Explore 16,140 companies in Health & Wellness
Medimagery brings beautiful design to health and medicine. We educated. We produce individually for clients based on their specific endeavor. The health materials we make delight the learner, and maybe even touch the heart. Behind all life is an architecture and a patterning that reveals itself to c
Patient focused primary care treating patients 12 and up. We look for the root cause of illnesses and work with each patient to maximize their health and wellbeing. Empowering each individual to take charge of their health with our help. We also offer IV and hormone therapy, vitamin enhancements, an
ITSA Hospitals (A Unit of 4Seasons Hospitals & Research Center Pvt. Ltd.) A 350+ bedded healthcare setup at the heart of Raipur, CG
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Atualmente a Unimed São José do Rio Preto conta com mais de 1.400 médicos cooperados, mais de 260 mil clientes e está entre as principais singulares de grande porte de todo Sistema Unimed
National Cancer Institute (NCI)- Cairo was established during the 1950s and was implemented through the great administrative efforts of Professor Ahmed Lotfi Abou El Nassr. With the same enthusiasm, Professor Ismail El Sebai introduced radical surgery for cancer and trained a large group of Egyptian
EVER is pioneering a personalized health & longevity platform that integrates genetic data, blood markers and practitioner-validated supplement protocols into actionable insights. With an agile, feedback-driven approach, we continuously enhance user experience, providing both individuals and health
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Surgery Center of Allentown specializes in sports medicine, podiatry, hand, wrist and arm surgeries, and more. They have a team of ophthalmologists who perform various procedures, including cataract surgery. Their otolaryngologists specialize in ear, nose, and throat procedures, and they also have p
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Welcome to Iowa MMJ Card Doctor, your premier destination for obtaining medical marijuana cards. Our dedicated team specializes in providing compassionate care and expert guidance through the certification process, ensuring patients receive legal access to medical marijuana. We prioritize patient we
We are dedicated to equipping individuals with cutting-edge mental health tools to navigate demanding jobs and challenging work environments effectively. We also believe in providing compassionate support for those affected by trauma.
Manufacturer of medical and household devices for hospitals and home use. We are responsible for the quality of our products. Registered trademark OROMED. 17 years of successful experience. Our main goal is the health and satisfaction of our customers!
AgeRight Advantage Health Plan is a company based out of Portland, Oregon, United States.
At Flint Therapeutics, we are dedicated to optimizing your health and wellness through a range of massage therapy and wellness services. Our team of experienced therapists specialize in various techniques such as sports massage, pain management, injury rehab, lymphatic drainage, hot stone massage,
CareCubed is a secure online tool to support open and transparent negotiation of costs for care placements. We have over 15 years of experience calculating the cost of care for a variety of care settings. Used in more than 600 organisations across the UK, the tool is available for use in both Adult
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Em um mundo de contínuas e rápidas transformações, os desafios cotidianos são crescentes na vida do profissional da saúde. O Qualidade em Saúde leva um suporte consistente de gestão e conhecimentos para enfrentá-los, identificando as oportunidades, compartilhando tendências e traçando caminhos para
Preventative Medical Service for Your Business. At BizMed, we firmly believe in the value of human capital and the importance of taking care of it. We question why it is that we as humans often neglect our own health until we crash, whilst our cars are required by law to have regular check-ups as a
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Ao longo do tempo, o Hospital Felício Rocho vem incorporando, de forma contínua e permanente, novas tecnologias e modernos equipamentos para salvar vidas.
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Le Centre Hospitalier et Universitaire Mohammed VI Marrakech est un établissement public doté de la personnalité morale et de l’autonomie financière. Il est soumis à la tutelle du Ministère de la Santé et a été créé en vertu de la Loi 82.00 promulguée par le Dahir 1.01.206 du 10 joumada II 1422 (30
Marodyne LiV UK (BTT Health Solutions) are the sole UK distributor of the Marodyne LiV device. Our story: Did you know that astronauts lose 1-2% of their bone density for every month they are in space? It would take several decades to lose the same amount on solid ground. When there is no gravit
WHAT G3ict – the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies – is an advocacy initiative launched in December 2006 by the United Nations Global Alliance for ICT and Development, in cooperation with the Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Dis
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Open Parachute creates Tier 1 mental health programs for Pre-K to Grade 12, featuring documentary videos of real students sharing their stories of overcoming struggle. Our lessons are built around documentary videos, showcasing real teenagers sharing their own experiences of overcoming struggle. Th
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TherapyDen is a national therapist directory built for our modern world. Not only can a client find a therapist based on common issues, such as anxiety and relationship troubles, but they can search for a therapist that treats the unique struggles of today. TherapyDen believes in inclusivity and rep
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Aqui na Clínica Fares você tem Consulta Médica e Exames Populares com rapidez! Faça um pré-agendamento online ou ligue agora mesmo! Aceitamos convênio!
