Quamruz Zaman

Web Engineer at 10up

Quamruz Zaman is a web engineer at 10up. Quamruz has over 12 years of experience in the field of web development. Some of Quamruz's previous positions include Senior Software Engineer at JoomShaper, Software Engineer at Virtue5, and WordPress Specialist at Elance. In their current position, Quamruz manages all web development related tasks for 10up's clients. These tasks include website creation and management, customization, localization, bug fixes, responsiveness, updates, and compatibility issues for optimum functionality and great user experience.

Quamruz Zaman studied PHP with the CodeIgniter Framework at BASIS, focusing on computer programming and specific applications. They then earned a Bachelor of Science in Food & Process Engineering from HSTU in Bangladesh. Quamruz Zaman also has an HSC in Science from SGC in Bangladesh.

Some of their coworkers include Lukas Pawlik - Lead Web Engineer, Severine Pozzo - Quality Assurance Specialist, and Luca Ricci - Senior Web Engineer. Quamruz Zaman reports to Taylor Lovett, SVP, Engineering.

Org chart


  • Web Engineer

    Current role