Anheuser-Busch InBev


Anheuser-Busch InBev is the world’s leading brewer bringing people together for a better world. For centuries, the experience of sharing a beer has brought people and cultures together. Even in this hyper-connected, always-on world, this simple act is as meaningful today as it was generations ago.





Org chart

Michel Doukeris

Cassiano De Stefano
CEO, Africa Zone
Jason Warner
CEO, Europe Zone
Brendan Whitworth
CEO, North America
Carlos Eduardo Lisboa
Zone President, Middle Americas
Jean Jereissati
Zone President, South America & BU President, Brazil Beer
David Almeida
Chief Strategy & Technology Officer
Marcel Marcondes
Chief Marketing Officer
Nelson Jamel
Chief People Officer
John Blood
Chief Legal & Corporate Affairs Officer & Company Secretary
Nick Caton
Chief B2B Officer
Ricardo Tadeu
Chief Growth Officer
Donna Lorenson
Chief Communications Officer
Katherine Barrett
General Counsel
Ricardo Moreira
Chief Supply Officer
Lucas Herscovici
Chief Direct-to-Consumer Officer
Jan Craps
CEO, Asia Pacific Zone