Purdue University


Purdue University is a public research university in West Lafayette, Indiana, and the flagship campus of the Purdue University system.




Org chart

Mung Chiang's profile picture
Mung Chiang
Profile photo

Mung Chiang

Chad Pittman's profile picture
Chad Pittman
President & CEO, Purdue Research Foundation
Patrick Wolfe's profile picture
Patrick Wolfe
Provost & EVP, Academic Affairs & Diversity
Eric Barker
VP for Health Affairs
Mike Bobinski's profile picture
Mike Bobinski
EVP & Director, Intercollegiate Athletics
Christopher A. Ruhl's profile picture
Christopher A. Ruhl
CFO, EVP & Treasurer
Jay Wasson's profile picture
Jay Wasson
VP for Physical Facilities & Chief Public Safety Officer
Steven Schultz
SVP & General Counsel
Melinda Grismer
NACDEP President
Michael B. Cline
SVP, Administrative Operations
Dimitrios Peroulis
SVP for Partnerships & Online
David Reingold
SVP for Policy Planning
Alysa Christmas Rollock
VP, Ethics & Compliance
Dan Delaurentis
VP, Research Institutes & Centers in the Discovery Park District
Cristina Farmus
VP, Special Project Management
Amy Boyle
Interim VP, Human Resources
Julie Rosa
VP, Communications
Kelly Hiller
VP, Marketing
Vijay Raghunathan
VP for Global Partnerships & Programs
Preeti Sivasankar
VP, Research Innovation
Luna Lu
VP of the Office of Industry Partnerships
Julie Dussliere
President & CEO of the Purdue for Life Foundation

Board & advisors