
Explore 2,167 companies in Politics

ACLU of Ohio


The ACLU works daily in the courts and in our communities to defend the individual rights guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States. We deal with issues like freedom of speech, censorship, due process, the right to privacy, discrimination, separation of church and state, search

American Bridge 21st Century is a progressive research and communications organization committed to holding Republicans accountable for their words and actions and helping you determine when Republican candidates are pretending to be something they’re not.

The Problem Our nation is in peril. The public widely believes that America is headed in the wrong direction. They believe the future prospects are troubling, not only for this generation but for gen- erations to come. The monstrous federal debt, the power grabs of the federal courts, and the escala

The official LinkedIn Page for the Office of The Prime Minister, Sir Cecil Wallace-Whitfield Building, Office of the Hon. Philip Edward Davis, KC., Prime Minister of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas. Posts will include the Prime Minister's ideas, policies and daily activities at the Office of The Pr

The Business Council of Alberta is a non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to building a better Alberta within a more dynamic Canada. Composed of the chief executives and leading entrepreneurs of the province’s largest enterprises, Council members are proud to represent the majority of Al

The Warwick Economics Summit is one of the largest student-run conferences in Europe. Now in its twentieth year, the Summit has evolved in form and stature into a truly international forum where talented students from various universities listen to some of the world's most revered and inspirational

Link to the imprint under “About” | The German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) is Germany’s network for foreign policy. As an independent, non-partisan, and nonprofit membership organization, think tank, and publisher the DGAP has been promoting public debate on foreign policy in Germany for o

The Bitcoin Policy Institute (BPI) is a non-partisan think tank conducting research on emerging monetary networks to improve public policy.

The official page for the India Conference 2025 at Harvard. Theme: From India to the World Dates: 15th and 16th February 2025 Location: Harvard University, Boston Tickets available at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/india-conference-at-harvard-2025-tickets-1078672762269

The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies is a world leading independent energy research institute specialising in advanced research into the economics and geopolitics of the energy transition and international energy across oil, gas and electricity markets.

The Institute of Current World Affairs has sent outstanding young professionals abroad to acquire deep understanding of international societies for over 99 years. They have become some of America's leading experts on global cultures and affairs.

The mission of the Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (APAPA) is to promote the advancement of Asian and Pacific Islander (API) Americans through active participation and leadership in civic and public affairs. The organization educates the public about public policy and prov



YVote is sparking a cross-partisan youth voting movement through which young people connect their passions and beliefs with how they can make a difference, at and beyond the ballot box.

We are the Green Party of Canada. We stand for smart economy, strong communities, and true democracy. The Green Party of Canada continually strives to demonstrate the importance of our values by giving them practical expression in the structure and practices of the party.

Headquartered on the outskirts of the capital city of Bridgetown at 1 Culloden Road, St. Michael, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Barbados comprises the Foreign Affairs Division, the Foreign Trade Division, Overseas Missions, Consulates and Honorary Consulates. The Minister of

Vision: Democracy for a better future. Mission: Together, we build resilient democracies that deliver for all. The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) supports citizens’ right to participate in free and fair elections. Our independent expertise strengthens electoral systems and bu

De Algemene Rekenkamer controleert of rijksoverheid geld uitgeeft en beleid uitvoert zoals het de bedoeling was. Dit doen we al sinds 1814. We doen dit met onderzoek naar rechtmatigheid, doelmatigheid, doeltreffendheid en integriteit. We rapporteren onze onderzoeksresultaten aan de Tweede Kamer.

Wir freuen uns, über sozialdemokratische Politik zu informieren und mit euch zu diskutieren.

Founded in 1933, The Council of State Governments is our nation’s only organization serving all three branches of state government. CSG is a region-based forum that fosters the exchange of insights and ideas to help state officials shape public policy. This offers unparalleled regional, national and

Venn Strategies


Venn Strategies is a nationally recognized, full-service government relations and public affairs firm. Our track record of success is a function of our broad array of working relationships, our strategic expertise and our impeccable reputation across the policy and political spectrum. We offer our



Arbeiderpartiet er Norges største politiske parti. Arbeiderpartiets visjon er en rettferdig verden uten fattigdom og i fred, der menneskene er frie, likestilte og har innflytelse på sine liv. Alle mennesker er unike, uerstattelige og like mye verdt. Hver av oss skal ha muligheten til å leve gode

Élections Canada est un organisme indépendant et non partisan établi par le Parlement. Sous la gouverne du directeur général des élections du Canada, l’organisme a pour tâche principale de se tenir prêt en tout temps à administrer une élection générale ou partielle ou un référendum fédéral. --

The Labour Party


The Labour Party is a democratic socialist party. It believes that by the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone, so as to create for each of us the means to realise our true potential and for all of us a community in which power, wealth and opportunity are in the han



Criada em 22 de janeiro de 1932, a Seção de São Paulo da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB SP) vem contribuindo, ao longo de sua história, para consolidar as instituições democráticas e a cidadania no País, dando fiel cumprimento ao artigo 44 do Estatuto da Advocacia e a OAB – Lei Federal 8.906/94:



Founded in 1934, ISPI is one of the oldest and most prestigious international relations institutes in Italy, with its headquarters in Palazzo Clerici, Milan. ISPI’s scientific output has always been distinguished by a sound pragmatic approach, based on monitoring the various geo-political areas a

