Lisa M. Giocomo worked with Dr. Michael Hasselmo for her graduate studies and received her PhD in Neuroscience from Boston University in 2008. She was then a postdoctoral fellow with Edvard and May-Britt Moser at the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology from 2009-2012. For her postdoctoral studies, she received a Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship, a Human Frontier Science Program Fellowship and a Research Council of Norway Fellowship. In 2013, she started as an Assistant Professor of Neurobioloy at Stanford University School of Medicine. Her lab integrates electrophysiology, behavior, gene manipulations, optogenetics and computational modeling to study how single-cell biophysics and network dynamics interact to mediate spatial memory and navigation.
Lisa serves as an advisor as part of the Allen Institute for Brain Science Next Generation Leaders and was named a Gabilan Fellow at Stanford University in 2013. She received the Peter and Patricia Gruber International Research Award in 2012, was named a Sloan Research Fellow in 2013 and received a Klingenstein-Simons Fellowship in 2014.