Explore 3,942 companies in Religion
In 1906, Stewardship was created by a small group of Christians uniting to release generous gifts and financial support to Christian ministries in the UK and overseas. Among their number were professionals and philanthropists, chemists and church planters, factory workers and evangelists, with each
Moravian Church is a religious institutions company based out of 301 College St, Lake Mills, WI, United States.
Built in honour of Ireland’s patron saint, Saint Patrick’s Cathedral stands adjacent to the famous well where tradition has it Saint Patrick baptised converts on his visit to Dublin. The parish church of Saint Patrick on this site was granted collegiate status in 1191, and raised to cathedral sta
If you are new to our church family, a first time guest, or someone searching for God and a church you can call home…allow me to share a little about South Bay. South Bay is a contemporary style church with families at our heart. A friendly place where you are always welcome. A place where our musi
The Jewish Day School of Metroplitan Seattle (JDS) is a preschool through 8th grade independent school located in Bellevue, east of downtown Seattle and about two miles south of Microsoft's main campus. The school's mission is to provide an exceptional education that empowers Jewish children to be
Temple B'nai Jesurun (TBJ), a Reform Synagogue, was founded in 1848 and is the largest Synagogue in New Jersey. Congregation B'nai Jeshurun is an inclusive, multigenerational Reform Jewish community, rooted in our history and tradition while evolving with our times. We are passionately committed
Als werteorientierter Finanzpartner gestalten wir mit unseren Kund:innen in Kirche, Gesundheits- und Sozialwirtschaft eine nachhaltig lebenswerte Gesellschaft. Die Evangelische Bank bietet ein modernes, innovatives, familienfreundliches und motivierendes Arbeitsumfeld sowie vielfältige Benefits un
For 30+ years, ICM has helped develop thousands of churches in over 100 countries - often in the most marginalized communities. ICM’s mission is ensuring there is a healthy church within walking distance of everyone in the world. At ICM, our strategy is to reach the world for Christ effectively. E
Elmbrook Church is a non-denominational, Bible-based church with two locations in Brookfield, WI & Hartland, WI. We have worship services in both English & Spanish. All are welcome! Our mission is to help people become rooted in Jesus and released to His mission. <b>General Information</b> Brookf
Charlotte Christian College and Theological Seminary (formerly New Life Theological Seminary) is an academic institution that is committed to the global advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ and His church through the medium of educational training. The institution offers both undergraduate and
Cru is a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. Our purpose is helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win, build and send others; and helping t
Christian Care Communities is Kentucky’s largest faith-based not-for-profit provider of affordable housing and long-term care for older adults. Founded in Louisville in 1884, Christian Care serves older adults through an extensive network of retirement communities, including independent living apart
Wisconsin Lutheran High School is a private, Christian co-ed boarding school for grades 9-12. Founded in 1903, the school is supported by an association of Milwaukee-area Lutheran churches and affiliated with the Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod. Mission: Wisconsin Lutheran High School prepares young a
Founded in 2021, Boundless's vision is to become the hub enabling Jewish institutions to educate their stakeholders about Israel's centrality to Jewish life while safeguarding the security of Jewish communities. Over the past two years, we have undertaken in-depth research to surface the root causes
Located in Brookfield, Wisconsin, Brookfield Christian School (BCS) is an independent, multi-denominational, K3-8th Grade Christian school offering grades 3K-8. Mission Statement: Brookfield Christian School offers a Christ-centered education that prepares students to learn, to lead, and to serve f
We exist to introduce inmates to Jesus and connect them to the local church. We have 68 prison church campuses and our PandoApp is on roughly 420,000 government issued tablets. We are the only digital bible in prison and have had over 200 million views of our content since the apps inception in 202
Life Changers Church is a Chicagoland based Church that exists to win people to Jesus Christ; teach the uncompromising Word of God; and heal the broken and the broken hearted. General Information Life Changers Church has two thriving campuses in the Chicagoland area. The main campus is located in
1 follower
Oak Grove Church exists to reach, teach, and live out what it means to be a wholehearted follower of Jesus
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The Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre (MNjcc) is a dynamic hub in downtown Toronto. We provide opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to be active, learn, connect and participate in a wide range of cultural experiences. Rooted in Jewish values, the MNjcc is open to all. The MNjcc
We do justice by serving our community through our social outreach activities and through contributions of finances and member’s time to local programs, including, for example, Lutheran Social Services. We provide opportunities for a rich Christian education to our members and to the community. Many
Stek – stichting voor stad en kerk – in Den Haag wil mensen stimuleren om zich met elkaar te verbinden en elkaar te beschermen, elkaar te versterken en te bezielen. Stek zet zich in opdracht van de Protestantse Kerk Den Haag met professionals en vrijwilligers in voor een stad waar iedereen tot zijn
Run Free was founded by Will Mancini, our generation’s original clarity thought leader. Over 40,000 church teams use his processes and tools. His vision and disciple-making methodology are embedded in almost every denomination, seminary, church planter training, and church consulting shop across Nor
Kenneth Hagin Ministries/Rhema reaches people worldwide with the message of faith and healing in Jesus Christ and is training others to do the same.
