrial production processes. We are



Našou primárnou orientáciou je poskytovanie IT služieb a konzultácií, ako aj tvorba a nasadzovanie riešení komplexných integrovaných informačných systémov.



Sme one-stop shop nielen v e-commerce. Našim klientom pomáhame rásť v online priestore už od roku 1997. Ponúkame inovatívne webové riešenia čím rozvíjame slovenskú online biznis sféru. Venujeme sa oblasti User a Customer Experience (UX & CX), programujeme weby a B2C/B2B e-shopy na mieru, vytvárame d

Cassovia Code


Cassovia Code is an engineering company with strong focus on high-end e-commerce solutions. We have been on the market since 2011. We started a bit unconventionally as a game studio. With gradual development of the market we began to focus on sophisticated e-commerce solutions, tailored tech servi

Foxconn Slovakia


Foxconn Slovakia has been the biggest LCD TVs supplier for the whole European market regarding the volume and capacity of production. The company acquired a stable market position on the foundations built by Sony Slovakia, from 1996 operating in Trnava and from 2007 in Nitra. The Sony manufacturing

28 years of professional experience in the IT sector. 4000 employees worldwide. Strong know-how of supranational company combined with the knowledge of the slovak market.

Grant Thornton is an international tax advisory and audit firm based in Bratislava. Over the last three decades Grant Thornton has built a strong position in Slovakia in the field of audit, tax advisory, accounting and payroll accounting. For several years we have also been providing comprehensive s

Sme jednotkou v starostlivosti a máme recept aj na vašu kariéru. Lekárne Dr. Max vznikli v roku 2006 spojením viacerých verejných lekárni, s cieľom poskytovať MAXimálnu lekárenskú starostlivosť dostupnú regionálne na celom území Slovenskej republiky, o čom hovorí aj aktuálny počet našich lekární, k

iSW s.r.o.


iSW s.r.o. was founded in 2011. Our main focus is to provide IT services and consultancy as well as design and implementation of complex information systems. We serve clients mainly in banking and industry sectors. The core of our business is: - analysis, optimalization and development of cust

With each and every assignment or request of our clients we look further and we want to do more what for the others would be enough.

The University of Economics in Bratislava (UEBA) is nowadays considered one of the most important educational and scientific-research institutions in the Slovak Republic. The UEBA is a public Higher Education Institution focusing on Economics, Business, and Management. It provides higher educati



EMARK is a data analytics and digital transformation advisory company, helping people to get value from their data. Over the past 23 years, we have guided more than 200 businesses and enterprises around the world in building, adopting, and maintaining their data solutions. We deeply focus on prove



𝗖𝗛𝗘𝗠𝗢𝗦𝗩𝗜𝗧 𝗙𝗢𝗟𝗜𝗘, s.r.o., is the largest company of the CHEMOSVIT GROUP and focuses on the production, converting and sale of packaging films. Tradition, decades of experience and high-end technologies predispose us to being a reliable partner for our customers in all industries where o



Forvio is an advanced Marketing Mix Modeling platform helping companies to measure marketing ROI, optimize media spending across multiple sources and plan scenarios for future media investments. Powered by dynamic statistical and machine learning techniques, we aim to make visualizing and analyzin

Gratex International is one of the leaders in developing enterprise software solutions based on high-tech technologies. Our dedicated and highly skilled teams build sophisticated custom solutions that add value, streamline business operations, and increase bottom-line profitability, for our customer

Spoločnosť msg life Slovakia je dcérskou spoločnosťou nemeckej skupiny msg life Gruppe. Medzinárodne činná skupina zodpovedá za profesionálne IT a poradenské služby v segmentoch poisťovníctva a finančníctva. Vyprofilovala sa ako spoločnosť vyvíjajúca softvérové riešenia pre poisťovne, banky a firmy



Naším poslaním je zjednodušiť výplatu 👇 ➡️ Vďaka našim dlhoročným skúsenostiam z bankovníctva a finančného sektoru vieme, že finančná pohoda nie je vždy otázkou výšky platu. Ale tiež finančnej gramotnosti a možnosti robiť správne rozhodnutia. Preto sme sa rozhodli na Slovensku založiť spoločnosť,

OWL Agency


Representing some of the hottest talent on scene along with well known contemporary illustration and moving image artists we aim to challenge your creativity and entertain your audience.

We sale seamless steel tubes and pipes sizes of 3 - 139,7 mm made of carbon and alloy steel grades

INFOCOM Ltd is an international innovative engineering company in field of industrial automation, software development, control systems designing, unmanned technologies, artificial intelligence and computer vision with offices in Ukraine and Slovakia. For more than 25 years, Engineering company INF

Prima banka


Prima banka is currently quickly expanding its retail banking business while maintaning market leadership in the municipal sector. Prima banka aims to grow its base of active customers, significantly strenthen position in retail lending and to constantly simplify its business and grow efficiency whi

Vseobecna Uverova Banka as (VUB Banka) is a Slovakia-based commercial bank. It provides banking and financial solutions to both corporate and individual clients. Its personal finance offerings encompass various types of accounts; savings and investment accounts; consumer and mortgage loans; payment



Sylex fiber optics produces quality fiber equipment



Datalan is one of the top Slovak providers of complex IT services in the area of software and info-communication solutions, IT outsourcing and information technology advisory.

