Energy Consumption Of Quantum Algorithms Internship

Internship · Paris, France

Job description

Alice&Bob is developing the first universal, fault-tolerant quantum computer to solve the world’s hardest problems. The quantum computer we envision building is based on a new kind of superconducting qubit: the Schrödinger cat qubit. In comparison to other superconducting platforms, cat qubits have the astonishing ability to implement quantum error correction autonomously!

We are at the forefront of the quantum race, competing with tech giants such as Google or IBM. We are growing fast, securing 30 million USD of funding in 2022 to develop our unique technology. We are 100 and counting, between physicists, PhDs, engineers and experienced business professionals, all united in reaching our ambitious goal. If you are an explorer, craving to challenge yourself and make quantum computing come true, come and join us!

During this internship, you will focus on determining the energetic cost of running quantum algorithms on a quantum computer using cat qubits.


  • Estimating the energy required to solve specific use cases on quantum hardware
  • Dimensioning the kind of energy infrastructure needed to run a future quantum computer
  • Writing standards on the topic of quantum energy
  • Writing a report of the findings which will be used to make long term decisions about Alice&Bob technology


  • Currently in your first or second year of a Master's degree
  • Have followed classes on quantum mechanics and quantum algorithms
  • Have a transversal interest in resource efficiency and energy usage
  • Have experience coding in python
  • Have excellent initiative, and feel comfortable navigating an open problem with many ramifications
  • Are a team-player, with good communication skills, able to mobilize colleagues to make the project move forwards


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