Explore 6,544 companies in Sweden
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Rikstäckande tryckeri som erbjuder allt inom tryck. Vi vänder oss till alla företag som behöver kommunicera med trycksaker eller vill ha grafisk service.
Precise Biometrics is an innovative company offering technology and expertise for easy, secure, and accurate authentication using smart
Skipper is a meeting place for boats and boaters. Private individuals and companies can announce their boat rent for free. The boat can hire everyone whose skills and experience are on the boat owner's behalf. The boat owner decides who to rent their boats.
The Association of Foreign Affairs in Lund (UPF) is a non-profit, non-partisan association operating in Lund, with the purpose of encouraging and providing a platform for objective debate on international issues. UPF is primarily an association by and for students at Lund University, but in practice
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Vivesto is a specialty pharma company dedicated to improving the lives of patients by enhancing the intravenous delivery of established and novel drugs for significant diseases, including cancer.
Doctrin provides decision support systems and communication tools to healthcare providers.
Mediemerah is a live production company based in Stockholm. We do live events, tv productions and hybrid events. We offer tailored live and/or taped video productions combined with distribution solutions from our studio or anywhere around the world.
Hjälper företag, organisationer och influensers med att bygga sitt varumärke, nå ut till fler samt se bättre ut visuellt!
Tekniska verken is a regional company which aims to create an efficient community which is sustainable in the long term. We have around 280,000 private and corporate clients who benefit from our products and services – electricity, water, district heating, district cooling, waste management, broadba
Carbon free, traceable to the minute, and on the consumer’s terms.
Klimato makes climate labeling. Climate labeling helps your guests choose climate smart - and show that you care about the climate issue!
We are an industrial remote control supplier with over 60 years of experience. Tele Radio develops, manufactures and markets radio control systems for industrial use. The company was founded in Lysekil, Sweden in 1955 and has since developed into an expansive group, the Tele Radio Group. Headquarte
Greens invests in Nordic pre-seed startups with founders who are alumni of Nordic Unicorns. We’re over 50 Spotify alumni who’ve joined together to help the next generation of Nordic startups succeed. Most of us are still active operators at some of the quickest growing companies in the Nordics and a
I Haninge bygger vi för framtiden och det syns, känns och märks på många sätt. Vi bygger en ny stadskärna, en ny företagspark och massor av nya bostäder. Det kommer att bli mer stad, ännu bättre kommunikationer, skolor och omsorg. Större fokus på kultur och natur. Ökad dialog och trygghet. Tillsamma
Our vision is to accelerate change for better business - better planet. SustainLab is a SaaS Sustainability Management platform that automates collection, processing and visualization of sustainability data, to help companies spend less time on data-handling and more on accelerating change.
Med erfarenhet från Sveriges mest komplexa implementationer och digitala transformeringar har vi byggt ett bolag som alltid levererar engagemang och drivkraft som för kundens affär framåt. Vår ambition är att vara en helhetsleverantör av konsulttjänster inom alla branscher med fokus på ledning, ark
Välkommen till oss på Holmgrens Bil! Vi hjälper dig att hitta din nya bil och vill att det ska bli många fina mil tillsammans på vägarna. Hos oss du kan få hjälp med allt från service, däck till glasreperationer. Vi värnar om ditt liv med din bil. Holmgrens Bil är idag ett av Sveriges största bilh
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Chemwise delivers consulting services and system solutions for chemical handling. They provide tailor-made solutions to more than 100 groups and about 400 unique corporate customers around the world .
Fast Travel Games is a new game development studio located in Stockholm
Propia is a Consultant Company offering competence and proven methodology within Operational Excellence. Operational Excellence is our way of analysing the status within an organisation, aiming towards to get the whole Operational activity to become world class. This to create sustianable growth
Exakta är ett av de ledande Grafiska företagen i Sverige med stor kapacitet & flexibilitet. Vi producerar och distribuerar tryckt och digital kommunikation. Vi har ett brett utbud av tjänster som gör att vi kan vara din kompletta samarbetsparter. Hos oss känner du det lilla företagets engagemang, me
Fidelio is an independent Swedish investment company, founded in 2010 with the aim to add a more flexible and entrepreneurial approach to the professional and active ownership model found within traditional Private Equity. Our ambition is to be the best choice for entrepreneurs and managers who are
In need of automating and digitizing your business? You’ve come to the right place. We develop smart and business-critical solutions that streamlines the operations for sales, after sales, customer service and marketing units. We aim to make your everyday life easier, and to make your customers hap
Modelon offers systems modeling and simulation software that accelerates product innovation, development, and operations in a range of industries. Modelon’s flagship product, Modelon Impact, is a cloud-native system simulation software platform featuring a collaborative browser-based interface and
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Jobylon aims to provide the easiest way for companies to create and share beautiful job ads, manage candidates and hire the right person!