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) is the only political committee solely dedicated to electing Republicans to the U.S. Senate. The NRSC provides invaluable support and assistance to current and prospective Republican U.S. Senate candidates in the areas of budget planning, election

Tides Advocacy


Tides Advocacy is a team of political, legal and financial experts that identify, connect, and fuel movements for social justice and the health of our democracy. We leverage our 25 year progressive network, navigate the rules and solve problems in order to make advocacy accessible to social change i

Bringing together 320 parliamentarians from across the 57-nation OSCE region, including Europe, Asia and North America, the OSCE PA provides a forum for parliamentary dialogue, leads election observation missions, and strengthens international co-operation to uphold commitments on political, securit

The Berggruen Institute’s mission is to develop foundational ideas and, through them, shape political, economic and social institutions for the 21st century. In the age of technology and globalization—as our traditions are challenged, new social orders are emerging and political institutions falter—

The American Council on Germany (ACG) is an independent, nonpartisan nonprofit organization that was founded in 1952 to strengthen German-American relations. Today, the ACG works across generations to provide a deeper, more nuanced understanding about Germany, Europe, and the importance of the trans

Een vakorganisatie van en voor personeelsleden van de geïntegreerde politie. ----- Un syndicat de et pour les employés de la police intégrée.

The IDSA’s members are Irish or Irish-based SMEs, Research Organizations and Multinational Corporations who share concerns about Ireland’s vulnerability, but who also share optimism that this vulnerability can not only be mitigated, but that it can also be turned around to the benefit of Ireland, ou

La Communauté de Communes du Val d’Essonne (CCVE), créée en décembre 2002, compte aujourd’hui près de 62 000 habitants répartis sur 21 communes appartenant aux cantons de : La Ferté-Alais, Mennecy et Brétigny-sur-Orge. Les communes de la CCVE se sont regroupées autour d’un mode de vie commun et un l



PARADIGMS is a non-profit organization that supports democratic governments in managing rapid technological transformation. Founded to work alongside McGill University’s Centre for Media, Technology, and Democracy, PARADIGMS produces multimedia assets, develops interactive technologies, and promotes

Impression Strategy is your partner in the storytelling process with a track record of running political, public affairs, strategic communications, and digital campaigns that deliver results. Your story is our mission.

Intesa Communications Group is a women-owned and award-winning public relations and government relations firm that helps San Diego's most trusted leaders communicate and advocate with confidence in opportunity and crisis. A certified Women Business Enterprise (WBE) by the State of California, we're

ACLU of Maine


The ACLU of Maine is the state affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union. MISSION The American Civil Liberties Union of Maine (previously the Maine Civil Liberties Union) was founded in 1968 with the purpose of advancing and preserving civil liberties of Maine people through litigation, advoc

For 50 years Earthjustice has fought in the courts in support of its mission to wield the power of law and the strength of partnership to protect people’s health, preserve magnificent places and wildlife, advance clean energy, and combat climate change. Along the way Earthjustice learned to complem

Global Migration Policy Associates is a global expert research, policy development, advisory services and training body established in 2011 in Geneva, with consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC) since 2015. GMPA is addressing international migration from a



A nonprofit, nonpartisan news org covering efforts to fix the U.S. political system. Simply put: News. Debate. Community. Levers for better democracy.

ECES is an independent, non partisan and not for profit Foundation headquartered in Brussels with a global remit. ECES was established at the end of 2010 and has implemented activities already in more than 50 countries, mainly, but not only, in Africa and the Middle East, primarily with funding from

The Republican Governors Association is dedicated to one primary objective: electing, re-electing, and supporting America’s Republican governors. With the RGA’s support, Republicans have steadily maintained an overall majority of governorships as millions of Americans prefer Republican chief execut

Bridge Institute


We believe that the world's biggest problems (be it climate, equality, humanitarian crises) are systemic, which means no one (no government, no business, no philanthropist) can solve them on their own. It means it takes the whole system must come together, in partnership, and for the long-haul. It m

J Strategies exists because the face of influence has changed. We pride ourselves on providing strategies for clients to succeed in government affairs, public relations, and community initiatives. We maintain strong relationships with government officials, reporters, community leaders, and key-opini

The Political Studies Association exists to develop and promote the study of politics. Founded in 1950, we are the leading Association in our field in the United Kingdom, with an international membership including academics in political science and current affairs, theorists and practitioners, polic

O IFAP, I.P., é um instituto público integrado na administração indirecta do Estado, dotado de autonomia administrativa e financeira e património próprio, estando sujeito à dupla tutela dos Ministros de Estado e das Finanças e da Agricultura, Desenvolvimento Rural e Pescas.

Catawba Nation


This is the official LinkedIn page for the Catawba Indian Nation.

Andersen Institute fosters intellectual leadership, influences public discourse, and provides strategic direction to support clients in navigating a complex global economy.



Imperative, LLC is an international trade, government and public affairs advisory firm near the U.S. capital. Services include leveraging trade promotion tools (e.g. export financing and counseling); accessing and working with decision makers in the U.S. and foreign markets; and conducting related

The International Campaign for Tibet: * Monitors and reports on human rights, environmental and socioeconomic conditions in Tibet * Advocates for Tibetans imprisoned for their political or religious beliefs * Works with governments to develop policies and programs to help Tibetans * Secures huma