
Explore 6,544 companies in Sweden



Bergendahls is a group engaging in consumer goods, fashion, home, and leisure businesses.

YMR Track Club


YMR Track Club was founded in 2017 by Olympic athlete Peter Häggström Lindecrantz as a celebration to his former sports club IK Ymer on their 100th anniversary. Peter made an updated version of the club's tracksuit from the 70s. It turned out really well and Peter started designing more garments. YM

At Six


Elegance reborn. Brunkebergstorg, Stockholm. A 19th century haven for socialites. And that’s where it all begins. A rebirth. A reimagining. A hotel to be seen. En vogue elegance in a new home. Where contemporary art meets design. Where dining revels in breathtaking views. Where sleep is nurtured b



Appostrophe is a Stockholm-based developer of popular mobile apps, mainly photo editing and graphic design tools for iOS

Hässleholm Municipality is a municipality in Scania County in southern Sweden.

Salems Kommun


Salems kommun är en modern förortskommun med rötter i 1100-talet. Som en av Stockholms läns minsta kommuner har vi fördelen av närhet till storstaden samtidigt som kommunen kan erbjuda bra familjevänliga bostäder i vacker natur. Bra tågförbindelse med Stockholms city och närheten till E4 gör att vi



”Vi guidar våra kunder till effektiva och hållbara affärsprocesser baserade på smarta och framtidssäkra affärssystem” Implema är ett företag med positiv kultur, härlig gemenskap och en värdegrund som alla står bakom. All denna samlade kraft är en viktig orsak till att vi nått positionen som Sverige

Kommerskollegium är Sveriges myndighet för utrikeshandel, EU:s inre marknad och handelspolitik. Vi arbetar för en fri öppen handel med klara spelregler, både inom och utanför EU. Vi förser regeringen med analyser och annat underlag inför förhandlingar och diskussioner i EU och i Världshandelsorgan

Bee Company AB


Vår vision är att det ska vara lättsamt och roligt för dig att arbeta med digital marknadsföring på sociala medier. Vi är biet - vare sig du har en enskild firma eller ett stort aktiebolag ser vi till att ge dig den tjänsten och kompetensen som kompletterar dig och ditt team. ------ Med över



Data protection, backup, data storage, archiving, and disaster recovery plan.

Athenas Sverige är Sveriges största talarförmedling. Vi är en del av Opus Group som är Skandinaviens största byrå för förmedling av talare och föreläsare. Vi jobbar under namnet Athenas i Skandinavien, internationellt har vi A-speakers som står för de internationella talarna. Athenas vänder sig til


1 follower

Cantargia utvecklar en antikroppsbaserad behandling riktad mot målmolekylen IL1RAP som har potential att användas för ett flertal olika cancersjukdomar.



Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) is a water institute. We focus on a range of research and development topics within and around water that support decision-makers world. We believe that the best way to tackle water crises, and help bring about lasting change, is to strengthen water gov

Lendo AB


Lendo är Sveriges största jämförelsetjänst för privatlån, företagslån och bolån. Lendo ingår i Schibstedkoncernen och har funnits på den svenska marknaden sedan 2007 och finns vidare idag även i Norge och Danmark. Vår ambition är att få fler kunder att fatta informerade lånebeslut. Via Lendos tjänst

The leading student union in Sweden with 11 000 members. Founded 1904 and still working for students interest, ideas and growth during their time at Chalmers. Has over 20 unique committees and over 50 societies based on hobbies, sports and other extracurricular activities. The union also has a recr

SiNIX Group

1 follower

SiNIX GROUP is a constellation of expert consulting companies, all clearly niched in their field of specialization. All with a common goal, to make our customers more competitive.



Qasa is a digital platform for second-hand rental, which creates a smooth and safe experience for both homeowners and landlords. Qasa's matching algorithm guides the cliets right into the housing jungle and helps them find the right home without effort. Qasa is all about making it a pleasant experie

Hammer & Hanborg is a consulting company that made it their mission to be involved in creating the professional life of the future. They develop companies and organizations by delivering expertise, talent and consulting in management and communication. Digitization not only affects where, when and h

Cervera AB


Kvalitetsmärken inom Glas, Porslin, Bestick, Grytor, Redskap och Köksmaskiner! Välkommen in i någon av våra butiker runtom Sverige eller cervera.se!

Rehngruppen AB

1 follower

Rehngruppen AB is a company of development, support & training in Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook.



Stratiteq is a knowledge-based consultancy company for forward thinking clients who aim to become sustainable data-driven businesses. We enable clients to take control of their digital future through the delivery of technology and strategy implementations. At Stratiteq we help identify and implement

Soya Group

1 follower

Soya Group consists of companies in four business areas: shipping, real estate, stud & farm and water purification. The operations are run to be long-term, sustainable and to actively contribute for the benefit of society. The Soya Group's shared administrative functions are gathered in Soya Group


1 follower

ClimateView is a climate action technology company helping cities transform climate planning into progress



CellaVision AB is a Sweden-based company active in the medical technology sector. The Company develops and sells digital solutions for medical microscopy, as well as products enabling blood cell analysis and morphology diagnosis. CellaVision AB’s produ...



