

AirTree has the largest investment and portfolio support team in Australia. By providing operational support, access to expertise, and connections, they’re dedicated to helping their founders succeed. They partner with entrepreneurs that have the ambition to change the world as we know it. They inve... Read more





Org chart

Craig Blair
Co-Founder & Managing Partner

Craig Blair

Sam Kroonenburg
Venture Partner
Dave Parfett
Operating Principal
Nick Brown
General Counsel
Daphne Shen
Chief of Staff
Jess Blomfield
Head of People & Culture
Harriet Dwyer
Head of Impact
Katie Chan
Head of Fund Finance
Sarah Minahan
Head of Impact
Bree Fedele
Senior Marketing Manager
Anna Tyndale
Senior Portfolio Success Manager
Viorica Favetta
Executive Assistant & Office Manager
Katie Seo
Senior Finance Manager
Jess Heffernan
Investor Relations & Operations Manager
Kevin Lu
Investment Manager
Raaj Rayat
Investment Manager
Dan Coughlan
Investment Manager
Sid Kasbekar
Investment Manager
Adrielle Touma
Investment Manager
Karla Taylor
Investor Relations Manager
Josh Condous
IT & Security Manager
Lauren Chapman
Executive Assistant & Office Manager
Antonia Mijatovic
Investment Manager
Kate Coffey
Investment Manager
Eliza Davies
Executive Assistant
Marnix Denys
Data Lead
Cloë Stanbridge
Talent Lead