
Explore 13,572 companies in Hospital



IEHRD COUNCIL is an Education Development organization / an autonomous body is Regd. By Govt. of Kerala based On TR Act.1882 Govt. Of India, (INDIA). Under Registration Act. IEHRD COUNCIL Is An ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Organization. IEHRD Council Provides Hospital Administration Course, Medical Codi

Since their humble beginnings in 1978, GAMA has steadily built its presence in businesses that have a direct bearing on the economy and the lives of the people. Today GAMA is committed to provide top quality service to its clients around the Kingdom, strict adherence to service contract standards an

YASHODHARA SUPER SPECIALITY HOSPITALS, SOLAPUR REDEFINING PATIENT CARE Welcome to Yashodhara Super Speciality Hospitals, Solapur - a beacon of healthcare excellence with two dedicated units serving the community. Committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate medical services, our dual prese

International Developers is software for the healthcare community.

Friends & Family


Friends & Family Inc. is a non-profit corporation established in 1992 to provide community-based services to the adult special needs population.

Gandhi Hospital, Secunderabad, Telangana is 150 years old post graduate medical teaching college associated hospital. It is State Government run tertiary level multi specialty hospital.

Ft. Lauderdale & South Florida's award-winning Holy Cross Hospital is home to top physicians and specialists in a wide range of services including orthopedics, cardiology, cancer, neurology, neurosurgery, bariatrics, gynecology, urology, minimally invasive surgery and women's health.



Phyt (pronounced “fit”) Rehab is an innovative rehabilitation company committed to providing exceptional rehabilitation solutions across the continuum of care. Phyt also provides comprehensive management and staffing solutions for our business partners.

Haskell Regional Hospital’s mission is to transform and improve hospitals and clinics with a passion for delivering high-quality, compassionate, patient-centered healthcare and wellness to patients and families while revitalizing communities. We take our time to ensure that we create quality care an

Bioiatriki Group is a healthcare solution provider with extensive experience in health diagnostic, primary care, and medical services.

Continuing Healthcare Solutions offers exceptional care for skilled nursing, rehabilitation and assisted living services to our residents throughout our network of communities in Ohio.

Hayatabad Medical Complex aims to deliver a comprehensive range of preventive, curative, rehabilitative, emergency and educational health services with compassion to the people in KPK, through its healthcare facilities and services with a view to raising the long-term health status of community.

La Fondation Bon Sauveur de la Manche accueille, soigne et accompagne les personnes vulnérables, souffrant de troubles psychiques, psychiatriques ou en perte d’autonomie. Institution de droit privé à but non lucratif, reconnue d’utilité publique, elle gère des structures relevant des secteurs sanita



Health-Bridge is a translation service provider in form of mobile applications for patients with limited language proficiency.

Cardiva S.L.


Cardiva, con un amplio porfolio de producto en diversas areas, desarrollados junto a profesionales médicos, para mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes

Spital Lachen


Das Spital Lachen ist ein regional verankertes Gesundheitszentrum mit einer umfassenden Leistungspalette von der ambulanten bis zur stationären Behandlung von akut erkrankten- und verunfallten Patientinnen und Patienten.

New Forest Care


Best Childcare Services in Southampton, Hythe at New Forest Care. We offer residential Childcare service to children and young people with various needs.

MATLV is a health care center that expertise in primary care services including billing, family practice, internal medicine and pediatrics.

Prader-Willi Homes (PWHO) has been supporting individuals diagnosed with Prader-Willi Syndrome and their families for more than 30 years combining the best in residential care, education and vocational training.

Pro Therapy Services of E is a hospital & health care company based out of 2525 McGill St Ste 102, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, United States.

Clinphone, Inc.


ClinPhone is a clinical technology organizations.

The Plastic Surgery Group is a hospital & health care group based out of Cincinnati, OH.

WELCOME TO OUR URGENT CARE CENTERS! UCM Urgent Care Centers operates quality medical care centers in the Detroit Metropolitan area. Our mission is to provide compassionate and quality healthcare at all our Urgent Care Centers. We treat everyone with respect and dignity, maintain the utmost confiden

Wyandot Center provides provides mental health, behavioral and psychosocial services.

