
Explore 1,957 companies in Politics

Protecting and advancing democracy and equality in Israel.

TurnUp Activism


TurnUp is a 501(c)(3) non-profit mobile app and organization that has embarked on a mission to build the most organized, active, competent, educated and powerful progressive grassroots activist network of young people. In 2020, as the largest and fastest-growing youth voter turnout and activism orga

Canada is a great country, one of the hopes of the world. New Democrats are progressive Canadians who believe we can build an even better one—a country that’s more prosperous, sustainable, and where no one is left behind. Canada’s NDP has a proud history of fighting for ordinary Canadians and del

Leefbaar Rotterdam is de enige partij die er alleen is voor Rotterdam en de Rotterdammers. Gewoon voor Rotterdam.

Somos el ente rector de las políticas nacionales y sectoriales sobre mujer y poblaciones vulnerables que diseña, establece, promueve, ejecuta y supervisa políticas públicas a favor de las mujeres, niñas, niños, adolescentes, personas adultas mayores, con discapacidad, desplazadas y migrantes interno

El Parlament és la institució que representa el poble de Catalunya, la qual cosa el situa e una posició central en el sistema institucional de l'autogovern de Catalunya. El seu origen en l'elecció democràtica i directa dona la força suprema al Parlament i en fa la primera institució de la Generalita



A big tent platform for liberal right of centre discourse that reaches out, engages and caters to the new India. In its second coming, Swarajya remains committed to the ideals of individual liberty unmediated by the State or any other institution, freedom of expression and enterprise, national in

Activists and seekers of community equity through restorative justice in policy, planning, and development.

Julius Caesar crossed the River Rubicon with a single legion and went on to create an empire that ruled the world for over 400 years. That empire's influence is still felt today. "Crossing the Rubicon"​ has survived to refer to any individual or group that is prepared to irrevocably commit to a co

Since 1921, Westerleigh Press has been a leading innovator in the union printing and mailing industry, specializing in political printing for local, state, and national campaigns. Our combination of state-of-the-art equipment and unmatched experience has instilled confidence in our clients who rely



We are a community of democracy defenders committed to work together to defeat authoritarians, wherever they are.

Goals House


A community of internationally renowned activists, thinkers, political figures, business leaders and entrepreneurs, that come together at significant global moments throughout the year united in the drive to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (Global Goals).



¡Hola! El PSOE es un partido con raíces fuertes y profundas, con 141 años de historia, que ha crecido con la fuerza de su militancia. Tenemos un objetivo muy claro: hacer posible los cambios que España necesita. En el PSOE hemos puesto el foco en la lucha contra las desigualdades y en particular e

***MCDP leadership to make a press statement at Mecklenburg County Court House on 3/31/2017 - 12:30 PM regarding Senate Bill S306*** ​

The New Jersey Senate is the powerful upper chamber of the state's legislature responsible for lawmaking, special investigations, and the approval of executive and judicial appointments. The President of the Senate is Sen. Stephen M. Sweeney, a Democrat who represents the 3rd Legislative District (

Susan Wild for Congress is a company based out of ALLENTOWN, PA, United States.

Sveriges största och äldsta borgerliga studentförening

The Boston Political Review is Boston University’s premiere political publication founded in 2014. We are a nonpartisan student-run platform for the BU community to express its voice and to give our readers a refreshing source of unbiased information. The BPR typically consists of four sections:

The mission of the Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (APAPA) is to promote the advancement of Asian and Pacific Islander (API) Americans through active participation and leadership in civic and public affairs. The organization educates the public about public policy and prov

Ruth’s List is the only organization dedicated to electing Democratic, pro-choice women to state and local office in Florida. We recruit, train and help women run inspiring campaigns that WIN. Since 2008, we have raised more than $7,500,000, elected nearly 250 women to state and local office, and tr

Advanced Micro Targeting (AMT) is a direct democracy firm that sells big ideas. Big ideas like ending government corruption, giving voters the right to decide what's best for them, and electing leaders who actually listen to the voters. We are currently hiring Petitioners, Canvassers, Team Leaders a

Town Councilor Re-Elected to a 3 year term on the Town Council, served as Chairman 2007. Responsible to the tax payers of the Town to ensure proper management of Town operations and financial expenditures of tax dollars.

RATHOD |MOHAMEDBHAI LLC is a law firm of experienced trial attorneys representing individuals. We passionately advocate for the rights of employees in the workplace and the civil rights of individuals oppressed by governmental abuses of power. We aggressively fight to vindicate your rights to ensu

Based at Brown University, CSSN is an international network of social science scholars focused on understanding the cultural and institutional dynamics of the political conflict over climate change.

The nature of diplomacy is evolving. It is no longer the strict purview of national governments and international organizations. The Global Diplomacy Lab (GDL) is a platform for exploring a new and more inclusive diplomacy which goes beyond traditional politics. Therefore, creative professionals fro

Public Schools First NC is a statewide nonpartisan group advocating for our public schools.

