
Explore 6,544 companies in Sweden



Swedbank AB is a Nordic-Baltic banking group based in Stockholm, Sweden, offering retail banking, asset management, financial, and other services.



Albert helps people who needs extra assistance in Math. It is a digital platform that makes it easier for students to achieve their full potential in mathematics. Albert is based on artificial intelligence that makes it understand the student's unique needs. Albert provides tailor-made and flexible



Creandum is a leading European early-stage venture capital firm backing some of Europe’s most successful tech companies including Spotify, iZettle, Depop, Klarna, KRY, Epidemic Sound and Small Giant Games. Creandum has offices in Stockholm, Berlin, London, and San Francisco.

Bioextrax AB


Bioextrax was founded in 2014 based on research from Lund University, Sweden. With the vision to create completely bio-based and chemical-free production processes that do not harm the environment, we are consistently working to develop our applications in several areas.

FCG Fonder


FCG Fonder AB är ett fondbolag som har tillstånd att förvalta värdepappersfonder och alternativa investeringsfonder. Vårt fondhotell erbjuder en helhetslösning där den samlade infrastrukturen och administrationen kring fonderna sköts av specialister. Denna kostnadseffektiva lösning gör att våra kund

ROYC Group


ROYC Group is a financial firm that offers private equity and investment services including analytics, reporting, and digital solutions.

HVD Group

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With presence in five countries and over 50 years of history, HVD Group has built industry-leading business solutions for the craft and construction industry.

Mpya Sci & Tech


Mpya Sci & Tech is created by and for people who love science and technology. We are not here to do the same thing as others. We are taking niche recruitment and consulting to a new level with focus on the candidate's perspective. That is why we call ourselves Talent Advisors. We believe true talent

We are Zeekr Technology Europe. Powered by engineers and creative minds from all over the world. Located in Gothenburg, Sweden, one of the leading mobility innovation grounds worldwide. Established in 2013 as China Euro Vehicle Technology (CEVT) and began with the mission to create a revolutionary

Hyper Island


Hyper Island designs transformative learning experiences to enable growth – for individuals and for businesses.


1 follower

FOREO is the world's leading beauty-tech brand, stocked in more than 10000 stores and winners of more than 120 design awards since 2014.



Algeno sänker fastighetsägares energikostnader, minskar fastigheternas klimatpåverkan, samtidigt ger vi fastighetsägarnas kunder ett jämnt inomhusklimat och ökar möjligheterna till flexibilitet i energisystemet.

Extenda Retail

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Extenda Retail is a provider of software and solutions to grocery, pharmacy, and high volume specialty retailers globally. With solutions used in 35+ countries, Extenda Retail helps retailers manage, optimize and digitally transform their entire business from in-store services to central operations


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Customer success has changed. Meet the modern Customer Platform!


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Universum is The Global Employer Branding Leader. Conducting the world’s largest research study on talent career expectations, we strive to keep our position. A trusted partner to over 1,200 clients and 1,500 universities worldwide including many Fortune 500 companies and internationally renowned a


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FMV procures, develops and delivers equipment and services to the Swedish Armed Forces. They bring together specialists in technology, business, law and project management. This is how they meet the needs of the Swedish defense - in peace, crisis and war.


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Transtema är ett av Nordens ledande företag inom design, byggnation, drift och underhåll av kommunikationsnät samt tekniska konsulttjänster till teleoperatörer, stadsnät, myndigheter, kraftbolag samt större företag. Vi tillhandahåller också nätverksutrustning, datalagring och lösningar inom IoT och

We are Bold. We unite intelligence, curiosity and passion to create extraordinary brand experiences. Bold is part of NoA (the North Alliance) - the leading creative and tech family in the Nordics. With over 1200 experts across offices in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Poland, we are specializ


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Enklare provides loan compare facility to customers.


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Finshark is a licensed payment institution. They provide payment services across the EU/EES. They also connect to banks and financial institutions across the EU. They provide companies with a selection of data-driven products to business processes or revolutionising financial services.

MAX Burgers

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Max is Sweden's favourite hamburger restaurant chain, and also the first. Founded in 1968, we are now present in the whole of Sweden and we are expanding into other countries. Apart from serving great food, we also strive to make sure that we offer healthy alternatives, and that we operate in a sus

Akademiska sjukhuset, Uppsala University Hospital, is Sweden's oldest university hospital. The first department was established as early as 1708. But Uppsala University Hospital does not rest on its laurels, quite the contrary. It is a characteristic of the activities here always to look for new, in



LeoVegas AB publ is a Sweden-based company, which is primarily engaged in the mobile gaming industry. The Company operates as a provider of online games available on mobile devices, tablets and computers. The Company specializes in online casino entertainment and offers a wide range of games, such a

NorthX Biologics AB is a 7,000 square meter GMP facility in Matfors, Sweden. At NorthX Biologics we take pride in providing services from early development to commercialisation of biopharmaceuticals. Our main but not exclusive focus is to provide support to cell and gene therapy projects and product



Munters customers are served in a wide range of segments. Manufacturing and sales are carried out via the Group's own companies in about 30 countries. The Group has close to 3000 employees. Munters is owned by Nordic Capital Fund VII.



Medius is a leading global provider of cloud-based spend management solutions, helping organizations drive their business forward by enabling best-in-class process efficiency, cost saving opportunities and greater financial control.