Centrum voor psychotherapie, behandeling, advies en onderzoek. Een huiselijke praktijk met aandacht vanuit het hele team. We helpen u graag. Hersencentrum is een instelling voor geestelijke gezondheid die vanuit kleinschalige vestigingen is georganiseerd. Tevens opleidingsinstelling voor Psychothe
SAMEN voor Zuidoost-Brabant Een gezonde en veilige leefomgeving. Wij dragen als Omgevingsdienst Zuidoost-Brabant daar graag aan bij. Dat doen we samen met onze 22 overheidspartners (provincie Noord-Brabant en 21 gemeenten) in de regio. Bekijk op www.odzob.nl hoe we samen meer waarde creëren. D
Anna Levesque's mental agility coaching business for paddlers and moving through adversity. Originally named Girls at Play, Anna on empowering women in whitewater kayaking on and off the water. Anna Levesque is now a distinguished leader in the outdoor industry as a mental agility and white water
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A Companhia Athletica atende mais de 200 empresas por todo o Brasil, através de convênios, parcerias e planos corporativos. 35 mil clientes individuais, familiares ou corporativos frequentam as unidades regularmente. Com 17 unidades espalhadas pelo Brasil, em 13 diferentes cidades , as academias
At SkinSeoul, we’ve curated the largest, latest, and most innovative AI-driven skincare selection available. Our goal is to become the world’s #1 skincare company powered by AI, delivering a truly customized experience that meets the unique needs of every individual’s skin.
LiveAble provides home modification consulting services to individuals who are living in a home in which they can not be their most independent. LiveAble provides detailed recommendations that will increase the clients' independence and safety in their homes. Scopes of work may include space plann
Phoenixville Country Club is a health, wellness and fitness company based out of 355 COUNTRY CLUB RD, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, United States.
We are AB Neo, transforming neonate nutrition to enhance lifetime performance. AB Neo is a specialist division of AB Agri, bringing together the expertise of four successful businesses. And as one business, we are focused on becoming the leaders in neonate nutrition, using science as our driving fo
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A Secretaria de Estado da Saúde recebeu o Espaço Saúde promovido pelo Plano SC Saúde no dia 19 de maio.
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LPC laboratory is a clinical pathology and vaccines laboratory.
Founded in 2017, Soul Bowls hopes to bring together a community of people that take pride in what they eat. We encourage people to ask: Where does my food come from? what is my food doing for my body, and why should i eat more of it? We source local ingredients that support not only our bodies but
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A VoiFit Academia surgiu em 2014 com o objetivo de facilitar a procura por uma academia com qualidade e atividades variadas. Dessa maneira, proporcionar a melhor experiência em nossos espaços para que você nunca perca o ritmo, priorizando sua saúde e bem-estar.
We are a plastic surgery practice offering a full line of non-surgical and surgical cosmetic treatments. We believe in serving our patients with compassion, honesty, and transparency. We donate our time, talents, and resources to help those who would otherwise be without necessary care, both at ho
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Changing the mental health narrative one connection at a time.
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No Centrolab, toda coleta de material biológico é realizada com produtos totalmente descartáveis, através de procedimentos de coleta padronizados pelo Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade e respeitando as normas sanitárias nacionais e internacionais.
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- Maior rede de salões de beleza e estética da América Latina. São mais de 100 franquias em operação no Brasil e exterior.
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O HEAL é referência no tratamento de pessoas com sofrimento mental e drogadição e oferece atendimento humanizado com altos índices de recuperação.
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For over 40 years, Freeman® Beauty has been on a mission to make nature inspired, fun, high-performing specialty beauty products accessible to the younger beauty-involved customer. With a portfolio of six beloved brands, we offer a wide range of facial masks, dry shampoo, specialty bath & body, and
Dose organic wellness shots combine clinically-researched ingredients to functionally support a healthier body. We work directly with a scientific team with decades of experience in naturopathic medicine to ensure each ingredient in our products is at the optimal level of quantity. In fact, one Do
EIN START-UP MIT 45-JÄHRIGER ERFAHRUNG Am Geschäftsmodell hat sich mit dem Übergang unserer Firma in die BOLLER Industrieholding AG und dem Namenswechsel zu DYNOVO AG nichts geändert: die Produkte, die Mitarbeitenden und das Arbeitsklima unserer Kunden stehen bei uns auch nach 45 Jahren im Zentrum.
Medicare Livofy is your trusted partner in personalized nutrition and wellness, offering science-backed diet plans tailored to your unique health needs. Whether you're managing weight, chronic conditions like diabetes, PCOS, thyroid, hypertension, or fatty liver, focusing on preventive care, or navi
in Collaborative is the superior choice for facility support services because we redefine excellence through innovation, data-driven insights, and intentional strategies rooted in evidence-based research. Our approach goes beyond traditional solutions, leveraging advanced technology and analytics to
HBF Foods is a story of both intention and positive impact. As a sister company of Handsome Brook Farms, the largest pasture-raised organic egg producer in the country and a Certified B Corporation, HBF Foods was created to intentionally process the high-quality free-range and pasture-raised organi
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Nature’s Truth is designed with you in mind! We expertly formulate our products with the purest ingredients to deliver the perfect potency in each bottle.
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Ambulatório de atenção secundária do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) especializado no atendimento à pessoa idosa.
Ensemble Healthcare Resource Group offers access to an experienced healthcare ecosystem with the goal of helping other leaders and investors grow their individual operations.