Spoločnosť PARTNERS GROUP SK je od začiatku svojho pôsobenia na slovenskom trhu finančných služieb v roku 2007 synonymom kvality a profesionality. V spolupráci s poprednými finančnými spoločnosťami vyvíja exkluzívne finančné produkty. Ich výraznou konkurenčnou výhodou sú nižšie poplatky a väčšia pr

Úrad vlády SR je ústredným orgánom štátnej správy Slovenskej republiky. Jeho najzásadnejšími úlohami sú najmä odborné, organizačné a technické zabezpečenie činnosti vlády Slovenskej republiky a jej poradných orgánov, príprava materiálov na rokovanie vlády SR či kontrola plnenia jej uznesení. Je síd



Sme česko-slovenského personálna spoločnosť s jednou z najväčších sietí regionálnych zastúpení v rámci Slovenskej a Českej republiky. Patríme medzi najstaršie personálno - poradenskej spoločnosti na území bývalého Československa - naša spoločnosť vznikla už v roku 1991. Našim klientom poskytujeme i



⛵“Boataround, the number one yacht booking site.”⛵ Established in 2016, Boataround provides an easy and safe yacht reservation anywhere in the world from small motor boats to large luxurious yachts. ✔️ Verified Yachts All yachts on Boataround have real pictures, verified content and you always ge



We put the Tech in Fintech. Vacuumlabs are a digital product design, software engineering and data science company who specialise in helping Banks and fintechs get their digital propositions to market. Our designers, data scientists and cloud-native full stack engineers work as an extension of our c

Pan-European University is a school in Bratislava.

eustream, a.s.


EUSTREAM – Slovak gas transmission system operator, is a modern company with a longstanding tradition and extensive experience in the transmission of natural gas. Our transmission system comprises a reliable segment of the international transmission network and is one of the most important transmiss

NAY a.s.


Nay operates a network of electronics superstores.

Luto Automotive


Je zoskupenie firiem s viac než dvanásťročnou históriou. Zaoberáme sa personálnymi službami a výrobným outsourcingom. Dokážeme Vám pomôcť s personálom vo všetkých odvetviach priemyslu.

KOOR, s.r.o.


Spoločnosť KOOR je najväčšou čisto slovenskou spoločnosťou poskytujúcou energetické služby. Vznikla v roku 2010 a odvtedy sa zaoberá realizáciou projektov, ktorými zvyšuje efektívnosť teplárenských zariadení a znižujeme energetickú náročnosť budov. V roku 2012 vznikla dcérska spoločnosť KOOR Východ

Alta Games


Full cycle 2d and 3d art outsourcing studio serving the best games and game developers the world over. Working with you not for you for your best results. OUR SERVICES - GENERAL Character design Concepting Game Backgrounds Illustrations Icons Items Reference research Style research 2D ART Lo


We‘re geeks with creative souls. We strive for user-friendliness and functionality while leading you from vision to finished product.

IT v kurze


Ponúkame komplexné štúdium, ktoré pripraví našich absolventov do praxe a umožní im uplatniť sa na trhu práce v oblasti IT. Štúdium odráža reálne potreby trhu práce a simuluje pracovné prostredie. Prostredníctvom vzdelávacích programov prispievame k zvýšeniu odbornosti a zamestnateľnosti všetkých, k

McGrath & Arthur


WHO WE ARE Since its inception in 2005, the McGrath & Arthur Group has followed a strong and steady growth curve and has now realised a debt management portfolio valued in the region of $300 million annually. Specialising in both B2C and B2B elements of the key Banking, Insurance and Telco sector

Winners Group


We Change The Game.

Institute of Informatics (in Slovak: Ustav informatiky) is one of more than 50 scientific and research institutes of Slovak Academy of Sciences (in Slovak: Slovenska akademia vied), Bratislava, Slovakia. The scope of activities of Institute of Informatics includes scientific and research work in



Autorizovaný predaj a servis vozidiel značiek Nissan, GT-R, Fiat, Fiat Professional, Iveco, Iveco Irisbus a Iveco Magirus.

Arašid spol. s r.o. je prevádzkovateľom internetových obchodov špecializovaných na predaj hier, hracích konzol a herného príslušenstva pod značkou a popredným predajcom mobilných telefónov a príslušenstva pod značkou Spoločnosť takisto pôsobí ako e-shop pod svojou značkou Su

Duslo, a.s.


Duslo, a.s. is the manufacturer of fertilizers of European significance and a global supplier of rubber chemicals.



E-commerce plug-in for transparent communication about the sustainable properties of products. Power your business and show your values with Gratitude claims!