Ricardo Baldin

Board Member at Alpargatas

Coordinator of the Audit Committee at Alpargatas SA (since April 2018), holds a bachelor's degree in accounting sciences, has been an independent auditor for 31 years and is a former partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores Independentes. He was Executive Director of Internal Audit at Banco Itaú Unibanco for six years, Director of Controllership, Technology and Risk at BNDES for one year and one month, member of the Board of Directors of Ecorodovias and coordinator of the Audit Committee, since April 2018. , acts as an alternate member of the Fiscal Council of Fundo Garantidor de Crédito (since May 2018), and a business consultant at RMB Assessoria e Consultoria Empresarial e Contábil EIRELI.