
Explore 13,572 companies in Hospital

Somos la principal cadena de atención médica ambulatoria en Chile, con más de 26 centros a lo largo del país. Parte de Bupa Chile.

KMG Kliniken


Gesundheit aus einer Hand - mit unseren Akutkliniken, Rehabilitationskliniken und Pflegeeinrichtungen für Senior*innen und für Menschen mit Behinderung halten wir für Sie im Nordosten und in der Mitte Deutschlands ein hochqualifiziertes Netzwerk stationärer medizinischer und pflegerischer Einrichtun

MATLV is a health care center that expertise in primary care services including billing, family practice, internal medicine and pediatrics.

CSCR (Pvt.) Ltd


CSCR provides the best healthcare services in chattogram 24/7 medical services and diagnosis by eminent doctors. CSCR started its journey under the name of 'Ultrasonography Center' on July 07, 1986, with the joint efforts of some eminent doctors of today's CSCR (Pvt.) Ltd. and was transformed into a

Copura Soc.Coop.


Nel solco della migliore tradizione imprenditoriale cooperativa, e sostenuta da una visione che individua nell'innovazione, nell'eccellenza operativa e nella trasparenza procedurale i puntelli della propria identità, Copura rappresenta oggi un esempio virtuoso di come metodologia di intervento e ric



Phyt (pronounced “fit”) Rehab is an innovative rehabilitation company committed to providing exceptional rehabilitation solutions across the continuum of care. Phyt also provides comprehensive management and staffing solutions for our business partners.

A continuing care retirement community located in Midland, TX with a 65 acre campus and six levels of care from independent living to skilled nursing care.

Daybreak provides seniors in Columbia and Lexington one thing they value the most – their independence from in home care services.

ФГБУ "Российский научный центр рентгенорадиологии" (РНЦРР)

Perfumerías Douglas. Cadena líder en España con más de 220 perfumerías. Comprar perfumes y cosméticos. Perfumes en 24 horas.

Family Orthodontics provides quality orthodontic care and Invisalign® to patients in Milford and Westborough, MA. Call today to schedule your appointment!

Wyandot Center provides provides mental health, behavioral and psychosocial services.

Allied Pacific IPA provides quality and patient-centered medical care through an extensive network of healthcare professionals.

Since their humble beginnings in 1978, GAMA has steadily built its presence in businesses that have a direct bearing on the economy and the lives of the people. Today GAMA is committed to provide top quality service to its clients around the Kingdom, strict adherence to service contract standards an

Les professionnels du Centre Hospitalier de Calais travaillent au quotidien au bien être des patients, avec compétence et bienveillance.

Spital Lachen


Das Spital Lachen ist ein regional verankertes Gesundheitszentrum mit einer umfassenden Leistungspalette von der ambulanten bis zur stationären Behandlung von akut erkrankten- und verunfallten Patientinnen und Patienten.

Nebraska Pulmonary Specialties is a hospital & health care company based out of 1500 S 48th St # 605, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States.



IEHRD COUNCIL is an Education Development organization / an autonomous body is Regd. By Govt. of Kerala based On TR Act.1882 Govt. Of India, (INDIA). Under Registration Act. IEHRD COUNCIL Is An ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Organization. IEHRD Council Provides Hospital Administration Course, Medical Codi

New Forest Care


Best Childcare Services in Southampton, Hythe at New Forest Care. We offer residential Childcare service to children and young people with various needs.

Attent Zorg en Behandeling levert diensten op het gebied van wonen, welzijn en zorg aan vooral ouderen in de brede regio van Doesburg, Dieren, Rheden, Velp, Arnhem en Elst. Attent Zorg en Behandeling levert die diensten daar waar u verblijft. Dat kan dus in één van haar locaties zijn, maar ook bij u

Hayatabad Medical Complex aims to deliver a comprehensive range of preventive, curative, rehabilitative, emergency and educational health services with compassion to the people in KPK, through its healthcare facilities and services with a view to raising the long-term health status of community.

APSS Trento


Founded in 1995, APSS - Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari is the public body providing healthcare services in the Autonomous Province of Trento. We take care of 15.500 people everyday in our facilities and at home: we proudly serve more than 500.000 citizens and more than 9 million tourist

St. Vincent General Hospital (SVGH) started in 1950 as a two-story maternity facility owned by the late Atty. Jose Taboada and his wife Dr. Natividad C. Taboada. After nine years of operation, they opened the San Vicente School of Midwifery. By March 2001, SVGH limited its operations to the school

Site institutionnel de PHOENIX Pharma France

Providing compassionate care for pediatric, geriatric and adult patients in order to achieve optimum outcomes. Select from the following MGA Divisions.

New Vista provides behavioral health, rehabilitation, nursing, and respite care.

Sanbo Brain Hospital is a neurology-related therapy provider.

Frösunda, provider of care for individuals with learning disabilities, severe physical disabilities, and psychological/behavioural issues.



Je bent welkom bij PuurZuid maatschappelijke dienstverlening. Elke bewoner van Amsterdam-Zuid kan bij ons terecht voor hulp.

Il Policlinico Casilino è un ospedale pubblico di Roma sede di DEA (Dipartimento Emergenza e Accettazione) di I livello.

WELCOME TO OUR URGENT CARE CENTERS! UCM Urgent Care Centers operates quality medical care centers in the Detroit Metropolitan area. Our mission is to provide compassionate and quality healthcare at all our Urgent Care Centers. We treat everyone with respect and dignity, maintain the utmost confiden

Bioiatriki Group is a healthcare solution provider with extensive experience in health diagnostic, primary care, and medical services.

Q Care International develops healthcare equipment that safely disposes of used hypodermic needles.

Wij zijn al meer dan 90 jaar bezig om voor jou de hooroplossing te leveren waar je echt iets aan hebt. Kom langs in één van onze 160 vestigingen

Primary Care Medical Group is a healthcare clinic that offers a wide range of medical services.

Redefining Memory Care At Oasis, we begin with the firm belief that individuals with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia deserve, and in fact, require more than what is provided in a general nursing care facility to achieve the fullest quality of life. From the moment you enter Oasis, you’

Cardiva S.L.


Cardiva, con un amplio porfolio de producto en diversas areas, desarrollados junto a profesionales médicos, para mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes

ROBINSON NURSING AND REHABILITATION CENTER LLC is a hospital & health care company based out of 415 ROGERS AVE, Fort Smith, Arkansas, United States.

Anaheim Healthcare: Personalized Care for your Health. At Anaheim Healthcare we recognize the value of every person and are guided by our commitment to excellence and leadership. We demonstrate this by: • Striving to provide exemplary physical, emotional and spiritual care for each of our

ATHENS EYE DOCTORS AND SURGEONS, LLC is a medical practice company based out of 105 TRINITY PLACE, ATHENS, Georgia, United States.

Lifetime Heart and Vascular is a specialty practice that offers medical diagnosis and treatment for patients of cardiovascular conditions.

Since its settlement in 1999 until now, Medical Group Romgermed has continued to develop, becoming one of the major players in the medical field. In its 15 years of existence, in the ambulatory specialty, Medical Group Romgermed provided medical services of the highest quality standards, such as cli

Servizi Ospedalieri S.p.A, società controllata al 100% da Rekeep S.p.A, realtà leader in Italia nei servizi specialistici del segmento laundering&sterilization per il settore sanitario, ha fatto della professionalità il cardine della sua operatività. Presente da anni nel settore del lavaggio e nole

Cygnus Medicare Pvt. Ltd. operates a chain of multi-specialty hospitals in India