We provide SNF, Rehabilitation and Subacute services for the Los Angeles community. We are also working on developing a forensic-psych STP unit in partnership with California Dept of State Hospitals and the Conditional Release Program.

Im Universitätsklinikum AKH Wien werden jährlich rund 60.000 Patient*innen stationär behandelt und über 1,1 Millionen Mal die Ambulanzen frequentiert. Damit ist das AKH Wien das größte Krankenhaus Österreichs und ein Arbeitsplatz, der Abwechslung und Vielfalt garantiert. Gemeinsam mit den Ärztinnen

Qendra Spitalore Universitare “Nënë Tereza” në Tiranë është institucioni shëndetësor më i madh në Shqipëri dhe si institucion shëndetësor akademik është i vetmi i këtij lloji, duke u klasifikuar si e vetmja qendër shëndetësore terciare shqiptare. Aktualisht QSU “Nënë Tereza” ofron shërbim shëndetës

Les professionnels du Centre Hospitalier de Calais travaillent au quotidien au bien être des patients, avec compétence et bienveillance.

Cygnus Medicare Pvt. Ltd. operates a chain of multi-specialty hospitals in India tassaavoq peqqissuseq pillugu pisortatigoortumik nittartagaq. Peqqissuseq, pinaveersaartitsineq peqqissumillu inuuneqarneq pillugit maani allaaserisat nassaarisinnaavatit.

ROBINSON NURSING AND REHABILITATION CENTER LLC is a hospital & health care company based out of 415 ROGERS AVE, Fort Smith, Arkansas, United States.

Perjalanan Sentra Medika Hospitals Group (SMHG), berawal dari komitmen Founding Father kami, Drg. Suherman Widyatomo untuk berpartisipasi dalam memajukan Kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia. Diawali dengan membangun rumah sakit pertama di tahun 1984 RS Harapan Bunda Jakarta Timur, SMHG kini telah berkemb

Providing compassionate care for pediatric, geriatric and adult patients in order to achieve optimum outcomes. Select from the following MGA Divisions.

Tagaytay Medical Center (TMC) is a private, secondary level hospital located at the scenic City of Tagaytay. It has a 90-bed capacity which caters to the health and wellness needs of local and foreign patients of the city and its nearby areas.With its friendly and relaxing environment, together with

Welkom bij de Antonius Zorggroep. Wij leveren thuis zorg en in het ziekenhuis. De Antonius Zorggroep bestaat uit het Antonius Ziekenhuis met locaties in Sneek en in Emmeloord én Thuiszorg Zuidwest Friesland met ruim 30 buurtgerichte zorgteams.

ORIENTAL EDUMED PRIVATE LIMITED is a hospital & health care company based out of 286, IIND FLOOR, VARDHMAN CROWN PLAZA SECTOR-19, DWARKA NEW, DELHI, Delhi, India.

Primary Care Medical Group is a healthcare clinic that offers a wide range of medical services.

Home Visit Hearing Healthcare Services. Diagnosis & treatment of non-medical hearing loss.

Personal Home Care of North Carolina offers non-medical home care and home health care services to the residents of North Carolina.

Perfumerías Douglas. Cadena líder en España con más de 220 perfumerías. Comprar perfumes y cosméticos. Perfumes en 24 horas.

Kinderen met een taalontwikkelingsstoornis (TOS) of gehoorverlies kunnen bij Kentalis De Skelp in Drachten en Sneek speciaal onderwijs volgen (cluster 2).

New Vista provides behavioral health, rehabilitation, nursing, and respite care.

In the 1960's, the late Cardinal Tien ken-Sin, recognizing the lack of quality medical resources in the Xindian area, built this hospital from the ground up in order to provide the public with improved medical care. As available resources in Taiwan were very limited, Cardinal Tien worked tirelessly

L'eccellenza è la nostra forza. 30 anni di esperienza al servizio della gente.