Allen Community College



Allen Community College provides quality educational and support services in an atmosphere that is caring, safe, and conducive to learning. The college is committed to a wide range of accessible, affordable educational programs that enable students to reach their academic, occupational, and personal... Read more




Org chart

Bruce Moses

Bruce Moses

Cynthia Jacobson
VP, Student Affairs
Kara Wheeler
VP, Academic Affairs
Tonya Johnson
VP, Finance & Operations
Melanie Wallace
Interim Dean, Academic Affairs
Clint Stoy
Head Baseball Coach & Instructional Staff
Nikki Peters
Director, Enrollment Management
Lauren Maisberger
Director, Development
Kim Murry
Director, Financial Aid
Doug Dunlap
Director, Information Technology
Virginia Shaffer
Director, Library
Reine Loflin
Bookstore Manager
Melissa Sellman
Administrative Assistant for Admissions
Chris Freelove
Administrative Assistant to Senior Administration
Jerald Johnson
Adjunct Faculty Coordinator
Laura Neeley
Administrative Assistant for the Burlingame Campus
Bruce Symes
Writing Center Coordinator