Länsförsäkringar is a Swedish group of public insurance companies.

AF Gruppen är en ledande bygg- och industrikoncern med 5 500 medarbetare i Norge och Sverige. Koncernen omsätter 28 miljarder NOK (2021) och bolaget är noterat på Oslo Børs. AF-familjen i Sverige består av elva bolag: Kanonaden Entreprenad, HMB Construction, AF Bygg Väst, AF Bygg Syd, AF Öresund, A

Grant Thornton Sweden AB is the Swedish member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd, one of the world’s leading organizations of independent audit, tax and advisory firms. Grant Thornton has revenues in excess of $1.9 billion and operates more than 50 offices. We’ve never been a typical professi


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Trafikverkets webbplats presenterar bland annat aktuell trafikinformation. Trafikverket ansvarar för långsiktig planering av transportsystemet för vägtrafik, järnvägstrafik, sjöfart och luftfart.



Lupinta is A multi-award-winning, R&D-driven food-tech startup, that uses lupin as a key ingredient in developing healthy, tasty meat alternatives.

HMS Networks


HMS Networks' mission is to enable valuable data and insights from industrial equipment, allowing customers to increase productivity and sustainability.



Välkommen till Bravida! Vi hjälper dig med installation och service i fastigheter och anläggningar. Vi ger fastigheter liv.

Stockholm Exergi


Stockholm Exergi is Stockholm's energy company that produces resource-efficient district heating, district cooling and electricity.

Prisjakt Sverige


Prisjakt is an information and comparison service that helps consumers find the lowest prices and the products most suited to their needs, from the best retailers.

Stena Line


Stena Line was founded in Gothenburg 1962 and is today one of the world´s leading ferry companies. We currently sail our 36 vessels on 18 ferry routes between nine countries in Europe. In total we are approximately 5000 employees.



J.Lindeberg is a lifestyle clothing brand.

Tarento Group


We are a Nordic-Indian company and support our global clients from our offices in Stockholm, Sweden; Helsinki, Finland; Bergen, Norway and Bangalore, India. Our biggest unit and technology work is in Bangalore, India. Our consulting operations and data management expertise is in Espoo, Finland. We t

Starkt stöd för kärnbränsleförvar i Forsmark Åtta av tio kommuninvånare (eller 82 procent) i Östhammar säger ja till ett kärnbränsleförvar i kommunen, enligt Novus årliga opinionsundersökning. Det är den hittills högsta siffran som har uppmätts.Information om tillståndsprocessen för SKB:s ansökan…

Next One Technology is a company with long experience of operating systems in the construction, contracting and service industry. With the product NEXT, we offer a tailor-made business system where production is at the center. Our origins in the NCC Group combined with the staff's joint industry exp



Fortnox is Sweden's leading provider of Internet-based programs for companies, associations, and accounting and auditing firms. The business side is to offer a wide range of internet-based programs that are easy to learn and use, but which are still powerful and functional to meet most needs and des

Clinical Trial Consultants AB is a full-service CRO with focus on clinical conduct. Our mission is to facilitate clinical and translational research by providing our customers with cost-effective advice, conduct and reporting of clinical trials. We have five departments: DMPK & Clinical Pharmacology

Kundo Sverige


Kundo is also present on the Norwegian market: http://www.kundo.se

Bonnier Fastigheter ska på utvalda delmarknader med lokal närvaro och ett långsiktigt engagemang förvärva, utveckla, förädla och förvalta egna fastigheter. Sedan 1856 har Bonnier varit en långsiktig fastighetsägare och samhällsutvecklare som bidrar till ett hållbart, tryggt och öppet samhälle. Ver

Sleep Cycle


Sleep Cycle is a wellness and sleep start up that has developed an intelligent bio alarm clock app for iOS and Android.Sleep cycle alarm clock tracks the sleep of millions of users all over the world. It educates people on their personal sleep patterns and wakes them up in the lightest sleep phase u

Boxon AB


Boxon erbjuder strategiska förpackningskoncept med full spårbarhet som ökar värdet på ert förpackningsflöde, från order till leverans.



⭐ It´s a people business. ⭐ Needo är nischade inom headhunting & Talent Acquisition. Vi är en heltäckande partner till våra kunder genom våra fyra olika affärsområden: Needo Talent, Needo Executive, Needo Interim & Needo On-site. Vi har kontor i Stockholm, Göteborg & Malmö. För att läsa mer om vå



Borgo offers mortgages with some of the market's best interest rates. Borgos mortgages will be offered digitally and financed via a Swedish mortgage fund. Borgo conducts operations with permits according to the Act (2016: 1024) on activities with housing loans and is supervised by the Swedish Financ

Pixel Nordic AB


Pixel Nordic AB är en SEO-byrå baserad i Stockholm, med kunder både lokalt och internationellt. Vårt mål är att skapa bästa möjliga förutsättningar för våra kunder att växa i det organiska söket. Bland våra kunder hittar du bland andra Apoteket Hjärtat, Qasa, Partykungen och Worksystems. Vill du

Axis AB is a Sweden-based company engaged in the provision of network digital video solutions. The Company offers products and solutions for security surveillance and remote monitoring. The Company offers such products as network cameras, video encoders, accessories, and video management software an