Adventures in Missions

1 follower

Whether you've heard about us from a friend, know someone who went on missions with us, or simply searched the web for a missions organization, we're glad that you're here! You want to follow in Jesus's example in the way he cared for the lost and the hurting. You want to take up Jesus's commission... Read more





Org chart

Seth Barnes
Senior Manager Of Short Term Missions

Seth Barnes

Seth Barnes Jr.
Director of Short Term Missions
Vikki Bobb
Cambodia Base Leader
Jennifer Esposito
LTM Base Elder
Kyndal Sanchez
Church Activation Coordinator
Soledad Molina
Alyssa Hammett
Sabrina Lengacher
LTM Administrator
Madi Hanni
Program Finance Manager
Crystal Reitsma
LTM Administrator
Jennifer Gonzalez
Support Coach Manager
Deon Vanstaden
Coaches Manager
Derek Hanni
Field Ministry Dev. Manager
Deborah Ulsh
Admissions Advisor
Clara Leverich
WR Sales Interviewer & Experiments Coordinator