Gadsden County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, is guided by an elected five-member Board of County Commissioners. All five members of the Board are elected to serve specific districts within the County. Members of the Board are elected for terms of four years. The election of Bo

Senate of Puerto Rico is a legislative office company based out of El Capitolio de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Make Votes Matter is the cross-party campaign for Proportional Representation in the House of Commons. Seats in Parliament should match how people vote - and every vote should count, regardless of where you live or who you vote for. There are three strands to the campaign; The Alliance - https:/

AOF Danmark


AOF er langt mere end kurser og foredrag på aftenskoler. AOF står fx også for • danskundervisning til voksne udlændinge • undervisning til voksne ordblinde (OBU) • forberedende voksenundervisning (FVU) • coaching af arbejdsløse • aktivering og uddannelse af unge • at klæde danskerne på til

Our goal is to provoke new ideas, debate and discussion at the intersection of technology, democracy and policy, with a particular focus on: • Concentrations of power: the interaction of tech platforms, governments and the media and the future of the public sphere; • Geopolitics of technology: how



De VVD is de Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie. Wij maken ons sterk voor veiligheid, werk en ondernemende mensen. Onze politieke ervaring maakt onze ideeën niet alleen goed doordacht, maar ook uitvoerbaar in de praktijk. De VVD streeft naar een kleine, slagvaardige overheid die garant staat vo

Pirate Wires


technology, politics, culture

Nation’s Interest at Heart. UKEC is short for the United Kingdom and Eire (Ireland) Council for Malaysian Students. UKEC is the umbrella body and national coalition of all Malaysian student societies across Britain and Ireland. Officially founded in 1995, UKEC serves as a common platform of inter

SRM Indian Energy Conference is a platform that works on the principles and guidelines of a Model United Nations. The 8th edition of SRMIEC will involve, evolve and aggregate the ideas of the youth. A conference that exists to assist you in voicing your opinions to the world. A stage that provides y

International Blue Cross (IBC) is a non-governmental organisation that works towards giving people all over the world better prospects by mitigating drug- and alcohol-related illness, as well as societal problems. As an umbrella organisation and international development cooperation partner, we are

Olson Remcho is the leading political and government law firm in California. The firm was founded in 2020 by the merger of Olson Hagel & Fishburn and Remcho, Johansen & Purcell – two of the most powerful and respected political law firms in the state. Clients of Olson Remcho have a team of attorne

MultiStory Media


We make innovative shows that capture the heart of the nation. We are a team of passionate story-tellers working across a broad range of genres: Current Affairs, Entertainment, Politics, Factual Entertainment, Documentaries and Drama.

The White House Historical Association is a private non-profit educational organization with a mission to enhance the understanding and appreciation of the Executive Mansion. First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy founded the Association in 1961 to help the White House collect and exhibit the very best artif

We are the Institute of Welsh Affairs, Wales’ leading think tank. We challenge, inspire and drive change, making Wales a better place to live and work for everyone. We are independent of government and political parties. By bringing together experts from all backgrounds, we conceive ambitious and

We live on a magnificent planet. Humans through the centuries have adapted to change in very innovative ways. Every day we are faced with new challenges that require appropriate and specific approaches. This era of groundbreaking technology, digitization, climate change, fake news, and geopoliti



The Office of the Prime Minister of Albania

USINDO was founded in 1994 by Indonesians and Americans who had experience in both countries and who saw the need for an organization that would enhance the understanding of Indonesia and the United States in each other’s country, and deepen the relationship between the two countries and their peopl

Global Grind


Globalgrind.com is a digital media company that promotes the broadest and deepest array of content of interest to the hip hop community from the most authoritative sources across the web. The platform features exclusive blogs, video, music, news, gossip and politics, which users can submit, vote and

Data Orbital


Data Orbital is a survey research company that offers data-driven insights and political consulting services.

Seeking for global solutions by collaborating with religious thought leaders and political representatives.

La Razón


La Razón ha logrado no sólo mantenerse como uno de los diarios de mayor difusión de nuestro país y un referente informativo de la vida política, social y económica española, sino también consolidarse, después de más de 13 años de existencia, como el periódico de los valores y los principios, con una

American Defense International, Inc. (ADI) serves a worldwide client base with a unique combination of technical expertise and the ability to work with Washington's most important decision makers and opinion leaders. ADI represents more than 100 organizations in 11 different countries. Our person

Article 36


Article 36 is a specialist non-profit organisation, focussed on reducing harm from weapons. A small and effective team of advocacy and policy experts, we take our name from article 36 of the 1977 Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions, which calls for scrutiny of new weapons and methods of

Sanitas International is more than a communications and political advisory firm; we're a game changer. Though the name references a favorite hiking trail in Colorado, the firm was conceived by its founders in Baghdad. We realized long ago that winning in environments where others hesitate means c