Biotage is a worldwide supplier of instruments and consumables for analytical, organic and peptide chemistry. Pioneers in flash chromatography and custom resins.


1 follower

ComplyLog is a suite of innovative digital solutions built by legal experts to assist businesses. Their most recent customer survey highlighted the need for an even broader range of online tools capable of expanding on the benefits of InsiderLog by automating additional compliance and corporate proc

The World's First Global Cloud Based Agency. UP THERE, EVERYWHERE is a global multi-disciplinary, brand, marketing and digital agency. As a full service agency, our work covers everything from market research, to brand and identity, advertising and communications, digital, web and content creation,

TILLSAMMANS SKAPAR VI ETT BÄTTRE LIV Region Örebro län är en av länets största arbetsgivare med cirka 10 000 anställda och verksamhet över hela länet. Vårt uppdrag är att göra Örebro län till en plats där det är bra att växa upp, studera och arbeta. Vi jobbar för människors hälsa, trygghet och välb



Coloreel is a Swedish technology innovation company within the textile industry.

We have been in the Air cargo logistics business since 1962 and know our business as well as yours. Apart from swiftly sending goods, we handle aircraft service and maintenance as well as lease out aircraft

The Swedish Film Institute works to promote film across the board – from idea to finished product, during launch in Sweden and around the world, and by preserving films for posterity in our archives. The Swedish Film Institute was founded in 1963 by the Swedish state and the various professional



Goava was founded by Jonas Ehne, Henrik Stridsberg, Carl Hall and Johan Rogebrant in late 2016. Your next business opportunity - at your fingertips. Their Insight Tool tells you which company to talk to, whom to talk to, and what to talk about. Goava has been granted a publishing certificate by the



Zimpler is a Swedish technology platform focused on creating fluently connected payment solutions. Zimpler breaks new ground within the payment experience. It just works!Founded in 2012 Zimpler has shown rapid growth and was named third fastest growing tech company in Sweden by Deloitte Fast 50 in 2

Swimbird AB

1 follower

Swimbird automates and streamlines financial business processes by aggregating data. It lacked people who could see investments holistically while still having an of the nuances of financial instruments and business processes. Their services included integration & connectivity, record keeping & ware

We are licensed credit reference agency and gather and process a vast amount of public information surrounding businesses and individuals. Start a free trial with our API and try out our services.

Zordix is a game development company that is involved in handheld games development. Its special talents include design, animation, 3d modelling, programming, web, marketing, sales, and CRM.Zordix is developing games for the new digital download channels Nintendo DSiWare and the Nintendo eShop for t



SVEAB är ett av Sveriges mest väletablerade renodlade anläggningsföretag. Vi anlägger framtiden: Vägarna som tar dig till arbete och vänner, broarna som för dig torrskodd till andra sidan, rälsen och rören som transporterar varor och vatten – grunden för ett fungerande samhälle. Med kunden i foku

Magine Pro


We’re not just another tech provider, Magine Pro build thriving OTT businesses. Based in Sweden, we create live, linear TV and Video-On-Demand streaming services that are proven, cost-efficient and scalable. Our experience in the consumer market means we can provide you with all the tech, tools and



Elektroautomatik helps its customers streamline and quality assure their production and logistics flows through intelligent automation solutions. Our clientèle includes major actors in the Swedish manufacturing sector as well as smaller, innovative family businesses. By focusing on flexible autom

Nortic AB


Nortic erbjuder en komplett plattform för Datadriven biljettförsäljning, Digital effektivisering och Social sammankoppling för att optimera våra partners arbetsflöde och maximera deras affärsresultat. Nortic är en ledande aktör inom biljettsystem och erbjuder en plattform som går utöver det traditi



Zutobi is an easy and affordable online Driver Education resource that teaches new drivers everything there is about driving and driver safety. We want to create the BEST driver’s education program in the world and ensure anyone can afford it.Zutobi's active user base exceeds 300k worldwide monthly.

Sirius Group


Sirius is a strongly rated international insurance and reinsurance organization serving clients and brokers through our global office network.



Debricked provides a SaaS-product that allows companies to develop software easily, efficiently and securely using Open Source.

Smart Media Agency focuses on topic-specific publishing, advertising, marketing, content creation, and brand building.

PS of Sweden

1 follower

PS of Sweden design and production of anatomical bridles.

EKN har regeringens uppdrag att främja svensk export och svenska företags internationalisering. Det gör vi genom att försäkra exportföretag och banker mot risken för att inte få betalt i exportaffärer, så att de kan genomföra fler säkra exportaffärer. Verksamheten finansieras med garantitagarnas pre

Information och fakta om Eskilstuna kommun, våra verksamheter och service inom skola, omsorg, trafik m.m. Flera tjänster kan utföras direkt på webbplatsen.



Co-native is the Nordics' first native cloud group. For cloud specialist companies, we want to be the most attractive alternative for your future growth. To customers, we offer the best solutions for cloud and digital transformation. The group was started in 2022. Co-native is co-founded by Fredrik

Ekobrottsmyndigheten är ett kompetens- och kunskapscentrum för ekobrottsbekämpning och är den drivande och samordnande kraften för all ekobrottsbekämpning i Sverige