نحن في شركة إثراء الضيافة القابضة، نعتز بتاريخنا العريق الذي يمتد لأكثر من ٤٠ عامًا في خدمة ضيوف الرحمن. انطلقت رحلتنا من رؤية طموحة، وتحولت إلى التزام راسخ بتطوير خدمات قطاع الحج والعمرة، لنكون خير معين لضيوف الرحمن القادمين من شتى بقاع العالم. بدأنا كمؤسسة طموحة، وتطورنا لنصبح اليوم مجموعة قابضة ر
Het Woord van God doorgeven in de wereld is een opdracht voor de christelijke gemeente. EVGG behartigt, namens de Gereformeerde Gemeenten, het geheel van het evangelisatiewerk binnen de gemeenten. Bezinning, toerusting en materiaalvoorziening staan hierbij centraal.
Shrinking Inc. exists to help people read, understand, and love Scripture. The ministries of Shrinking Inc. include: The Bible Recap, D-Group International, Israelux Tours, The God Shot and Tara-Leigh Cobble speaking & writing.
Since its start in 1996, LifeChurch.tv's purpose has been to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. In doing so, we have looked for new ways to help people connect the Bible to their daily lives. Our methods have changed over the years as we've incorporated various technologies and
Welcome to Victory! We’re one church in multiple locations across the Atlanta area, and online around the world. More than 130 nationalities of people worship with us each week. We’re a thriving community that’s all about celebrating Jesus!
In 1995, Merrimack Valley Baptist Church in Merrimack, NH, started Independent Baptist Mission with one missionary couple who desired the church to be their sending agency. Over the ensuing years the Lord continued to add missionaries. The name was changed to IBMGlobal in 2009 to more accurately r
Church employees find joy and satisfaction in using their unique talents and abilities to further the Lord’s work. From the IT professional who develops an app that sends the gospel message worldwide -- to the facilities manager who maintains our buildings, giving Church members places to worship, t
Life Church Calvert is a dynamic non-denominational, Christ-exalting church where people are loved and a biblically-based worldview is embraced. A place where ministry within our community is a priority and caring for others beyond our borders is our commission.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics (i.e., Christianity-defending) ministry, dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus particularly on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis, as it is the most-atta
Our Vision Catholic Charities helps solve the problems of New Yorkers in need - non-Catholics and Catholics alike. The neglected child, the homeless family, and the hungry senior are among those for whom we provide help and create hope. We rebuild lives and touch almost every human need promptly, lo
Türkiye Diyanet Foundation was founded in 1975, as a non-profit, non-governmental organization. The mission of the Foundation is, Research and education of Islam with its authentic identity, Enlightenment of the society in Islamic matters Promotion of social cooperation and solidarit
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We educate and empower students from kindergarten to Grade 12 through our mission of Living and Learning in our Catholic Faith. We are one of the largest school districts in Alberta, serving more than 56,000 students in 117 schools located in Calgary, Airdrie, Cochrane, Chestermere and Rocky View Co
1 follower
America Media leads the conversation around faith and culture by producing excellent, unique, relevant and accessible content across multiple platforms (America magazine, americamagazine.org, e-newsletters, mobile and social media integrations). Our bi-weekly magazine, America, has been published
The Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco serves Marin, San Mateo, and San Francisco counties in California through 89 parishes, 55 schools, hospitals, cemeteries, retreat houses, homeless and immigration services, and centers for children and aged. There are a half-million Catholics in the Archdioc
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The Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster comprises the London Boroughs north of the Thames and west of Waltham Forest and Newham, the Districts of Staines-upon-Thames and Sunbury-on-Thames and the County of Hertfordshire. Our Archbishop is Cardinal Vincent Nichols.
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National Christian Foundation (NCF) is a ministry and grantmaking foundation that can help you simplify your giving, multiply your impact, and glorify God. Since 1982, we've granted over $16 billion to 71,000+ churches, ministries, and other charities.
"Modern Day Missions" is an interdenominational Christian mission organization headquartered in Arlington, Texas. It was founded in 2008 by Elias Reyes to provide fundraising support services to missionaries. Since 2008, Modern Day Missions has worked with approximately 1450 Christian missionaries i
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Ädelbrook is committed to being the premier resource for children, families, and communities to meet the needs of youth and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other behavioral and developmental challenges.
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Suomen Lähetysseura on evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon kansainvälisen työn järjestö ja yksi Suomen suurimmista kehitysyhteistyöjärjestöistä ja iso rauhantyön toimija. Lähetysseura on yksi ulkoministeriön kehitysyhteistyön ohjelmatukea saavista järjestöistä. Teemme työtä 27 maassa yli sadan kumppani
Olami is a global community committed to inspiring Jewish greatness. We are young Jews, educators, and communal leaders across 320 member organizations in 28 countries who believe that learning Torah and applying its wisdom enables us to reach our inner potential. To achieve our personal greatness.
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Vision To form biblically functioning communities that reach lost people, connect in Christ-centered relationships, teach truth, serve others, and worship God. Values * Being transformed into the image of Christ for the sake of others. * Leveraging culture as a means of influence.
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The Union for Reform Judaism, known as the Union of American Hebrew Congregations until 2003, founded in 1873 by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, is the congregational arm of Reform Judaism in North America.
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1684159 Faith Promise Church is an American evangelical multi-site church with a central campus in Knoxville, Tennessee.
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K-Love is a radio station that broadcasts contemporary Christian music, messages and religious stories.
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Sugar Creek Baptist Church is a community of people who love God. We gather on Sundays and many other times during the week to express our love for Him, learn to love like Him, and serve Him to the best of our ability. We are passionate about seeing everyone experience this life change because we k
1 follower
Temple Beth Elohim is a warm and inclusive Reform congregation, dedicated to creating a sacred community engaged in joyous, participatory and meaningful prayer, lifelong Jewish learning, excellence and innovation in education, and dedicated social activism. We are a magnet congregation of more than