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Nordic Waterproofing is one of Europe’s leading producers and suppliers of waterproofing products and services for building sand infrastructure.
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Severalnines provides automation and management software for database clusters.Over 7,000 companies have used its free Cluster Configurator to date to deploy production-class clusters on their own servers or in the cloud.
The Stockholm School of Economics is one of Europe's leading business schools.
Camelonta is a digital agency with broad experience in delivering solutions with deep understanding of customer needs.
CheckProof is the ideal tool for digitizing your work with preventive maintenance, quality and health & safety. Let’s secure value. Digitally.
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Rekrytering av digitala ledare, specialister och unga talanger inom tech, creative och commercial.
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Vi är landets största privata direktreklamföretag. Med våra många franchisetagare, som är fördelade över hela landet, kan vi hjälpa dig att nå ut till samtliga Sveriges hushåll.
Tech development. Model driven tech. DTO. Digital Twin of an Organization. Solution areas are End-to-End Product Management, CIO Excellence, Growth and Innovation Management, Corporate Governance and Development
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Hiber has created a gaming and entertainment platform where people can play and create on their mobile devices and PCs. Hiber was founded in 2017 and is based in Gothenburg, Sweden and operates Hiber social Apps (Hiber), and a web-based entertainment platform, HiberWorld.The team originally created
Bambus Group is an independent company founded in 2014 in the capital of Kosovo. The idea and the roots originated long before. Over several years, work has been carried out to build up a network of companies and bring experts from different areas together.
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Progrits består av ledande mjukvarubolag inom specifika marknadssegment eller affärsfunktioner. Genom en djup branschkunskap och ett starkt fokus på att förstå och förutse behov hos våra kunder, utvecklar våra bolag erbjudanden som förenklar och förbättrar våra kunders och användares vardag.
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Tack vare närheten till våra resurser har vi kunnat göra det bästa för den här planeten under lång tid. Därför experimenterar vi, samarbetar vi, därför bygger vi ut, därför samarbetar i med grannar, andra elleverantörer och politiker. Vi gör all vi kan för att hela Sverige ska drivas av 100 % förnyb
A Stockholm, Sweden-based biopharmaceutical company.
System Verification is a global software quality assurance company specialized in advanced quality monitoring. By using best practice QA methods and AI insights, we help our clients deliver great end-user experiences. Our clients are found in finance & banking, e-health, automotive, retail, manufact
G5 Entertainment – The Developer and Publisher of Casual and Free-to-Play games for iPhone, iPad, Android, Google Play, Kindle Fire, Windows and Mac
Research-based MedTech company that is leading the development of management of airborne bacteria and virus pollution in hospitals.
Sentor is a cybersecurity company established in 1998, with its main office situated in Stockholm and an additional branch located in Malmö. Our portfolio includes advisory services, security testing, managed detection and incident-response capabilities, powered by a 24/7/365 Security Operations Cen
Mekonomen Group consists of the leading automotive spare-parts chains in the northern Europe, FTZ, Inter-Team, MECA, Mekonomen and Sørensen og Balchen, with proprietary wholesale operations, over 450 stores and 3,400 workshops operating under the Group brands. We offer a wide and easily accessible r
Remotion is the leading consulting agency that is cracking the code for business outperformance. We provide an integrated approach to people, processes, technology, and data to build the critical capabilities to win the hearts and minds of the customers - today and tomorrow. We assist our clients i
Episurf Medical produce a unique technology that offers hope to patients with knee pain. Injuries to knee cartilage are notoriously difficult to treat and a sporting accidents can lead to years of pain and in some cases, multiple surgeries. Episurf do ...
SweGaN's vision is to be a world leading supplier of nitride based HEMT structures.
SynerLeap is an innovation growth hub located in the heart of the ABB's Head Office in Västerås Sweden. The purpose is to create an ecosystem where ABB can utilize and enable small technology companies to grow and expand on a global market in three areas: industrial automation, robotics and energy.
Parakey turns your smartphone into a key making it possible to unlock restricted areas by a simple tap on your phone.
ANNA-KARIN KARLSSON is known as the world’s leading brand for luxury eyewear. Combining avant-garde design with extravagant materials and immaculate execution, each frame is a piece of art. The company is based in Sweden and the designs are sold in more than 50 countries all over the world. Lavish
OnDosis proprietary technology delivers flexible and individualized dosing of oral medicines formulated as micro units. They are focused on providing reassurance in disease management, supporting adherence and providing greater convenience for patients. OnDosis is currently developing products for i