Convention of States


The Problem Our nation is in peril. The public widely believes that America is headed in the wrong direction. They believe the future prospects are troubling, not only for this generation but for gen- erations to come. The monstrous federal debt, the power grabs of the federal courts, and the escala... Read more


Purcellville, US


Org chart

Mark Meckler

Mark Meckler

Chelsea Magee
Project Manager
George Moorman
State Information Analyst
Jimmy Boothe
COS District Captain, Arkansas Senate District 3
John Quandt
Legislative Liaison
Laurie Wheeler
Volunteering As State Communications Coordinator With COS Virginia
Gina Epps
Social Media Warrior
Nancy Suits
FL State Communications Team
Chester Jack
Regional Captain - Western Pennsylvania
Teresa Jones
External Relations Officer
Tina White
District Captain, 82nd Virginia(volunteer)